Outlaw Xmas (Insurgents MC #10)

He shook his head. “You know we can’t. I’m an Insurgent. The club’s my life. It’s the blood in my veins. I can’t betray a brother. And if I see you alone again, I’m not gonna stop at a kiss. You’re too tempting. We’ll end up doing something we’ll both regret.” He scrubbed his face with his fist. “We can’t see each other as long as you’re still with him. And why the hell are you with him after everything he’s done to you?”

“He’s been real nice lately. Last week he made me ribs. He’s trying. And I understand about the brotherhood. I don’t want to be responsible for getting you in trouble with Banger or the others. I’d never forgive myself.” She brushed her hair back behind her shoulders. “I have to give my marriage a chance. Tigger’s really trying.”

“That’s good. You better go back to the party. Just remember I’m here if you ever need me to help you out.” She came over and kissed him on the cheek and then she was gone.

For a long while he listened to the gaiety of his brothers and their old ladies as a surge of anger, sadness, and emptiness raged inside him. Sofia had made her decision. Had he really expected her to denounce her husband and run gleefully into his arms? He shook his head. Life was a series of disappointments so one more wasn’t going to break him.

Exhaling a breath he wasn’t aware he’d been holding, he switched off the lights and went back to the party.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


Poor Wheelie. He has it bad for Sofia. I wish she’d do the right thing and kick Tigger’s ass out and hook up with Wheelie. She looks miserable except when she looks at him. I bet they were together. I hope they were. I know Hawk will be pissed if he even knows what I’m thinking, but I’ve got to talk to her and set her straight. She has to dump her asshole. Pronto.

“Babe, can you hand me the bottle of Jack in the cupboard by the sink?” Hawk broke through her thoughts.

“Sure.” She bent down and took out the bottle of whiskey and handed it to him.

“I tried making your pizzelles and they came out too thick and tough. Yours are like clouds of goodness. What did I do wrong?” Clotille said as she picked up one of the cookies and nibbled on it.

“Pour the batter until it is half full in the pizzelle maker. It took me a long time to master it. My grandmother’s pizzelles were the best. Mine are getting there, but they’re still not like hers even though I use her recipe.”

“I think they’re delicious. Maybe you can come over one day after the holidays and I’ll make them while you’re there so you can guide me.”

“That sounds good.” Cara stacked more cookies on the platter. “How’s everything going with Andrew?”

“Better. We’ve got a ways to go, but he hasn’t skipped any more school since he began therapy, and he and Rock seem to interact better. They seem to listen before arguing. Believe me… that’s a huge step.”

“I’m glad. He doesn’t scowl as much.” Cara poured some sweet dessert wine into glasses. “I love dunking these in wine.” She picked up an almond-studded biscotti and dipped it into her wine glass.

“I’ll have to try that. And who are you talking about? Andrew or Rock? Both of them scowl.” Clotille laughed and picked up one of the crunchy cookies and dipped it into her glass.

“Good point. I think one of the prerequisites of becoming an Insurgent is that you have to scowl.” She laughed. “I was talking about Andrew. He seems less brooding.”

“He is. He’s a good boy. Hard-headed and macho like his dad, but he’ll grow up to be a wonderful man. Just like his father.” She glanced at Rock and smiled warmly when he looked back at her.

“So did Evan just ditch his wife?” Baylee asked as she came over to the dessert table.

“That’s what they’re saying. Joseph told me that after that night when he took Harley and Braxton, he just disappeared,” Addie said.

“And Torey told me they think he was behind the break-in and fire at the Brighter Lives building. She said they can’t prove anything, but the whole thing just seems really strange.” Cherri picked up a brownie bite and popped it into her mouth. She handed a sugar cookie to Paisley.

“The really weird thing is that there hasn’t been anything in the paper about any homes being broken into by the Crazed Grinch. I mean, you’d think the past few days would be prime time for the whack job. It makes you wonder if Evan was involved in it. I just can’t believe he was the one who snatched your kids. Why the hell did he do it?” Baylee asked, pouring carbonated water into her glass.

“He’s a fuckin’ psycho. It’s a good thing he left town. Throttle was ready to go over and beat his ass,” Kimber said.

Cara watched the brothers as the ladies spoke and they didn’t comment or offer any funny quips, they just hunched together, their faces serious, their jaws locked. In that instant, she knew Evan would never snatch another child.

As the night grew darker, Addie picked up a yawning Hope and hugged her close. “We better head out,” she said to Cara. “This one’s dead tired. She’ll be up early tomorrow to see what Santa brought her, won’t you, sweetie.” Hope nodded and rested her head in the crook of Addie’s neck.

“We should go too. James has overloaded on sugar and he needs to calm down before he goes to bed. As always, it was a wonderful Christmas Eve, Cara,” Clotille said.

Banger came over with a sleeping Harley in his arms. “It’s time we go, woman.” Belle nodded and slid off the stool.

Emily came over and held out her hands. “I can take Harley.” Banger handed him over to her and went over to Ethan.

“How’re things going, Emily?” Addie asked.

“Good. I got a job at the pet store. I love working with the animals.”

“And she’s enrolled to take a few classes at Pinewood Springs Community College,” Belle added, her face beaming.

“I went there. I really liked it. They have some good profs,” Kimber added.

“I’m excited but scared. I’ll be working fulltime so I can only take a few classes. I’ll see how it goes.”

“You’ll do great,” Kylie said as she leaned over and snatched a lemon bar. “It’s so much fun to learn new things. What’re you interested in?”

“Animals. I’d love to be a veterinarian. Maybe a vet tech to start. You know… small steps.” Harley stirred in her arms. “Do you want to go out to lunch next week? I’d love to get some pointers from you about college.”

Kylie bobbed her head. “Totally. What about next Monday?”

“Sounds good. Let’s go somewhere the club doesn’t own.” Emily smiled.

“Getting tired of barbecue and burgers?” Kylie laughed. “No problem. I’ll Facebook you and we can decide where we want to go.” She jumped when Jerry came up behind her.

“Ready to go, baby?” he asked and she nodded.

Cara loved watching Jerry and Kylie together; the young couple had fought hard for their love and relationship. “Are you guys going over to Banger’s for Christmas?”

“Yes. Dad wanted us to spend the night, but we want to open one gift tonight.”

“I can’t wait for you to open mine,” Jerry replied, and the women chortled. “Let’s get going.”

“How’re you doing, babe?” Hawk asked as he curled his arms around her waist and nuzzled her neck. “You’re so soft.”

“I’m pretty beat. Did you put Isa to bed?”

Chiah Wilder's books