Seven Black Diamonds (Seven Black Diamonds #1)

“Do you want me to come with you to see your father?” Creed offered. He was rubbing his hands up and down her arms soothingly. “I can. We all can if you want.”

Lily nodded. As much as she didn’t want them there when she asked questions of her father, questions about her mother and about him, she did want them with her. They were a part of her life now, and until her life ended, they would be.

Creed took the crown from her hands and stepped behind her. Once it became pliant and lengthened, he lowered it over her head. The weight of it felt heavier than it should.

As Lily reached up to touch it, she wondered how she was to walk around with such grossly expensive jewelry on her every day. There had to be a way to hide it. Her fingers traced the stone and metal, and whatever it was wrought of seemed to be sinking into her skin. Within a fraction of a moment, it was nothing more than skin under her fingers.

“You have a tattoo,” Creed said, staring at her throat. “Can you undo it?”

Cautiously, she traced her fingertips over the warm skin where she knew the crown was hidden, thinking that she wanted to see it, and it became solid in the instant the thought was finished. Just as quickly, she returned it to ink on her flesh.

“Well then.” Creed kissed her tattoo. “That’s certainly easier than the way I got mine.”

They were snuggled up in one chair, her nestled in his arms, when the door burst open, and three of the five other Black Diamonds trouped into the suite.

“The boys are studying for some test or something,” Violet announced with a huff as she dropped onto the sofa.

At Lily’s questioning look, Zephyr added, “They kicked her out.”


“It isn’t as if it matters,” Violet said with the sort of petulant grace that made all of them bite back smiles. “This whole school thing doesn’t matter.”

“I dare you to say that to Will,” Creed teased.

Lily was so amused by Violet’s dedicated pouting that she startled when Alkamy asked, “What is that?”

Every eye turned to Lily.

“Crown? Necklace? Tattoo? It sort of depends.” Lily ran her fingers over the hollow of her throat. “My grandparents sent it. I guess there will be some sort of ‘great reveal’ about the end of the war, and I’ll need a crown for it.”

“So they’re outing you?” Alkamy all but breathed the question. “As not just fae, but the fae heir?”

“Looks like it,” Lily said in a voice not nearly as casual as she would’ve liked.

Creed wrapped both arms around her. “You won’t be alone. If you’re out, so am I.”

“Ditto,” Violet said.

“If they tell us to do so, we will.” Zephyr had his I’m-in-charge voice. “I’m sure the queen has a plan, and until then—”

A loud knock on the door interrupted him.

“Lily?” The knock resumed. “I’m looking for Lilywhite Abernathy.”

It felt like both parts of her world were colliding as Lily stood and walked to the door. None of the others spoke, although Creed stood. She glanced back at him and said, “I’m sorry, but I need to . . . just wait . . . let me talk to him.”

Then she opened the door and said, “Erik?”


She stepped aside, and Erik walked into the sitting room of her suite.

The only person there whom Erik had met before was Creed, but that didn’t matter. Erik was as confident here as he was anywhere. He might not have his guards nearby. He might even not be carrying a weapon. The lines of his suit were clean enough that if he did have a gun, it was under his arm in a concealed holster.

He surveyed them briefly, and she recognized the wary way he responded when he realized that even armed, he might be out-powered here. “Is there somewhere we can speak, querida?”

“Here.” She gestured at the rest of the group. “They are my friends, Erik. We can speak freely.”

He surveyed them, gaze lingering a touch longer on both Creed and Zephyr. He shook his head. “It would be best—”

“We’re not leaving,” Violet said. She came to her feet, which made her eye level with his chest.

Still, Erik recognized her as a person worth treating with caution. He nodded at her before turning to Lily and pulling her into his arms. “Fine. I’ve come to take you home.”

Lily stared at him.

Before she could reply, Creed stood and walked out of the room.

After a significant look at Alkamy, Zephyr followed him.

“We have this,” Alkamy promised. “We’ll be right back.” She shot a glare at Erik before she followed the boys.

Only Violet remained. She was making no move to give Lily any privacy with Erik. Instead she folded her arms over her chest, crossed her legs, and said, “You’re not getting out of my sight, especially with Mr. Tall, Dark, and Pushy, so don’t even think about it.”

Lily smiled. Despite everything, Violet was unflappable. She didn’t seem to grasp that she could be wrong or unwelcome. Ever. Right now, though, she was exceptionally welcome.

“You’re that actress,” Erik said suddenly.

“And you’re that criminal,” Violet said drolly. “Now, on to the part where you explain yourself to Miss LilyDark.”

“Lilywhite,” he corrected.

Violet laughed. “Oh, sweetie, you couldn’t be further from warm on that one. You just don’t know it yet.”

“Vi,” Lily started.

“Shutting up now.”

Erik looked at Lily. “Can you please lead me to your room so we can pack?” He gestured toward the three closed doors. “Which one?”

“I’m not going anywhere, Erik.”

“I saw the pictures, Lily. You were bruised, and he had you restrained by the arm. He’s just lucky I didn’t address his mistake today.”

“No! You don’t understand—” She stopped herself before she tried to explain. She couldn’t say that she’d been injured trying to keep secrets from the former heir of the Unseelie Court, who was her uncle. There was nothing she could say truthfully. Telling Erik her secrets was one thing; revealing everyone’s was something else entirely. She settled on, “There’s been a misunderstanding. Creed wasn’t restraining me, and he certainly hadn’t hurt me. I swear it, Erik. He would never hurt me—any more than you would.”

Erik scowled. “Someone did though. I’m here to bring you home.”

“But Daidí said the house wasn’t safe enough. I do need to talk to him tho—”

“No. To my home. I can protect you from the law and from the monsters.” Erik pulled her stiff body into his arms so he could whisper in her ear. “I know what you are, Lily. I’ve known for years. I’ll keep you safe and hidden. Just come with me. You don’t even need to pack.”

She pulled away. “Oh, Erik . . . I can’t run. Not now. I just . . . I can’t. I’ll explain. I promise, but I need to go get Creed first.” She turned to Violet and asked, “Keep him here?”

Violet nodded.

“And Vi? Don’t hurt him,” Lily added.

Melissa Marr's books