On the Prowl (Bad Things #2)

“No, no, you fought to keep me! I can see that now—”

His laugh was bitter and oddly broken. “What you need to see is that I’m a bastard. One who is so twisted inside he can’t get past his own desires. I knew you wouldn’t want to be a vampire, but I couldn’t let you go.”

“Julian, let’s just…let’s get out of here, okay?” Because he was scaring her. She’d said she loved him—several times now—and he hadn’t mentioned love even once to her. Granted, it had been one hell of a day, so she was trying to cut the guy a little slack, but the fear still coiled inside of her. “Look, there’s a chopper right there. You’re the tough, do-anything-type, so my money says you can fly that bird—”

“I can.”

“Then get us out of here. Take us—take us some place where we can be alone. Where we can start over.”

“There isn’t any going back.” Deep lines bracketed his mouth. “I learned that a long time ago.”


But he caught her hand and pulled her toward the chopper. He lifted her up and made sure she was buckled in her seat. He took the pilot’s spot and pushed some buttons and soon they were lifting up into the air.

She looked down and saw the smoke drifting up to them. A line of blue light surrounded the outskirts of that burning building, and she knew she was staring down at Luke’s magic—containment for the fire.

The blades whirred overhead as Julian flew them away.


Julian landed the helicopter on Key West, on a private helipad that Luke owned. Sometimes, he felt like his buddy owned half of the damn world.

Because he did.

The blades stopped spinning, and his head turned so that he could stare at Rose. Beautiful fucking Rose. The woman he wanted more than anything.

The woman who’d said she loved him.

The deal was supposed to save her. It didn’t work out that way. I screwed things up. I have to make it right for her.

“Why…why do I feel like you’re about to tell me good-bye?”

Because he was. “Twenty-four, seven protection, remember? But only until—”

“The threat is gone.”

He nodded. “Considering you burned the Collector to ash, I don’t think we have to worry about him any longer.”

“I told you I loved you.”

He flinched.

“Don’t you love me?”

“I’m a fucking selfish bastard.”


“I saw you on the beach…you were picking up sea shells. I saw you, I wanted you, and I didn’t care about the rules that said I was supposed to stay away from a human. I was arrogant and cocky. I thought I’d screw you and walk away and no one would know that I’d broken one of Luke’s famous laws.” His hands clenched. “Shifters are supposed to stay away from humans. We’re too rough. Too wild. I’ve known shifters who’ve killed human lovers.”

“You didn’t hurt me and you sure didn’t walk away.”

“Because I couldn’t. Once wasn’t nearly enough. I had you, and I wanted more.” He’d wanted forever. But forever had ended in a hail of gunfire.

“I wanted more, too,” she whispered. Did the woman have any idea the damage she was doing to him? His heart was in pieces. She’d gutted him with her love.

“You didn’t want to be a vampire, Rose. You wanted a husband. A home. Kids. Holidays and trips to Disney World. You didn’t want me. How could you? You didn’t even know me, not really.”

She grabbed his hand, her fingers curling over his clenched fist. “I know you now. I know you as a beast. I know you as a man. And guess what? I still want you.” Her breath heaved out. “But what do you want, Julian? How do you feel about me?”

I love you. Completely. And that was terrifying. “If you died tomorrow, what do you think I’d do?”

She blinked.

“If I’d gotten to that fucking pit in the Everglades five minutes later and that bastard had taken your heart…what do you think I would’ve done?”


“Anything. I’d do anything to get you back.” That was the part that tore him up. “You say I’m not like Simon. You’re right. In some ways, I’m worse. Because I wouldn’t have fucking dicked around like he did. I would have moved heaven and hell immediately to get you back. I would have traded any life to have you back. You think I wouldn’t kill an innocent to get back the woman I love?”

“You love me?”

Always. “I would kill anyone. I would trade anything…I would do everything to get you back. Because I am a monster in my soul. And monsters aren’t supposed to love because when we do, we just destroy. The love we feel is selfish and addictive and it’s not right for you.”

She shook her head. “No, you don’t get to say what’s right.”

“I mated you, and I didn’t even tell you!”