Spellbinder (Moonshadow #2)

Winding an arm around his neck, she whispered against his mouth, “Is this bad? I can’t tell if this is bad. Did the geas make you do it?”

Lifting his head, he told her, “First, let’s get one thing straight—I will always want to obey any order you ever give me like that. Please give me as many orders to kiss you as you’d like. And secondly… I didn’t feel a thing from the geas. Not one damn thing, you clever love.”

Excitement and hope soared. “Are you saying it’s gone?”

“Not gone. I wouldn’t say that.” He grinned. “We can keep testing it with other orders to make sure, but I think as long as you hold the control of the geas it might very well be tied off for good. And since Isabeau had cast the spell using Azrael’s Athame, it makes sense he would be the only one who can transfer the geas to anyone else. I think we’re as stable as we’ll ever be.”

The relief was immense. She sagged. “Thank God.”

“Yes, and thank you.” Cupping the back of her head, heat replaced the laughter in his expression. “I think I need to obey your order some more.”

A smile broke over her face. She lost it quickly as he kissed her again. Her lips moved under his, while she pressed as close to him as she could get.

Nothing had changed between them. All the fierce burning was still there. The soft, healing kiss changed rapidly into raw demand. Prying her lips open, he plunged into her mouth with his tongue, driving into her with the force of his hunger.

That felt so good, so necessary, and it had been so damn long since he had done that, she moaned and feverishly began to unbutton his shirt while kissing him back.

He pulled back, his face flushed with intent, and tore out of his jacket. As he took over the job of unbuttoning his shirt, she stood to strip off her sweater, jeans, and shoes. She was just beginning to pull off her bra, when he stopped. Still kneeling, he wrapped his arms around her legs, turned his face into her stomach, and held her tightly.

The emotion in that wordless gesture made more tears spring to her eyes. Growing still, she stroked his hair. He pressed his lips to her skin, and she caressed his temple and the side of his face.

Pressing kisses along the edge of her panties, he murmured, “I trust you. I love you. I believe in you.”

The words filled all the empty corners in her soul. As she began to kneel too, he stopped her. Easing her panties down, he pressed more kisses along the edge of her pelvis, then nuzzled at the juncture between her legs. Desire coiled through her in a gush of heat. When he slipped two fingers along the petals of her sex, she felt the strength leave her legs.

“Morgan, I-I can’t do this standing up,” she stammered.

He looked up quickly, humor flashing across his face. “Are you sure?” he asked, stroking her.

Pleasure rocked her back. She gasped, “I’m sure.”

Coming to his feet, he pushed her back, back… until her shoulders met the wall behind her. “What about now?”

She looked from one side to the other. There were so many pitfalls, and nothing at all to prop her up on either side. “I don’t know.”

“Let’s try,” he coaxed as he undid the fastening of his slacks and stepped out of them. The humor still lingered in his expression, along with the building heat, and the combination was so damn sexy, she felt weak at the knees.

“I’m warning you, this is not a stable situation,” she told him, shaking.

“So I can see.” Standing nude in front of her, he rubbed her arms. “What can I do to help?”

Greedily she spread her hands across the expanse of his chest, running her unsteady fingers through the dark, crisp hair that narrowed to a thin strip down his abdomen, to his erect cock. Grasping his erection in both hands, she sank to her knees.

Breathing hard, she murmured, “This feels a lot steadier.”

He laughed. “That’s not what I had in mind.”

“But you’re not going to argue, are you?” Slanting a sidelong look at him, she opened her mouth and took him in.

Everything felt so much more intense as a lycanthrope. His scent, the scrape of his fingernails across her skin, the roar of his magic that he no longer bothered to conceal. She felt giddy with it, with him, as she opened her throat to take him in all the way. His cock jumped as she suckled at the tip, then swallowed his length, and pulled back to caress the head again.

“I’m beginning to see your point about the unstable situation,” he muttered. Cupping the back of her head, he fucked her mouth. His muscles were tight, his skin hot.

Closing her eyes, she gave into the moment, the salty taste of him and the hot, hard glide of his erection against her tongue. His thrusts became shorter, more urgent. Willingly, she opened up to it, stroking the long, taut length of his thighs and cupping his tight sac at the root of his cock.

Suddenly he pulled out fast, swearing. She looked up at him in disappointment. “No!” she complained. “You said, Take me. I was taking you. You don’t get to pull out.”

His breath shuddered audibly in his throat. Caressing her cheek, he gritted, “Coming in your mouth sounds like the hottest thing ever, but… not this time. I need to look in your eyes.”

As soon as he said it, she wanted it too. She needed to see his soul housed in his body—that vital connection she had fought so hard to save.

“I’d like that,” she whispered.

She rose to her feet, and, taking her hand, he led her to the bed. When he sat at the foot, she moved to straddle his lap, facing him. As she wrapped her arms around his head, he nuzzled her breasts, kissing first one then the other. With one hand, he stroked at her sex, while he stroked her back with the other.

She felt so loved and desired, pleasure lit her from the inside, turning her incandescent. When he gripped his erection and positioned it at her opening, she pushed down, taking him in deeper each time she moved against him. Soon she had him in as deep as she could get.

Grasping her by the hips, he thrust up in time to her rhythm. The pleasure spiraled higher, hotter. She couldn’t take him in hard enough, deep enough. She needed—she needed…

With the ball of his thumb, he found her clitoris and rubbed, and the explosion that rocked her was so sudden and sharp she sobbed aloud.

Watching her closely, he moved steadily, providing the right pressure and the right penetration to help her spiral higher. “Give it to me again,” he urged against her lips. “Sidonie, it’s been fucking weeks. I’ve been tight and aching the whole time, and I thought you might never want to see me again.”

Her shaking lips moved under his. “I felt the same way. I need you the same way.”

“It’s okay now, my darling girl. Don’t strain for it. Let me bring it to you.”

Trusting him, she hung on to his shoulders, letting him caress her while she flexed on his lap. He was endlessly inventive, nipping at her lower lip, sliding a finger inside her along with his cock.