Sinful Love (Sinful Nights #4)

“I’m going to. Tomorrow.”

“So then this,” he said, pointing from her to him, “This is…?”

She looked at his mouth, blinked her eyes back up to his, and dropped her voice even more. They were surrounded by noise, the clink of silverware, the slip of ice cubes against glass, and the chatter of nearby patrons ordering smoked salmon and vodka samplers. She spoke the truest words. “This is because I wanted to.”


There were things he wanted, as well. More time with her. More talking. Mostly, he didn’t want for this to end. She was like sugary sand crystals in his hand, slipping through. He wanted to clutch his fist closed, hold them tight for just a few more moments. A few more days.

He went for it. “What are you doing tonight?”


The dealer slapped a card on the table.

“Wait. I want to write this down.” Mindy shook her head in amusement as she reached for the card. “I want to record this moment. You, asking me for dating advice.”

Michael narrowed his eyes. “I know how to date,” he grumbled.

She held up a finger. “Correction. You know how to date women you just met. You don’t know how to date the woman you were—”

“Do I see if she wants to meet for a drink?”

He cut her off because he didn’t want the reminder. He knew how he felt.

As Mindy checked out her cards at the poker table at the Luxe, her favorite gambling spot, she said, “Yes, you want to have a drink with her, because you definitely need some lubricant.”

He laughed. Mindy was unfiltered, and that was one of the reasons he enjoyed their friendship. The woman didn’t mince words. “Noted. Use liquor for lube. Any other advice?”

She slid some chips to the center of the green felt, staying in. “Yes. You used to like music? Went to concerts together, right?”

He nodded. “Yeah, we did. Lots of local and indie bands. That was one of our things.”

She shrugged, as if to say duh. “There you go. Brent said there’s some new band at his nightclub tonight. A hot young indie-rock band. Take her to that. It’ll be like old times.”

“Is that what I want? Old times?”

“Yes. That’s what you want,” she said as she set down her cards, winning the hand with a trio of sixes.

“Nice,” he said, with a low whistle of admiration.

She dragged a handful of chips closer. “So what was it like? Seeing her?”

That was the question of the day, one he’d been weighing since leaving the Petrossian Bar a few hours ago.

How could he even begin to describe seeing Annalise? It was like resistance meets infatuation. The whole time, he’d reined in his desire to kiss her, touch her, taste her lips. Because, well, that would be wholly inappropriate, and he had no fucking clue if she wanted it. A wild, delirious thought popped into his brain. Had she looked him up for the same reason he’d tried to find her ten years ago?

Ah, hell. No. He couldn’t go there. Couldn’t linger on the biggest heartbreak of his life. On the absolutely epic shellacking he’d walked right into, like a fool who thought the past could be resurrected. The past was best left buried. Tonight would just be…fun.

“It was awkward, but easy at the same time,” he said, after much consideration. “If that makes sense.”

Mindy nodded thoughtfully, her blue eyes serious. “Yeah, it does.”

“We sort of slid right back into conversation about work and memories. It was good, even though I still feel like there are a million things I want to ask her.”

Mindy patted his arm. “I know. But perhaps it’s best to save ‘Do you ever think about me?’ for another time.”

“Yeah. Good point.”

“Keep it light and fun,” she advised, then tipped her chin to his phone. “And maybe let her know the plan for tonight.”

He texted Annalise the details, lingering to appreciate the ease with which he communicated with the woman he’d once had the hardest time in the world staying in touch with. So much had changed over the years. Even things like…text messaging. They hadn’t had this luxury when they were younger.

When Mindy finished the round ahead, she thanked the dealer, collected her winnings, and walked away from the table. She was a measured player, always knowing when to stop. They wandered through the casino, then down the hall toward the restrooms, stopping outside the ladies room where it was quiet so they could catch up on other matters.