Maddening (Cursed Superheroes #2)

“How did you get in then? Wasn’t the door locked by some magical charm? That’s what my parents always told me?”

He shrugs. “It was, but I asked the door to open.”

My brows dip. “What does that mean?”

He smirks. “I bet you’d like to know, wouldn’t you?”

I nod eagerly. “I really would… I can tell you’re not human, but I don’t know how I know that. And I don’t know much about otherworldly creatures except for what I’ve read in books. But books don’t really help when it comes to running into one in real life. Well, maybe they would if I lived in real life and actually saw otherworldly creatures on a daily basis. But since I live in here,” I shrug, “You’re the first anything I’ve met outside of my family in a really long time.”

“How long?”

“Fifteen years. Since my parents first found out what I’d become.”

His smirk makes a grand appearance again, and I can’t decide if I hate it or love it. “You really shouldn’t have trusted them.”

My lips curve into a hurt frown. “I wish you’d stop saying that.”

“Fine, don’t believe me. I’ll prove it to you.” Then without warning, he slips his arm through the bars and grabs onto my arm.

Panic flares up my throat and I let out a deadly scream, knowing when the noise ends, I’ll be consumed by the guilt of hurting someone.

Chapter 4

I scream until my lungs burns, until I run out of breath, until my heart aches…

Until I realize nothing’s happening.

The scream dies in my throat as the guy outside of the cage throws me a mocking smirk.

“See? Nothing.” Arrogance rings in his tone as he withdraws his hand away from my arm.

I instantly realize how warm his hand was making my skin. Warmth. I’m not sure I’ve ever felt anything like it before. Well, except for when the heater kicks on and when my dad used to sneak me down a cup of hot cocoa. I want the warmth back. Crave it. But I can’t help but wonder why the guy looks completely okay after touching me.

Puzzlement cracks through me, leaving a jumble of pieces behind. “Is it because you’re not human? Is that why you’re not hurt?”

He shakes his head. “It’s because the Shadow Teller only told your parents bits of the future, not the whole story, which has led to a lot of confusion and a lot of unnecessary seclusion on your part.”

“I don’t understand.” My frown deepens as the confusion continues to splinter me apart. “What’s a Shadow Teller? And why would my parents lie to me?”

“They didn’t lie per se. They just didn’t know the entire truth.” He taps his finger against the lock on the cage while studying me. “Eventually, though, your touch will become destructive. But, if you choose to, you can use it for a good cause. Personally, I wouldn’t. But considering you started out human… Well, you might be able to keep your conscious after the transition.”


He sighs exhaustedly. “Look, I can’t explain everything right now. Not until the curse has been completed.” He starts to back away toward the door, but pauses as tears pool my eyes.

“You’re leaving me locked inside here?” I ask, all teary eyed.

He shrugs. “It’s just for one more day.”

I knee walk over to the door of my cage and wind my fingers around the bars. “What happens in a day?”

He seems awful squirmy over me turning into a big old cry baby. I feel bad for making him so uneasy, but I can’t seem to get the waterworks to shut off.

He scratches at the back of his neck and shifts his weight. “You turn into what your parents told you you’d become.”

More tears spill out of my eyes. “So, I only have one day before I become a monster.”

He glances at the clock. “Actually, only a couple more hours.”

I start to sob, my shoulders heaving. “But I’m not ready.”

“Would you stop that.” His tone is crammed with impatience. “You’re acting ridiculous right now.”

“I’m sorry.” I try to stop crying, but it’s no use. “It’s just that I’ve never done anything outside of the cage and now I never will.”

“But you were okay with that a minute ago when you thought you were already a monster.”

“I know, but now I realize that I could’ve lived a normal life up until now.” A thought occurs to me and the tears slowly subside. “I could have a few hours, though, if you’ll let me out.”

He promptly shakes his head. “No fucking way.”

I rack my mind for a way to get him to give into me. My sister once told me she manipulated guys by batting her eyelashes and pouting out her lip. I’ve never actually tried doing it before, but I guess it doesn’t hurt to give it a try.

I jut out my lip and bat my eyelashes as I kneel up straighter. “Pretty please. I swear I’ll be forever grateful. In fact, I’ll even do you a favor in return.”

He narrows his eyes. “That won’t work on me.”