Over the Edge (Bridge #3)

“Boss!” Tom hollered through the hum of drills and motioned toward her.

She stood a few feet away, looking like the goddess that she was. Tight dark jeans and heeled black boots. A simple white tee under the same little blazer that didn’t cover an inch of her tits. My palms tingled and my cock throbbed. Why did I want this woman so damn bad? If I were smart, I’d have started looking elsewhere as soon as she’d driven out of sight the other night. Now I’d been dreaming of her for days and wanted to fuck her more than I wanted air.

I brushed myself off and stalked toward her. “You come to check on progress, princess?”

She lifted her chin. “I came to talk.”

I hesitated, trying to read her, but she wasn’t giving me anything.

“It’s loud in here. Let’s go upstairs.”

I led the way to the yet unfinished condos, which were completely quiet, thanks to the expensive soundproofing we’d installed between each floor. The sound of her heels on the unfinished floor marked her entrance behind me.

I slowed at the center of the large room and turned to face her. “What did you want to talk about, Miss Bridge?”

“You know me well enough by now. You can call me Olivia.”

“We’re hardly intimate.” I raked her in again from head to toe, taking my time. Why’d she have to show up looking so fucking edible?

Her lips tightened, and she looked past me quickly. “About that.”

“You’re referring to my proposal? Do you have an answer for me?” On the inside, I prayed for progress. If she showed any weakness on the matter, I swore then and there I’d show no mercy.

“I do.”

I held her stare. “You made me wait. Not sure if we still have a deal,” I lied.

She cocked her head. “Really? I didn’t see a wall when I walked in.”

I shrugged. “Yeah, I had a little chat with Cameron. I reconsidered your suggestion, and I think you’re right. Aesthetically, it was worth the extra pennies.” Lies. I’d made the call well before her big brother had come poking around for updates. I’d done it for her and no one else.

“I guess there’s no reason for me to be here, then.” She didn’t move an inch.

“No more suggestions? You’re good with me taking the reins from here?”

She exhaled a breath through her nose. “What is this about, Will? I don’t want to play games.”

I went to her until our bodies were inches apart, until I could smell her expensive perfume and see the pebbles under her shirt. The ache to haul her against me raged. But I was dirty, and she was too perfect right now.

“It’s really simple. I want you to say yes to me,” I said quietly, fisting my hands to keep from touching her. “I won’t be happy until you’re under me, Olivia, and once you’re there, I plan to make you come a thousand different ways. You don’t want games? Making me wait when you know we both want the same thing—that’s you playing games. That’s you trying to win. Say yes, and we both win.”

She stared up at me with those eyes that cut right through me. Her lips were parted again, like she wanted to say yes. To give as much as I wanted to take.

“Fine.” Her voice was barely a whisper.

I lifted an eyebrow. “Fine?”

She exhaled a shaky breath and broke eye contact. “I’m saying yes.” She swallowed and met my gaze again. “But I have terms.”

“Name them.”

“Good. Not sure if you noticed, but I don’t like being told what to do.”

I pursed my lips to suppress a smile. “There’s only one ruler in my bedroom, princess. You have a voice, but I call the shots.”

She crossed her arms, bringing my attention away from her beautiful face for only a second.

“That’s fine. I’m talking about outside of it. I’m not going to be at your beck and call. If you want me, you can tell me. But I’m under no obligation to come running every time you have a pressing need.”

Fair enough. “I want what you want.”

She swallowed. “You have to use protection, always.”

I smirked. “That’s a no-brainer.”

Relief flooded me, settling in my shoulders and feeding a fresh rush of desire through my veins. “You’ll have to excuse my forwardness, but since you’ve made me wait longer than I expected to, and since I’ve been hard for you for days, when might I have the pleasure of your company…Olivia?”

She stepped away, glancing around the room like she was suddenly interested in it. “I’m free tonight.”

“Perfect. I’ll have a car pick you up after work.”

“I can make my own way. Cameron’s going to get suspicious if you keep picking me up in private cars.”

I nodded. So Cameron didn’t know. Thank fuck. She completed her circle of the room and came toward me, leaving more space between us than I had.

“And we should think of tonight as a trial run. If this doesn’t feel right for whatever reason, I reserve the right to change my mind and forget you exist.”

If she only knew how much that challenged me… “Harsh, but I’m confident you’ll leave happy and wanting more.”