The Traitor's Ruin (The Traitor's Circle #2)

My publishing angels on earth are led by the best agent that ever waded through the slush, Valerie Noble, who swept away the cobwebs, untangled plot threads, and talked me off of metaphorical ledges in addition to all the normal contract stuff. I’m sorry I said you were short. I thought you knew I had no tact. Then there’s Rhoda and Nicole—I’m finally not hyperventilating when we talk on the phone. Thanks for your patience in the deadlines I missed and the steaming mess of a manuscript I had to clean up. I promise to learn from my mistakes. I bow to copy master Alexei Esikoff; and Natalie, you made not one, but two beautiful covers. I can’t wait to see the third.

Last time, I didn’t get a chance to thank all the wonderful Fierce Reads people who gave me the life-changing opportunity to tour with them. Brittany, Amanda, and Ashley especially made everything wonderful. I think of you ladies with heart-eyes. My tour buddies Taran Marathu and Scott Westerfeld were both intimidating and fun to hang with, and I learned so much from both. I only wish I lived in that parallel universe where Kristen Orlando was able to make it. (Read her books, y’all, even if Reagan’s boyfriend is a West Pointer. No one’s perfect.)

The circle of readership was much smaller for this book due to time constraints, but it includes the old friends Kim, Caroline, Amy, Kammy, Dan, El Deeferino (since you’re not into the whole brevity thing), and the Class of 2017 Debut support network, plus some new friends, especially the lovely dragon writer Laurie, who inspires me with her enthusiasm, her resilience, and her ability to disconnect from social media for long chunks of time. Thanks to Mom for bragging about me all forty years of my life, and Dad for teaching me how to stab people. Special shout-out to Doctor Kate, who provided lots of gross info on burns. All my wonderful friends and family who supported me with little messages and gifts, came to see me on tour, and told anyone about me who would listen: there are way, way too many of you to name, but you have all been more important to my sanity than you’ll ever know.

There were two special readers who took the time to help me get the things right that I never would have seen: Ashley Woodfolk and Joshua Gabriel Lontoc. I am eternally in your debt.

As much as I talked about suffering through this, I didn’t keep the suffering to myself. I’m generous like that. So to my kids, I’m sorry for ignoring you and knowing more about imaginary people’s lives than your own these past few months. I’ll make it up to you, but don’t ask for Chick-fil-A or pizza because you’ll get plenty when I’m working on the next book. Thank you for telling everyone how cool you think your mom is.

And Michael. It’s funny how I can’t find adequate words when it’s your turn, but fortunately we’re psychotically linked so you always know what I’m thinking, which is usually that I need a nap. I love you.


Erin Beaty was born and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana, which means she can’t drive a tractor, but she won’t eat veggies that come from a can. She graduated from the US Naval Academy with a degree in rocket science and somehow always ended up writing her study group’s lab reports. After serving in the fleet as a weapons officer and a leadership instructor, it still amazes her when other people want to hear the stories that come out of her head. She and her husband have five children, two cats, and a vegetable garden and live wherever the navy tells them to go. The Traitor’s Kiss is her debut novel. You can sign up for email updates here.