Mr. Everything: A Billionaire and the Nanny Romance


“Whoa. So Sabrina is actually a singer?” Gil asks as he dribbles the ball, the sound of the rubber against the wood resonating throughout the full-sized, indoor basketball court that is Gil’s non-virtual playground.

“Yup.” I pull my shorts up and squat in front of him, preparing to steal. “She left home to become a singer. I didn’t tell you that?”


“She’s already sang in bars before in Memphis, though it was under a different name – Savannah Brown.”

“So, that’s why I couldn’t find anything about her. She went by a different name.”

I try to steal the ball from him but he dribbles out of reach.

“Some people recognized her from her video,” I continue. “They said they knew she was talented and were surprised when she disappeared. They want to hear more of her. And the people who are hearing her sing for the first time are saying the same. They all say she should be a recording artist.”

“Wow. All that based on one video?”

He tries to make a drive to the basket but I stop him.

“You should hear her sing. She’ll send shivers up your spine.”

“I’d rather have something else send shivers up my spine.”

He makes another drive. This time, he sneaks past me but as he jumps, I swat the ball away, sending it bouncing back on the floor and then chasing after it. I run to the other side of the court, aiming for a fast break but Gil is quick to recover, already on defense.

I dribble the ball. “I know you do, but she’s really good.”

Gil shakes his head. “You sound like a sailor bewitched by a mermaid, man.”

“That’s how I feel, and I’m sure I’m not the only one.”

“So, what? Are you going to produce her album or something? Maybe talk to some of those singers you know? You do have some friends in the music industry, right?”


Some of my clients back when I was a personal fitness trainer were really famous.

“I was thinking of helping to launch her music career,” I go on. “But then the video came out and it’s viral. This morning, Sabrina got a call.”


I move closer and try to shoot the ball but it’s too short, falling into Gil’s hands. He breaks away from me, running to the other end. I don’t bother chasing him, watching him as he scores an easy lay-up.

“8-6,” Gil announces. “I’ve got the lead.”

“That was a lucky shot,” I tease him.

“Maybe but sometimes, in this world, luck is all you need.” He passes me the ball. “So, who called Sabrina?”

I dribble the ball. “There were two calls, actually. The first time, no one answered. Scared her a bit. The second one was from the Today Show. They want Sabrina to sing live on TV.”


“So, it seems she doesn’t need me to launch her career.”

I go past him, shooting over him from the corner. This time, I score.


“Time out,” Gil says, heading to the bench.

I sit beside him, drinking water.

“Did I tell you her video has close to half a million views already?” I wipe my face with a towel.

Gil looks at me. “No way.”

“Yes way.” I drink more water.

“Maybe I will watch her video,” he says.

“You do that. Otherwise, you might get left behind.”

He puts the cap on his water bottle. “From nanny to celebrity. Who would have thought?”

I nod. “I know.”

“Aren’t you worried, though? If she’s famous, doesn’t that mean Vince might come after her? I thought you married her to keep her safe from him.”

I’ve thought of that. I’ve thought that maybe if Sabrina’s famous, Vince might want her back all the more. Still…

“You’re right. I married her to protect her, not to hide her or smother her. She deserves to be famous, Gil. She deserves to make her dream come true. I can’t stop her. I don’t want to. I’ll just have to keep her safe while she’s doing it.”

“He owns a music label, though, right? That means Sabrina will be within Vince’s reach.”

“I know. She signed a contract with him, too, so he might come out with that.”

Gil makes a disapproving sound with his tongue.

“But if he does, I’m prepared to sue him. He won’t get Sabrina back. Just let him try.” I clench my fists. “I won’t even let him get near her.”

“Scary.” Gil drinks some more water.

I don’t care. I will crush anyone who tries to hurt her.

“On another topic, are you going to the party this evening?” Gil asks.

I pause. There’s a party this evening?

“You know, the one NASA executives are throwing to raise funds for their latest project.”


Tess did mention something like that.

“You going?”

I shrug.

“Why don’t you go and bring Sabrina?”

Come to think of it, that’s a good idea. If I’m with Sabrina, I might actually enjoy the evening. And she might, too. She’ll get more exposure. Plus, I’m sure security will be top-notch at the party so she won’t be in any danger.

“Well?” Gil asks.

I stand up, stretching my arms. “You know what? I think I’ll ask her.”


“You want me to go to a party with you?” Sabrina looks at me with wide eyes, her hands still on the game controller, the game she and David are playing paused on the screen.

I nod. “I know you don’t like parties but neither do I, so maybe, together, we can actually have fun at this one?”

She falls silent as she touches her chin, thinking.

“Can I come, too?” David asks.

“Sorry, David, but no kids allowed at this party. Besides, you have school tomorrow.”

David frowns.

“Isn’t this one of the parties full of rich people, though?” Sabrina asks. “I’m not sure I’ll fit in.”

“Well, you better start getting used to it because when you become a star, you’ll have to attend a few parties,” I tell her.

“But what if Vince is there?”

I haven’t thought of that.

“Who’s Vince?” David asks.

“No one,” I tell him.

I go to Sabrina, placing a hand on her shoulder. “I don’t think he’ll be there, but if he is, he’ll regret it.”

Sabrina frowns. “I don’t want you causing a scandal.”

“All right, I won’t touch him unless he touches you. I’m sure he won’t want to cause a scandal either.”

Sabrina shakes her head. “I don’t like the sound of it.”

“Hey.” I grab her hand. “You said you didn’t want to live in fear anymore, right? If you become famous, and you will, you have to go to parties. Vince could be at any of them. Does that mean you won’t go just because you might run into him? If he isn’t there, good. If he is, you don’t have to be afraid. I’ll be with you. And if you can’t face him now, you never will.”

For a moment, she’s silent. Then she nods.

“All right, I’ll go.”

I smile.

“But what will I wear?”



Emily Bishop's books