Heart of Thorns (Heart of Thorns #1)

I am fortunate to have a host of supportive artist friends: Anna Frazier, Aruni Futuronsky, Ashley Rideaux, Brianne Kohl, Bridget Morrissey, Cori Nelson, Denise Long, Elana K. Arnold, Elise Winn, Emma Jaster, Farrah Penn, Hillary Fields, Jeff Giles, Jenna Moreci, Jilly Gagnon, Kim Chance, Kyle Boatwright, Lauren Spieller, Leah Henderson, Lorna Partington, Martha Brockenbrough, Maura Milan, Michele Moss, Rebecca Gray, Rebecca Nison, Rob Walz, Shawn Ashley, Shruti Swamy, Terry J. Benton, Windy Lynn Harris, the Sassy Djerassis, and countless members of both the 2017 and 2018 debut groups. Thanks for reading my too-long emails, guys.

Tremendous gratitude to all my teachers and mentors who knew I could do this, even when I didn’t. Nova Ren Suma, I am indescribably grateful for your generous and loving heart. Michael Levin taught me how to make a living with words. Nicola Yoon, Francesca Lia Block, Kevin Brockmeier, and Kelly Link modeled not just how to write the best kind of books, but how to live the best kind of life. And if we pan back twenty years or so, we’ll find my third-grade teacher Winifred Mundinger helping me bind “The Snog-Pig-Mouse”—my first work of fantasy—in brightly colored cardboard. That, folks, was where it all began.

I am indebted to Sara Fraser for handing me my first young adult novel; Joy Malek for stoking the flames of my creative soul; and Chris DeRosa and Evangelene Strauss for cheering me on through so many long and difficult years. I finally made it!

Bill Posley, thanks for knowing I had one more take inside me. Honora Talbott, what is life without our lunches, your sketches, or four-hour pedicures? I want to be you when I grow up. Teresa Spencer, our text thread has sustained me for over a decade. From COGnates to Kauai, you are a gift in my life. Not just because you called this book a page-turner. #WeAreHankSorros.

To my brother: from the minute you tumbled into the world on that blustery April night, my life changed forever. Thanks for being my baby bro.

To my sister: I never imagined the raven-haired beauty I held in my arms would grow into my fierce, funny, courageous friend. You are the reason I write YA. I truly can’t imagine my life without you in it!

To my mom: all those nights of Narnia at bedtime paid off. I wouldn’t love words if you hadn’t loved them first. I wouldn’t know how to dream, fight, or persevere without you. Thank you for giving me life.

To Chris: you have cradled my delicate artsy heart in ways only you could do. Your love, patience, and compassion are not slight in the slightest. Finley Fergus is lucky to have you, but I am luckier. I love you.

And to all the book bloggers and reviewers and readers (yes, you!): this book ceases to be mine the minute the words are inked and stitched to a spine. Now it lives and breathes inside your hearts and minds. You are the real magicians. Thank you for sharing your magic with me.

Bree Barton's books