Origin: An Ancient Blood Prequel (Ancient Blood 0.5)

Warin’s fangs descended without his consent. “She is mine!” he snarled, all thoughts of keeping his temper in check in this pit of treachery vanishing at the mere thought of these strangers touching his human.

“Oh. Another pet. How tedious,” the woman said, neither her tone nor her voice changing despite the obvious threat emanating off Warin in thick waves. “I suppose we shall hope your request for our Lord will prove amusement enough. The nights run long when Zet holds court.” She turned and walked ahead of them down the narrow pathway, leaving them to follow until a stone door blocked their way.

Once they caught up, she rapped her knuckles against the door in a light rhythm.

The hinges creaked with effort as the heavy door swung open, finally revealing the Lord of London’s domicile.

The crypt was large, with a domed ceiling and several vampires scattered around the edges. Some were feeding, the sounds of human moans echoing around the sarcophagi, limp bodies and feasting vampires illuminated by torches.

And in the center of it all, the Ancient sat on the lid of a stone sarcophagus, a bored look on his deceptively youthful face.

“Verawein, you bring guests?” His voice rang through the room, stilling all within. Even the feeding vampires looked up at their Lord’s voice.

“They come to ask for your wisdom, my lord,” their guide said as she sashayed across the floor to stand by his side.

“Curious.” He tilted his head as he took them in. Warin had to restrain himself from stepping to the side to shield Thea from his golden eyes as they roamed over her form, lingering for just a second at her neck. “It has been near on a month since we last had visitors from outside the territory. Come. Break up this tedious night for us and present your errand.”

Warin walked forward, keeping a tight grip on Thea. He could hear her trying to swallow her whimpers and smell her fear as they passed by the humans who’d been fed upon, and pride swelled in his chest that she kept on walking. Most humans who hadn’t been Compelled would have lost composure this deep into a vampire nest, but not his Thea. Not while he was with her.

“And what have we here?” Zet’s nostrils flared when they stopped in front of him, Thea’s scent undoubtedly hitting him fully. The Ancient leaned forward from his perch and reached out a hand toward her, his eyes narrowing. “Come here, child.”

Thea whimpered in response and pressed closer to Warin, wide eyes glued to the Ancient.

Zet arched an eyebrow and looked at Warin. “If I am not mistaken, either you enjoy the scent of your pet’s terror and have Compelled her to complete obedience despite awareness—an impressive feat for one so young as you—or… this human remains in control of her mind?”

“This is why we have sought your advice, my lord,” Warin said. He fought back the urge to grab Thea and run until this suffocating catacomb and the powerful Ancient residing within was nothing but a faint memory, instead releasing his hold on her. “My human does not take to Compulsion.”

An audible gasp from the court echoed throughout the room. Warin ignored them all and gently nudged Thea forward, despite her obvious reluctance. He had taken her into the bowels of London’s night to learn what this Ancient might know for her sake, and for his own. He had to see it through. “She smells human, she feels human… but something about her isn’t. I brought her here in hopes that your wisdom could shed light on what she is.”

“What are you talking about? Of course I am human!” Thea hissed over her shoulder.

“How very curious.” The Ancient’s golden eyes returned to the young woman now standing directly in front of him. He curved his finger at her in a come-hither movement, full lips rising up in a small smile. “And brave enough to talk back to her Master, even when she reeks of fear. Come here, girl. Let me have a look at you.”

Slowly, shooting Warin a pleading look, she walked the final few steps until she was within reach of the raven-haired Ancient.

He wrapped his hand around her jaw, and she shuddered at the contact, but didn’t pull away. Though she was trembling, she returned his unblinking gaze.

“Take off your clothes, little one,” Zet purred, his voice silken persuasion and molten heat. The strength of his Compulsion was nearly tangible, even from Warin’s distance.

“What? No!” Thea jerked back from Zet’s grip, crossing her arms over her chest.

The look of astonishment on the Ancient’s face was quickly wiped away by sheer intrigue. He jumped off his makeshift throne to circle the still-trembling woman, eyes dark and predatory. Warin clenched his fists until his nails drew blood from his palms to keep from launching himself in between them and push the powerful being away from her.

“You smell human,” Zet said, drawing in a deep breath. “You look human.”

“I am human!” she said. “Please, I don’t know what this is about.”

“It’s about you being a very, very interesting young lady.” The purr was back in Zet’s voice. “Is there anything else you have noticed about her?” The last part was directed at Warin, though Zet’s eyes still didn’t leave her. “She speaks the language of my territory. Where did you find her?”

“Far north, in a village on the coast. Well outside your border, my lord.” Warin narrowed his eyes at the Ancient’s back. Even someone with his power had to abide by their ancient laws. He would not be able to take Thea away by any obvious means, but his interest in her was unsettling Warin’s beast.

“Her heart calls to me. She was mine from the moment I saw her, and she will be mine until the day she dies.”

“Her heart calls to you?” Zet ignored his subtle claim, finally turning around to look at Warin. “How?”

“It…” Warin frowned, trying to find the words to describe what had him so bound to this woman. “It is like she ties me to the world,” he said slowly. “When I saw her, I knew she was supposed to be mine. Her heartbeat is a song, pulling on me. Calling.”

Zet stared at him for two long, silent seconds. Then he snapped his fingers and turned to face the gathered vampires. “I am retiring for the night. Go, enjoy my town. You are all much too young to waste away in this crypt night after night.”

From the looks his court shot at each other, this was not usual behavior from their lord, but it only took them seconds to obey this unexpected but obviously welcome order. Within moments, there were only two half-dead humans and Verawein left in the room, besides the Ancient and themselves.

Warin bowed his head and reached for Thea. “I thank you for your time, my lord. We will be on our way.”

“Not so hasty, young one.” Zet gave him a small smile before he turned to the female vampire by his side. “My dear, my orders include you too. I wish to be alone with our guests.”

“But my lord—“

Zet lifted two fingers, silencing her with an arched eyebrow. Meekly, she bowed her head. “Yes, my lord.”

Nora Ash's books