Dragon Mystics (Supernatural Prison #2)

“Where did he take her?” My voice did not sound normal. It was thrumming with energy from my dragon.

To his credit, Louis was the only one who didn’t take a step back, although the strain of holding me showed. Grace was still crouched over Mischa doing whatever she was doing to save her. I didn’t care. She was another person whose weakness had cost Jessa.

Then I saw the flash of yellow on the floor. Expelling an extra blast of energy, I broke through Louis’ containment spell and strode across to the other twin. I doused the flames before reaching out and slamming my hand around her throat.

“You will take us to the lair of the dragon king.”

Her face was red, bulging as she tried to fight me. But there was no chance. “You. Killed. My. Sister,” she choked out, her eyes filled with pain.


Her eyes rolled back in her head a little. With reluctance I loosened my grip.

“I will never tell you,” she gasped and wheezed.

I felt Maximus at my back. “Oh, you will, you will be begging to tell us this information.” Vampire was riding my brother. “I’m laying down the odds now. Ten hours.”

Jacob snorted. “If Braxton remains like this, I’m going with two hours.”

I lifted my lips. The grin released some of the insanity I was holding inside. For the first time the twin seemed to fear me. She knew now. I was going to take her apart, piece by piece.

“Eight minutes,” I said, and she looked blank. “That’s how long it will take to have you begging for death. You are going to die, that’s a given, but the amount of pain you experience before leaving this earth, that is completely up to you.”

My brothers fell in beside me, the four of us linking again. Our calling thrummed through us, the impulse to fight the king. He had our Jessa, and blood would rain across the world until we got her back.

Please, if you loved this book, could you do me a huge favor and post a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads. Reviews are so valuable to independent authors and I’d appreciate your feedback. Thank you for all the love and support, I have been totally blown away by the total love-fest toward Jessa and the Compasses. I heart you all a lot! – Jaymin J