Rookie Mistake (Offensive Line #1)

I met her last year at a frat party, shared a bottle of Jack with her on the roof of the place, and by morning we were buddies, of every variety. She’s chill. Laid back and always down for a good time, but best of all she’s not easy. She’s not one of these groupies running around in the wake of the team giving it up for anyone with a jersey on their back. I’m the only guy she’s sleeping with on the team, though not the only guy at the school, but the team is what’s important to me. I share a lot with these guys. Probably too much. I don’t think it’s too much to ask to not dip my wick in the same well.

I put my phone in my pocket without waiting for a reply. I go to the bathroom, pull two condoms out of the top drawer, and leave the apartment with a fist bump from Cummings. He doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t ask. He knows where I’m going.

I’m a junkie going to my dealer. I’m getting my fix so I can sleep tonight. So I can shut down long enough to function.

It won’t last. I’ll feel worse when it’s over, but right now it doesn’t matter. As I climb into my truck in the fading light of the sunset, I don’t have much on my mind. I’m getting into the zone. I’m narrowing my focus to this and only this. To the game. To the smell of her perfume, the taste of her kiss. The feel of her skin under my hands; hot, taut, and wet. It’s like being in command of the field. It’s where I call the shots, where I feel in control.

Where I feel like a god.

February 27th

Crowne Plaza Union Station

Indianapolis, IN

Kyle’s arm laces around my stomach, his palm pressing flat against it.

“Stay,” he mumbles sleepily.

I shake my head against the pillow. “I can’t.”

“Yes, you can.”

“No, I really can’t.” I tug at his hand, my fingers tripping over the Super Bowl ring planted permanently on his finger. He pulls harder against my stomach in response. Against my bladder. I suddenly really have to pee and my frustration leaps into aggravation. “Let go. I have to get up.”

“It’s not even light out yet.”

“If I waited for daylight to wake up, I’d never get anything done.”

Kyle’s lips land on my naked shoulder. His hot breath bursts over my skin, giving me shivers. Giving me doubts. His hand slides lower down my body.

“I know something we can get done without getting up,” he whispers seductively, grinding his dick into my back.

“You’re already up,” I reply dryly.

He slips his fingers inside the waistband of my underwear. “Stay.”

I want to. Shit, do I want to. As his hand goes lower, his fingers finding what they’re looking for – what we’re both looking for – I feel myself waver. I bite my lower lip, stifling a moan that threatens to roll out of my throat as he rolls my clit between his fingertips. It wouldn’t take long. We could make it quick. I could be out the door in ten, just like I planned.

That’s the problem, though – that’s not how I planned this, and I always stick to the plan. Last night when I invited Kyle up to my hotel room, I said it was one night only. The second the sun hit the sky, that’s when this ended. I’ll leave whatever this is in this room with him and I’ll never look back, no matter how good his hands feel. No matter how cut his abs are, how hard his arms are. No matter how badly I want to roll over, spread myself wide, and let him take me again the way he did last night with so much power and weight that I felt insignificant and deliciously out of control beneath him.

But that’s not me. Not today. Today I have to work.

I grab his hand, pulling it away from my body as I roll out of the bed quickly. I’m on my feet before he can blink because that’s the thing about defensive players – boys are big, but, baby, are they slow.

I head leisurely for the bathroom, unconcerned with my naked body on full display. “I’m getting dressed. You should too. Check out time is now.”

“Jesus, Sloane,” he chuckles. “Do you want me to me leave you money on the nightstand?”

“No, but there’s a fifty in my wallet if you want it.” I turn in the bathroom door to smile at him sweetly. To take one last look at the mass of muscle laying tattooed and toned in my bed. “You definitely earned it.”

“Do you know how much I earn on the field? Fifty dollars barely covers the time it took me to take my pants off.”

“And if you got me off with the same skill you sack a quarterback, I’d be offering you as much as the Colts. It’s all about commitment.”

Kyle laughs, standing up bare naked and beautiful. “You’re cold, sweetheart.”

“And I’m running late. I’ll see you later.”


I hesitate, my hand on the cold doorknob. I’m in Indianapolis for another four days for the NFL Combine. Three more nights. And February nights in Indianapolis are notoriously cold. I could probably use the company.

“Maybe,” I reply, turning away from him. “I’ll call you.”

“No, you won’t. You never do.”

“No, but you always call me.”

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