Dawn's Desire (Dark Kings 0.3)

Her sandy brown hair was pulled away from her face in a high ponytail as bangs covered her forehead. And then her eyes swung to Jane.

Banan smiled down at Jane as she gave his hand a squeeze and went to her half sister. He stood back and watched while she hesitantly began to tell Sammi everything.

It wasn’t until she pulled out the letters she’d found that Banan slid into a bench and relaxed. Everything was good. For now.

How long it would last, he didn’t know. Rhys and several other Dragon Kings, with the help of Henri North, were still scouring London for any sign of the man who had kidnapped Jane and killed Richard Arnold.

But so far, they had come up empty-handed.

The unease Banan had felt ever since he’d been unable to detect the man in dragon form had only grown. They hadn’t seen the last of the bastard, that was for sure.

“Banan,” Jane called.

He lifted his face to her. “Aye?”

“Come meet Sammi.”

Banan greeted Jane’s smile with one of his own. Today was theirs. Tomorrow, the Dragon Kings would begin to look for their enemy.

He stared at the little tavern in Oban from his car window. It had taken all he had not to get out of his car and kill Jane while Banan had been holding her.

His plan should have worked. It would have worked.

But he hadn’t factored in Banan and Rhys turning into dragons and attacking as they had. It had broken the rules Con put into place.

Still, though his plan might not have played out as he wanted, it hadn’t been a total waste. It had gotten Con to London.

He hadn’t been able to stay and listen to the conversation between Jane and the other three since he had to run for his life. Yet in the end, the retreat had worked to his advantage.

The Dragon Kings knew they had an enemy, but they didn’t know who. And they had shown a weakness—one he would exploit until they were all dead.