Winter's Touch (The Last Riders #8)

The Last Riders’ business had been growing since they had married. They had even hired a contractor to add on to the factory. She was ecstatic about the jobs they were going to be able to provide. Expanding the factory meant several buyers they hadn’t been able to supply to before were now negotiating a couple of contracts that would line the pockets of the Last Riders for years.

Tiredly, he lay his head back on the pillow. “I do. At eight.”

“It’s four in the morning. You’re going to be tired.” She tried to keep the reprimand out of her voice, but she knew she had failed when he turned to his side to look at her.

“Train called and talked to everyone. Then I had a meeting with the brothers about the expansion.”

“How’s Train?”

“Missing everyone. He said to tell you hi.”

Winter was glad Viper had turned off the lamp before getting into bed. She was positive her face was fiery red.

“Then I stayed up until Moon and Sasha left to go back to Ohio.”

“Why?” Winter asked, careful to keep her voice neutral, yet all she wanted to do was get out of bed and jump for joy. “Why did they leave? I thought you wanted Moon here.” Winter had learned that Moon was a contract lawyer.

“Isn’t it obvious? Sasha has been rubbing you the wrong way from the minute she came in the door. It’s your home; if you didn’t want her here, all you had to do was say so. Moon will come back in a couple days.”

Her husband was right. She had taken a dislike to the woman from the moment she had come through the door and begun fucking the men before her bag was unpacked. Plus, she had made sure Viper was around each and every time she fucked, her eyes eating him alive.

Winter couldn’t blame her; Viper wasn’t a classically handsome man. His features were harsh, which made you feel intimidated in his presence, giving him a commanding aura when he entered a room. Women were attracted to power, and Viper held the power of the Last Rider’s in his hands. There wasn’t a spare ounce of fat on his muscled torso. His legs were long and lean, and his biceps were hard as a rocks. His chest tapered down to a six-pack of abs you could practically see outlined underneath his T-shirt.

The night Viper had made love to her in front of Sasha, she hadn’t lost her senses enough that she failed to notice the female recruit had her eyes on Viper’s cock, which was enough to make any woman ecstatic. She knew why Sasha wanted him so badly. Winter fucked him every night, and it was never enough.

A lot of men had good bodies that are drool-worthy, but Viper knew how to do things to a woman’s body that could make them forget everything except him. He could carry you away until you found the place that you would die to reach, which explained the times she had been carried away when he had allowed Knox and Train to touch her.

“What about the other women? If I want them gone, too, what are you going to do about it?”

Now she was just being snarky. It was embarrassing that not only Viper, but the whole house, knew she didn’t like the sexy recruit.

“Do you?” Viper’s face didn’t move a muscle.

“No,” she admitted, knowing she was being a bitch by taking it out on Viper. She faced away from him. “I love each of them, despite how crazy they make me sometimes.”

“Then it was a good call not to make her a member.”

Winter’s eyes tightened when she felt him plaster himself against her back, his hand going to her waist.

“Why did you wear a nightgown to bed?”

“Because I don’t want to make love to you tonight.”

“Why not?” Viper began drawing imaginary circles on her waist.

“I don’t know.”

“Yes, you do. You just don’t want to admit it.” He nuzzled her sensitive neck. “Pretty girl, no woman, no matter how much she throws herself at me, could tempt me to cheat. I have the only woman I’ll ever want right beside me.”

“She looks like me,” Winter mumbled, hating her admission.

“What?” She felt him lift his head to stare down at her.

“She’s short like me. She has my color hair. We even wear the same size. She looks like me; except, she’s younger.”

“Pretty girl, Sasha doesn’t look like you. She doesn’t have your beautiful eyes. She doesn’t have your mouth begging to suck my dick.” He laughed when Winter pushed him back with her shoulder. “Believe me, Sasha doesn’t look like you.”

“I bet she can have a baby, though.”

Viper’s head dropped to her pillow. “Darling, don’t—”

“You’re not going to change your mind, are you?”


“I finally figured it out tonight.”

“I can’t lose you, Winter.”

“You would have made all the women leave, wouldn’t you?”


She sighed. “I love you so much it hurts.”

“I love you too much to lose you to a dream that we can achieve without placing yourself or our child in danger.”