Pursuit of Magic (Dragon's Gift: The Valkyrie #3)

Cade nodded.

I tore off the bottom of my shirt and tied it around the man’s mouth, gagging him. “I’ll conceal our escape with illusion, and we’ll run for the hippokampoi. Hopefully he can take us all.”

“Good plan,” Cade said. “Let’s go.”

“Grab what you can,” I told Ana as I snatched up some books and scrolls. The more info we could bring back, the better.

She filled her arms, and we went to the door. I called upon my magic, imagining us becoming invisible. Cade and Ana disappeared, along with our hostage, and we sprinted out of the room.

Our pursuers were still about thirty yards off, thank fates.

We kept our footfalls silent as we sprinted toward the harbor.

Please let Cade and Ana be with me.

When we arrived at the harbor, the hippokampoi was waiting. The guards weren’t following, so I dropped the illusion, grateful to see a winded Cade and Ana with me. Mayhem floated at their side.

“Can you take us all?” I asked the hippokampoi.

He gave us a doubtful look, then sidled up to the edge of the quay. We climbed onto his back, the hostage still draped over Cade’s shoulder, and the hippokampoi oofed.

“Let’s go,” I whispered.

The hippokampoi took off toward the portal, and I turned around, my heart in my throat. Fortunately, there was no one there.

Thank fates for small favors.

The portal light flashed gold, and we appeared on the other side. Fast as we could, we clambered off the hippokampoi and sprinted through the portal to Edinburgh.

The ether sucked us in and spat us out in an alley. The chill of an Edinburgh evening greeted us, along with a drizzle of rain.

Four Protectorate guards stood there, monitoring the portal. Their faces relaxed when they saw us.

“Thank fates,” Ana murmured. “It worked.”

“Seriously.” I turned to Cade and the guards. “You’re sure they can’t follow?”

“Hedy blocked it from anyone who means us or the Protectorate harm. We should be good.”

“We’ll watch it,” the burliest guard said. He looked like some type of shifter, and his magic smelled like it, too.

“Thanks.” I grinned, then looked at Cade and Ana. “Let’s go.”

We hurried toward the other portal, the one that went back to the Protectorate castle. Out on the street, a few people gave us strange looks, but no one bothered us.

We stepped through the portal that was tucked into an alcove near the Whisky and Warlock. The ether sucked us in and spat us out in the woods.

“So glad to be back,” Ana said.

“I hear you.” We followed the path out of the forest, and Mayhem stuck close to my side.

The moon barely peeked out from behind the clouds, shrouding us in gloom. The castle windows gleamed with welcoming light.

The man in Cade’s arms thrashed, but Cade kept his grip tight. “Settle down. You’re not going anywhere,” Cade said.

As we neared the castle, Mayhem began barking, setting up the alarm.

Ruckus and Chaos raced out the main castle door and toward us, barking like mad. A moment later, Jude hurried out after them.

“Let’s go.” Cade forced the prisoner to walk alongside him.

The man grumbled, but cooperated. Smart guy, since he was totally outnumbered.

Mayhem flew behind him and gave him a little blast of fire on the butt.

“Come on, Mayhem.” I shook my finger at her. “Good behavior with the prisoner.”

She yipped, then flew away, headed toward the castle, and most likely, another ham.

Jude hurried up, her starry eyes bright in the darkness. “Well? Success? I heard that your portal worked.”

“It did,” I said. “We made it to the stronghold in the ether and hopefully got some good info.”

Her gaze fell to the scrolls in my arm, then flicked to the prisoner. “We can only hope. I’m going to get Hedy so that she can test the prisoner for tracking charms. Then we’ll see what he has to say.”

“Torture?” Ana’s voice wavered.

My stomach pitched.

“No, no.” Jude shook her head. “Truth serum. A rare brand that actually works, courtesy of Hedy.”

The man began to thrash, trying to pull away from Cade’s grip.

Ah, now that was what frightened him. Revealing secrets.

Which meant he had some.

“Calm down,” Cade said.

“Pig bastards,” the man spat, then he jerked his arm so fiercely that I heard an audible pop come from his shoulder.

I winced.

The man shrieked.

Cade heaved a sigh, then bopped him on the head with his fist. The man crumpled, unconscious.

“That’s one way to go about it,” Jude said.

“Safest way,” Cade said. “For us and him.”

Jude nodded, then hurried off toward Hedy’s tower, her bathrobe flying in the wind behind her.

Cade bent down and swooped up the man as if he were Fabio and this was the cover of an old romance novel. “Let’s head to the dungeon.”

We trudged toward the castle, our steps growing slightly slower with every meter. My wings ached, and the rest of me was starting to feel the strain of our adventure.

As we crossed through the main entry foyer, Hans burst out of a hallway, his chef’s hat askew and a tray loaded with sandwiches in his arms.

“Mayhem said you were back! You must be hungry.”

Cade glanced pointedly at the prisoner he still carried and kept walking. “Thanks, Hans. We will be up in a little while.”

“No matter!” Hans said. “I will follow you to the dungeon!”

I grinned, and Hans hurried across the hall. True to his word, he followed us down the hall, sandwich platter in hand.

Hans was always dedicated to feeding people, but this was over the top. Maybe he could sense when people were extra hungry? Or perhaps when they were up against something big?

Because my stomach was growling at the sight of his tray. I didn’t know what the sandwiches were, but I didn’t care. PB&J, ham and cheese—whatever. I’d eat it.

Cade led us down to the bottom level of the castle, even lower than the armory. It was cool and dark down here, but not totally dank and terrible. As soon as we entered, sconces burst to life on the walls.

We were in a central room that had a table and chairs. Cells surrounded it, their heavy wooden doors looking ominous.

“This place is creepy,” Ana said.

Hans set his tray on the table. “Don’t worry. We don’t hold prisoners long. Just for questioning, then they go to the Order of the Magica for trial.”

“That’s a bit better, at least.” I walked toward the sandwiches and chose a PB&J.

Cade put the unconscious man in a cell, then joined us. “As soon as Hedy and Jude arrive, we’ll interrogate him. We shouldn’t keep him here longer than necessary.”

Hans nodded, though I wasn’t sure if he even heard Cade’s words, because he gestured to the sandwiches wildly. “Eat! Eat!”

Cade grinned and took a thick ham sandwich. “Thank you, Hans.”

Hans nodded, his gaze turning to me. “You have much ahead of you, from what I hear.”

Uh-oh. Had I been right? “Is your newfound interest in shoving food on me because you’re worried about me?”