Mind Game (Eve Duncan #22)

“Leave Joe out of this.”

“I can’t because I’ve already arranged for him to be here in Dubai to whisk you out of the country. Quinn won’t be left out of that without doing me bodily harm.” He held up his hand as she started to speak. “I’ve just told Teresa that I want you driven to the parking garage adjoining the hospital at nine in the morning. I’ve told her that I want to look you over and make certain that they’ve not done anything else to harm you before I go through with the kill. Haroun’s operation is at ten. She’ll expect word before ten-thirty that he’s died on the table. When she gets word I’ve done my part in her plan, she’s to release you immediately, let you get out of the car to walk down to the exit ramp to the street, where Palik will pick you up.”

“And you think she’ll do it?”

He was silent. “She might, but after seeing her this morning, I wouldn’t get my hopes up. But you’ll at least be away from this house and Teresa and Santara’s men. You’ll be safe enough in that parking garage because Teresa won’t want any incidents to raise red flags while they’re investigating Haroun’s death.”

“A body tucked in the trunk wouldn’t raise a red flag, would it?” she asked wryly.

“It would if there was a search. Teresa won’t allow anything to spoil her big score. Even if she doesn’t order your release, she won’t have you killed until she thinks she’s found a safe place to do it. I’ll have Quinn and Palik watching that parking garage from the building across the street, and the minute they see you exit, they’ll be on your tail.”

“Well then, I have nothing to worry about, do I?” she asked flippantly. “I’m glad that I have someone so cool and collected in control. You’re always able to—”

“Control?” His hands were suddenly grasping her arms. “I’m getting tired of having that word thrown at me.” His dark eyes were glittering in his taut face. “I’m not at all collected and certainly not cool at the moment. I hate this.”

She inhaled sharply as she looked at him. Darkness. Fire. Desperation. She’d seen the first two many times before, but she’d never seen desperation. And she knew she was responsible for it.

“I was joking because I was scared,” she said unsteadily. “And I used that description because it sometimes defines you. You know that, Caleb. And, right now, I appreciate cool and collected.”

He was staring into her eyes and she couldn’t tell what he was thinking. His grasp tightened and then his hands dropped from her shoulders. “Then that’s what you’ll get.” He turned away. “But none of this will take place until they get word that Haroun is dead. You’ll be safe until after that happens.” She couldn’t see his face, but the muscles of his spine appeared taut, knotted. “And I can’t be the one to be there for you then. It will all go down too fast. Then it will be up to Quinn and Lisa to get you away from them. And it might mean that even if they can save you from Teresa and Santara, they may have to make a run for the airport and get you out of the country. Dubai might not be safe for you.”

“You’re talking about Haroun dying,” she said harshly. “Or you being arrested and the police searching for accomplices.”

“I’m talking about possibilities.” He turned to face her and his smile was mocking, as usual. “In my cool and collected way. That’s how it’s going to go down.”

“But it’s not cut in stone,” she said desperately. “You’re still trying to find a way so that it won’t happen.”

He nodded. “As I said, there’s a possibility. I’m very, very good. There’s always a chance.”

She gazed at him in despair. “And if that chance doesn’t work, Haroun will die and you might get shot in that damn stairwell and Teresa will be overjoyed and fly off to Russia with her loot.”

He nodded. “But you’ll have your chance to be free and alive. I’m trusting Quinn to make sure of it.” He stood up. “That’s the only thing you can count on, Jane.” He reached out and touched her cheek with gossamer gentleness. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Caleb, don’t you—”

“Shh, trust me. I know it’s hard for you, but I might be able to pull it off.” He headed for the door. “Tomorrow…”


TUESDAY, 2:30 P.M.

“What the hell are we supposed to do, Caleb?” Joe asked as he strode into Lisa’s penthouse suite with Palik trailing several steps behind. “I don’t like any of the things you told me over the phone when I was coming here from the airport. Is there any way that we can just go to Teresa Romano’s house and stage a raid and get Jane out? I talked to Palik and he said he could supply enough men.”

“We could do it. I’ve already set it up as a backup plan,” Caleb said. “Hell, I’d love to do it. But Jane probably wouldn’t survive it. Santara isn’t wonderfully bright, but he’s cunning, and his first instinct is to kill any hostage rather than give the person up. And Teresa wouldn’t put any barriers in his way if she thought she was going to lose what she’s fighting for. Jane’s managed to make an enemy of her.”


“Seth said that getting her away from the parking garage would be easier,” Lisa said. “Though I like your way better, too, Joe.”

“I’m sure you do,” Caleb said. “Explosions and gunfire and direct assault. What’s not to like? Except that Jane would end up dead.”

“Don’t say that. She’s not going to die,” Lisa said. She drew a deep breath. “Okay, whatever you think will work.”


Joe looked at him without speaking for a moment. “And do you think that we can make it work, Caleb?”

“It can work. It will depend on a lot of different elements and some luck.” He met Joe’s eyes. “But it’s no slam dunk. She could still die.” He added harshly, “And I won’t even be able to reach out and help her. It will all be in your court, Quinn.”

Joe was gazing at his face. “And that’s going to kill you,” he said softly.

“Who, me? I’m completely cool and collected about all this. Ask Jane. As I said, it’s in your court.”

Joe’s lips twisted. “Well, if that’s the case, I’m going to spend the evening gathering information and making certain we’ll be able to spot Jane and keep track of her when they take her into that parking garage. I’ll set up video cameras in that office building across the street where we’re staking out the garage to catch every entrance and exit. I’m also going to keep on working on that backup strategy.” He turned to Palik. “I want to know how many men I can count on if Caleb’s plan comes crashing down on us. Come and talk to me about numbers.”

“Not now,” Caleb said as he headed for the door. “I’m going to need him for the next few hours. You can have him later.”

Palik made a face as he followed Caleb out into the hall. “I’d be flattered to be so popular if I didn’t think it might cause me to end up in an alley with my throat cut.”

“So much for the ball being in my court,” Joe said wryly to Lisa as the door closed behind them. “I was afraid of this when I knew I was coming here.”

“Seth is used to being on his own. This is hard for him.”

“And you think that it’s not hard for me?” His lips tightened. “This is Jane. Eve and I consider her our child. We love her. I’ve got to get her back and I feel as if my hands are tied.”

“So do I,” Lisa said quietly. “It was because of me that Jane even became involved with Santara and Teresa, and I’m having to fight to get Seth to let me help her. In spite of what he says, he’s not going to let me do anything that has any real risk.” She met his eyes. “And I don’t think you will either, Joe.”

What can I say? Joe thought. She’s sitting here looking young and vulnerable and full of life. She’s already gone through a hellish experience and now she wants to dive into another one? “I wouldn’t have brought you here, Lisa.”