Read, Write, Love at Seaside (Sweet with Heat: Seaside Summers #1)

LEANNA DIDN’T GO out with the girls Friday night. She was too conflicted to celebrate. Instead they all went to Bella’s cottage, ate too much pizza, finished the bouquet of fruit Kurt had sent, and watched Say Anything. She made the girls promise not to talk about Kurt or Daisy Chain so she could try to enjoy the movie. It didn’t work. Even without mention of him, she’d thought about Kurt all evening. He had called again before she went to sleep, and he’d reiterated that they could make their relationship work, even if long distance. She thought she’d detected a hint of sadness in his voice that he was working hard to mask, but she tried to push the thought away and convince herself they really could make a long-distance relationship work. But she already missed him so darn much after two days that she had no idea how she’d get along seeing him only on weekends.

He’d called again this morning and reassured her that they’d be just fine. He’d sounded surer, and she’d clung to his confidence like a security blanket as the day dragged on. The flea market was crowded, hot, and humid. Carey hadn’t shown up, and without him to talk with, the afternoon seemed to last forever. By three thirty she was too distracted to concentrate, so she packed up her booth early and went home. She knew Kurt had plans with his family, and he was going to call her when he was settled back at Treat’s for the evening, so she checked her email before going to help her friends pack.

The contract from Daisy Chain was waiting in her in-box. Her pulse kicked up as she read it, and her stomach clenched. The contract could not have brought on more bittersweet emotions. She still had a few days to make a final decision.

Leanna spent the rest of the evening helping Bella and Jenna close their cottages for the season, hoping to distract herself.

Bella came out of the bedroom in her T-shirt and shorts and wiped her face with her forearm. “Well, ladies, I think that about wraps it up. I can’t believe another summer’s over.”

Jenna rebuttoned the buttons on her shirt that had come undone while she was scrubbing the bathroom, and one of the buttons popped right off and shot across the room.

Bella, Amy, and Leanna burst into fits of laughter.

“Maybe I shouldn’t have had that pizza last night.” Jenna stifled a laugh as she pushed her boobs together.

“I can’t…I can’t believe it flew off.” Leanna covered her mouth, trying to regain control.

“I can!” Amy stood beside Jenna and arched her chest forward. They looked like a short-haired Sofía Vergara and Kate Hudson. Jenna swatted her.

“I can’t help it if I was born with a killer body.” Jenna wiggled her shoulders.

“Killer is right. You could knock someone out with those babies.” Bella flopped onto the couch. “So what now? Amy’s all packed. We’re all boxed and ready to go. Except Leanna, of course, who has the luxury of living on the Cape—which makes me incredibly jealous.”

“Don’t be. Without you guys or Kurt, it’s just me and Pepper, and as much as I love being with Pep…” She flopped onto the couch beside Bella and leaned her head on her shoulder. “I’m removing the ban on Kurt talk. I need to know. Am I making a huge mistake?”

“By building your dream job?” Bella asked.

“By not moving to New York with Kurt.”

“Hey, if he loves you, he’ll make it work. You can’t change your life for a man. That’s so…1950s.” Bella patted Leanna’s thigh. “I love Kurt, but I love you more. You’ve spent your whole life bouncing from thing to thing. Now you have something you love. It’s time to allow yourself to do it.”

“But I love Kurt, too.”

“Yes, I know you do.” Bella nodded. “And he loves you. This is a bump in the road. Fate will figure it out. Just don’t you give up on following your dream. You’re my inspiration, Leanna. You have tried a million things and you didn’t settle. Don’t settle now, or you’ll crush my faith that women can have it all.”

“Crush your faith? You aren’t even religious.” Jenna arched a brow.

“Faith in Leanna. Faith in ice cream. Whatever. You know what I mean. Global energy faith.” Bella put her arm around Leanna and pulled her close. “Build your business; the rest will work itself out.”

“And what if it doesn’t?” Her voice was just above a whisper.

“Then you take that sexy little butt of yours to New York and get that man back full-time. But if it doesn’t work out, that means that he didn’t want it enough to make it work. See? I have this great double standard. We women get to progress as the years move on, but men?” Bella smiled and looked up at the ceiling with a sigh. “They still have to be chivalrous.”

“I don’t care about progressing. I care about Kurt.” Leanna leaned her elbows on her knees.

“Do you care about your business?” Amy asked.

“Yes. Very much.”

“Then you can’t give it up. I agree with Bella.”

Leanna closed her eyes. “I hate you both. Why aren’t you telling me to pack my stuff and go to New York right this very second? Do you think I’m making a mistake by being with Kurt?” She ran her eyes between them. “Wait. Before you answer that, you need to know that no matter what you say, I’m with him.”

Amy knelt before Leanna and held her hands. “We love Kurt, and we love you. It’s just that opportunities like this come once in a lifetime for some of us, and…” She glanced at Bella, then back at Leanna. “I agree with Bella. If Kurt wants this to work, he has to make it work.”

“Then this should be easy, because he’s already said he wants it to work, and he’ll come to the Cape on weekends. So I guess I just need to get my act together, accept the offer with Daisy Chain, and live with a long-distance relationship. No matter how much it sucks being apart.” Even as the words left her lips, she knew easy wasn’t even in the realm of possibilities.

Amy pulled her to her feet and hugged her. “That’s my girl.”

Leanna took a step back. “And if you’re wrong, I’ll have to kill you. All of you.”

THE EVENING SLIPPED seamlessly into night, bringing with it a cool breeze from the mountains. Kurt was enjoying a few minutes alone by the stone fire pit on the patio, scrolling through the pictures of the studio that Blue had sent. The work was progressing much faster than either Blue or Kurt had anticipated. He heard the sliding glass door to the house open and recognized the heavy, determined steps of his brother Jack, followed by the slightly slower pace that could only be Hal Braden. He didn’t recognize the third set of footsteps.

Jack pulled two chairs over to where Kurt sat. “How’s it going?” Jack wore his typical outfit of Levi’s, a black T-shirt, and heavy hiking boots.