Mind Game (Eve Duncan #22)

He was so close, she could catch the clean scent of him. She could feel that electric magnetism that always surrounded him. His hands were moving deftly and her bra was suddenly gone. “Bullshit.” She could barely force the words out for the heat that was tingling through her. “You’re taking advantage—” She inhaled sharply as his hands cupped her bare breasts. “Not fair, Caleb.”

His fingers were tugging at her nipples. “But you’re so grateful to me, remember? This is only part of my doing my duty. Think of it like that.” His breath was hot on her nipple and then he was nibbling, sucking, biting.

She cried out and her back arched as she lunged upward.

“Shh, just a little more.” His mouth enveloped her and he shook his head, making her feel both pressure and force.

One minute.

Two minutes.

She was only aware of sensation, suction, movement, hunger.…

He was leaving her, she realized. She instinctively reached out for him.

“No.” He held her down and rubbed his cheeks back and forth on her breasts. “You’d just be angry with me later.” He got to his feet. “You’ll be annoyed with me anyway, but not too bad.” He stood looking down at her. “Beautiful,” he said softly. “Shining. Glowing. Mine.” He turned and headed for the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Jane.”

She lay there unable to move as the door closed behind him.

Damn him.

She slowly sat up, put on her bra, and started buttoning up her blouse. Her hands were shaking. She was shaking. She had been upset and emotional before it had erupted into this sexual chaos. Now all she could think about was sex. Was that Caleb’s intention? she thought suddenly. Who knew what he was thinking. At least her nerves didn’t feel as shredded as before. And anger and exasperation had replaced the tears.

“You satisfied him?” Teresa was standing in the doorway, gazing at her. “Yes, I can see you did. You’re practically melting.” She came forward. “You’re a fool, you know. He’ll always be too much for you. I can’t understand what it is he sees in you.”

Don’t antagonize her, Jane thought, remembering what Caleb had said. “Yet here I am and you brought me here. You could let me go.”

“That’s not an option. I’m just telling you that if you live through this, you should leave him.”

“So that he won’t get what he wants?” she asked softly. “It’s killing you that you have to deal with someone who has so much power over you. I don’t think you would have done it if you’d seen any other way.”

“As I said, you’re a fool. You don’t know anything. He has no power. Only what I choose to give him. I’m the one who was always in control.” Her eyes were blazing, her hands clenched. “From the beginning, he was only a tool for me to use. I used him well and then I threw him away.”

“Did you?”

“I said it, didn’t I?”

Yes, she had, and the picture Jane was seeing was sending the rage searing through her. Teresa’s view might be completely skewed, but her intentions were not. She had wanted to use a boy, twist his psyche, when he had already been mistreated in the most horrendous and painful ways possible. The fact that boy had been Caleb made it even more terrible in Jane’s eyes. At the moment, she couldn’t separate that boy from the Caleb she had known all these years. She wanted to hurt this woman as she had hurt that young boy.

Teresa took another step forward. Her voice was taunting. “Why aren’t you saying anything?”

To hell with it. “There’s nothing to say.” Jane lifted her chin and glared at her. “Because you’re so terribly obvious, Teresa. He wasn’t the tool, and you know it. You went up against something you didn’t know how to handle. And all through the years it’s been the same. It’s been gnawing at you, so you tried to ignore him. But you can’t do it, can you? You still don’t know who he is or how you can handle him. And it’s driving you crazy that you think I might.”

“That’s a joke.”

“Maybe. But I don’t think so. Because it doesn’t change the one fact that you’re broadcasting loud and clear.” She’d already said too much and she’d say more if she didn’t get out of here. Sorry, Caleb. She got to her feet and headed for the bathroom.

“And what is that?” Teresa asked through set teeth.

Jane couldn’t resist it. She struck out one more time in the way that could hurt Teresa the most. “Why, that you’re sick with jealousy, Teresa.” She went into the bathroom and slammed the door. She leaned against it, breathing hard. Precisely what Caleb had warned her against. His fault. She hadn’t been able to take what he told her about the life he’d led all those years ago.

No, her fault. She’d reacted with the same heat and recklessness she’d previously warned Lisa of showing with Santara. But Jane had maturity and she should have been able to control herself. Now, by holding up a mirror to Teresa Romano, she had earned her hatred.

But the hatred is only for me. Caleb will be able to take care of himself, she told herself. If there were going to be repercussions, she’d be the one to suffer them.

And then she’d only be back to where she’d been in the beginning—facing her own responsibility for getting herself out of this nightmare and not relying on Caleb or Lisa or anyone else.

She went to the sink and splashed water on her face. If she stayed here for a few minutes, the probability was that Teresa would have left the room when she came back out. That vengeful anger would still exist, but who knew if it wouldn’t have been there anyway. The queen bee must have no rivals, even if she’d arranged and manipulated to use Jane.

She decided to spend the evening resting and healing and then go out on the balcony and try to see where Santara’s men who had been ordered to shoot her on sight were located. And worry about what Caleb could do to keep Lisa from making the same reckless mistakes as she had just made.



“How is she?” Lisa ran out of the bedroom the minute she heard Caleb’s key in the lock. “Was Teresa telling you the truth?”

“About Jane? Yes. She’ll be fine by tomorrow.” He was looking around the suite. “Are you alone? Where’s Palik?”

“Here.” Palik was coming out of the kitchenette. “Your sister was asking too many questions and not accepting no for an answer, so I decided to make myself a drink to get away from her.”

“I told him that you’d tell me anyway. It was just about the hospital and this Haroun,” she said impatiently. “I thought maybe I could do something about seeing Haroun and finding out more about him.” She added quickly, “If that’s what you want.”

“Big if,” he said drily. “What’s Lisa doing in this suite, Palik? I told you not to put her anywhere near me. I’m being watched.”

“She’s in the penthouse, above this floor. But it can be reached by the same service elevator. She insisted that she had to be close to you.” He made a face. “She’s a pain in the ass, Caleb. I didn’t sign on for this.”

“Yes, you did. Keeping her alive is the most important job you have.”

“No,” Lisa said quietly. “Keeping you alive is his most important job. I’m not the one running around dodging Santara, and playing Teresa’s games. So that’s his job and mine, too. I’ll be a pain in the ass until this is over. I’ll just be your pain in the ass and I’ll never be stupid.” Then she was smiling sweetly at Palik. “And I’ll do everything you tell me as long as it makes sense. You were treating me like a kid. Okay?”

“Maybe.” He shrugged. “Do you want me to order room service, Caleb?”

“No,” Lisa answered for him. “Not until I go back upstairs. He won’t want anyone to know that he had a visitor in the suite. You could make some coffee.” She made a face. “But not that thick black stuff. I’ve never been able to take it.”

He stared at her for a moment. “It’s a fine brew once you get used to it. What does a kid know?” He disappeared back into the kitchen.

“Treat him gently,” Caleb said. “He’s smart and useful, Lisa. Did he check the suite for bugs?”