Cold Blooded

There were all dressed impeccably, each one more precise than the next.


“Eudoxia knows what’s coming,” I whispered. “She’s trying to block it from happening.” As much as she hated me and wanted me dead, she still had to protect herself and her flock. “See how these Lords are all just outside the wall? It’s working so far. We have to help her keep the ward up.” I took off. “If the Lords get in, the chance of me dying increases exponentially.”


“Go,” Nick urged. “I’ll take care of this.” Several imps had converged on us.


I raced over the lawn, outrunning them easily.


But before I could reach her, one of the fracture wolves, this one luckily not cursed, came barreling at me. I shifted power to my wolf and we collided. I grabbed its neck, and as I rolled I yanked.


It stayed on the ground and I kept going.


“Jess, look out,” Nick called from behind me. On instinct, I flipped, bringing my feet around, fingernails digging into the grass to propel me. This time it was one of the possessed wolf-hybrids. It was mangy and awful. My body was already in motion, my feet hitting its flank soundly. It flew backward, but before it crashed into the wall, Ray snatched it out of the air, his fangs at the ready.


“This is the last one, Hannon,” he yelled. “After that it’s all regular wolves. Your father took down the Southern leader, so they should be running home to lick their wounds shortly.” The cursed wolf tried to break out of Ray’s grasp, but he reared up and bit deeply into its neck.


That meant my father had killed Redman Martin.


It was going to cause huge ripples in our world. Redman’s wolves would have to join our Pack, the fracture pack, or go rogue.


Too much to think about now. I had to get to the Queen.


I nodded at Ray and turned to run. The vamps were still linked in a tight circle. Two deep, no spaces. I had to add my power to hers to keep the ward strong, but before I could reach her, the ground started to quake.


I slid to a stop.


A huge vibration spread through the yard, followed by a gigantic sucking sound, like a cork being yanked out of a bottle of champagne the size of a building.


But this was no celebration.


The Prince of Hell had arrived.












“You cannot stop me no matter how hard you try, so I advise against trying to do so.” Its voice was exact.


It was the same Lord who had come to pick up Selene.


This demon was the Prince of Hell.


It had called itself a Prince of Thrones, but I had no idea it was the Prince. I’d pissed it off once already, and there was no way it was going to turn tail and leave without something in return this time.


There was only one thing I could think of that could help me. “Ben?” I called. “Are you out there?” I hadn’t heard from the ghost in a while, so I figured he’d split. If I were him, I’d escape the anarchy if given a chance.


“I’m still here.”


“Know anything about demons?”


“I have never seen one before, but I can feel its power and it has a strange color.”


“Color?” I asked. “Like an aura?” Ghosts could see auras?


“I don’t know. Humans have no pigment, but supernaturals glow.”


“What color is it?”


“It is black. Like a void.”


“What color is the Queen?”


“She is white.”


“And me?”


“You are gold.”


“I think you’re picking up our power signatures. Gold is the color that manifests in my mind and would come out in my fingers if I could cast a spell,” I said. “Ben, more importantly, can you get into this thing’s mind like you can mine?”


“It is not the same, but there are scattered pieces I can read.”


The Prince of Hell stood very still as its serpentine gaze scanned the grounds. I knew what was behind that glamour and it wasn’t pretty. Everyone had stopped fighting. It was hard to fight each other when you were all facing the biggest threat in the room.


Ben whispered, “It wishes to blow up this entire place. It seeks to destroy you at all costs. It is not thinking clearly. You make it nervous.”


Pay dirt.


Having a ghost was handy.


“Why are the other Lords outside the boundary?”


“They do not seem stronger than the Queen. She is warding us. But the Prince can enter. All will be lost soon. He will kill her first.”


“Not if I can help it.” As the Prince lifted his hand, I ran, leaping over the screen of vamps who stood in front of their Queen.


The Prince intoned, “You will die now, Queen of Vampires.”


Power sizzled through the air.


I collided with the Queen right as a shock of demon power hit me squarely in the back. It plowed us both to the ground, me on top.


The vamps went crazy, tightening the circle around us.


All my limbs were locked together. The same black mist Selene had shot into my psyche before, infiltrated my senses now, but this time it was a million times stronger. I could barely see through the thick cloud of darkness that was quickly engulfing me.