Cold Blooded

“By my estimation,” I said. “If Eudoxia drinks from me, she becomes exponentially stronger. And she also becomes something more—something different,” I half taunted, glancing directly at the Queen. This was my bait and I desperately wanted her to take it. “If my life force is contained in my blood, she gets it by proxy, just like everyone else who’s ingested it. There’s also a chance her latent genes will be more pronounced, like Ray’s, if she has any.”



I didn’t have to spell out the possibilities. Eudoxia knew what they were. She also knew I was giving her a gift. One she hadn’t bargained for. Godhood was one thing, but having her fae powers come to the forefront was quite another.


“Yes,” Tally answered. “I would assume so. A vamp’s vitality is through blood—it’s what fuels them—so they would be the most sensitive to any changes, though I’m no expert. But I agree; what your blood gives can only enhance, not take away. My feeling is she will become very powerful indeed.” Tally’s voice held a note of hesitation.


Rourke’s unease hit me as he grabbed my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, our bond pulsing between us. It was his way of asking if I was sure I knew what I was doing.


I was. I was willing to go all in. If my brother was faced with these circumstances, he would not hesitate to do the same for me.


“So what’s it going to be?” I directed my gaze to the Vampire Queen. “Are you in or out?”


She hissed once. “In.”












This has been such an amazing ride. There are so many people to thank. First and foremost, I want to thank all the readers and fans, new and old, who have supported this series. It astounds me each and every day that so many of you have fallen in love with Jessica and her entire team. I love getting your e-mails, tweets, comments, and messages. It puts a smile on my face each and every time. Thank you.


As always, thank you to my wonderful husband, Billy. My life is so much brighter with you in it. I have no idea how I got so lucky. Your editing prowess knows no bounds and you make me laugh. I love you.


To my three kids, Paige, Nat, and Jane, you guys continue to amaze me and make me proud every single day. Thank you for enduring my deadlines, doing the dishes, taking out the trash, and folding the laundry. I love you with all my heart. You are the reason I do this.


Once again, a big thank-you to Amanda Bonilla for a wonderful friendship. Our daily e-mails, texts, and laughs fuel me. I thank my lucky stars we found each other. You are my supreme partner in goat crime and you always will be. Love you, Scooby!


To Julie Ann Walker, thank you for always being there. You’re such a great friend and an amazing supporter. When we get together and laugh, it’s the very best. I can’t wait for more trips together. Being under the covers giggling with you is the very best way to end the day. I lovers you.


To Kristen Painter, my Boo. You get me, you make me giggle, you hold my hand and roll up the newspaper when it’s necessary. I can’t possibly thank you enough. Without your guidance and advice I’d still be making puppy paws. I love our friendship. It means the world to me.


To my awesome writing (i.e., emotional) support group: Kristen Callihan, Mira Lynn Kelly, Lea Nolan, and Chelsea Mueller (my little bear cub), and my pals at Magic & Mayhem—Shawntelle Madison, Sandy Williams, and Nadia Lee. Thank you all for always being available with a shoulder, advice, laugher, jokes or just a :) You make this road such a happy place to be.


To my beta readers, DeLane and Kathy, as always, your support means the world to me. Early cheerleading is the very best kind.


To my KICKASS #JessicaMcClainStreetTeam: Angela, Annie, Ash, Brandy, Carmel, Chelsea, Delhia, Jenese, Jennifer, Jo, Julie, Kat, Kathy, Kristin, Marcela, Melanie, Melissa, Lesley, Sally, and Stacy! You guys rock so hard. I am so lucky to have you guys in my corner. I have an immense amount of gratitude for all you do to support the series and me. I couldn’t possibly do this without all of you.


To my awesome parents, Daryl and Koppy, thanks for being so involved in the process, early reading, raving about the books, giving me confidence, and all the shuttling of children, cooking, and the love you give so freely. We appreciate everything you do. I love you both.


To Cindi, thanks for prying me out of my writing cave on a regular basis. I can always count on you for a sushi lunch date and some good shopping therapy. Without it I would surely go insane.


To Anna, thanks for your undying support in all facets of my life. I’m so lucky to have you. Our Rudy time is my absolute favorite and your narcolepsy is endearing. I love you and your entire family. Hi, Cory!