Earth: The Final Battle (Walker Saga, #7)

My mate stiffened slightly, and the distance between our mouths grew just enough for him to speak.

His hands rose to rest against my face, cupping it gently. “I didn’t hurt you, right? I know I sometimes thrash around … in the middle.”

I shook my head, long ringlets of blond and green falling across my shoulders. “Babe, you’ve never hurt me. Stop even thinking like that. You’re not your father.”

Colton’s father had gone all rogue wolf and killed his family. Apparently if the Walker lost himself to the wolf, then a kind of berserker rage would take over and the damage the wolf could inflict was enough to kill one of their kind. All Colton had left from a rather large family tree was Magenta and Petal.

Speaking of.

“Just a thought … not that I want to change the subject, because you totally have to start talking these feelings out, before they drive you crazy. That’s what I’m here for; share with me. It’s not a burden. I want to know everything, and I want to help.”

His hands were gentle on my face, his index finger running softly across my cheek bone. I knew he liked to trace the patterns of green glitter which were now embedded in my skin.

“I promise that as soon as I figure out what the hell has brought the dreams back, I’ll share with you.”

I stared for an extra beat before nodding. There wasn’t much else I could do. The dreams had sort of weirdly returned and Colton was still sorting through his mental crap. He would talk when he was ready.

“Didn’t you say you were going to change the subject?” Colton gently reminded me that I was both flighty and scatterbrained at the moment.

“Oh, right, aren’t we supposed to head over to Magenta’s and pick up Petal?” I absolutely adored Colton’s niece and absolutely despised his twin. Bitch was crazy and evil. Although, she had some wicked clothes that I’d like to steal from her dead body. Except of course she was like the rest of the Walkers: a foot taller than me.

Oh, well, at least if I only had to face Colton’s crazy-assed bloodline today, I could put off facing mine until tomorrow. Who knew what new pixie-faerie discoveries that might bring?