Loving a Noble Gentleman: A Historical Regency Romance Book

Mary gave Edmund a bemused but happy look. She expected it to be much more of a fight than that to get Charlotte aboard, but she was happy to go. She wanted to leave, which meant that Mary now had to go too. Although with Edmund’s fingers sliding into her hand and her heart warming up with glee, it did not seem like it would be such a scary move after all. She had never assumed that she was the sort of woman who would go on an adventure, yet here she was leaving England and moving halfway across the world with only a small bag to her name.

“Charlotte and I are going to need a lot of new things when we get to America,” she told Edmund with utter seriousness. “We did not bring much with us; we did not know that we would be going to America.”

“Everything you have might not work anyway,” Edmund replied smilingly. “We do not know what the fashions are like in America. They might dress totally differently.”

Mary glanced down at herself, wondering what sort of things they would wear in America. Maybe they did not wear the tight corsets to create the perfect silhouette; maybe they did not even wear dresses. Anything was possible, which was very exciting. Maybe women were even allowed an opinion in America, and perhaps they could have jobs and lives of their own. Maybe they would not even mind if Charlotte was a seemingly unwed mother of one ...

“I cannot wait to get there,” she told Edmund with a gleaming smile. “I am very excited to see America with my very own eyes.”

“I have always wanted to go,” Edmund confessed. “So I am probably the most excited of us all.” He indicated towards Charlotte who was already on the deck of the ship, looking very much at home there. “Although she seems very keen too.”

The couple boarded the ship, which instantly filled Mary’s chest with a sense that this was really happening. Due to her tiredness, there had been a dreamlike quality to everything that had come before, but now that she could feel the wood from the ship underneath her, she knew for sure that her adventure was going to start. She giggled and twisted around in an almost dance-like motion as she inhaled the salty ocean air. She felt wild and free, more excited than she had ever been before. If she considered how she felt when she first met Edmund when he bored her with his stories about his overseas trade business, she never thought that he and his business would be the things to save them both. Charlotte from her life and Mary from the fact that she had lost absolutely everything. If someone had told her this was where she would end up, she never would have trusted their words. It was the most unexpected turn of events ever.

“I think I am going to sleep,” Charlotte declared with weariness in her tone. “I feel like I have not slept for a very long time. I am hoping that tonight will be the first good night of sleep that I ever get.”

“I will show you to your cabin,” Edmund said, being ever the gentleman. “I have ensured that it is luxurious since this will be a long journey, so I very much hope that it is to your satisfaction.”

“That sounds wonderful.”

Mary stood at the edge of the ship as Edmund and Charlotte left her alone, and she peered out at the men on the dock who were unhooking the ship to set her free. Her emotions soared high. Finally, she could get what she did not realise that she wanted; she was going to get the man of her dreams.

Maybe my father did not have good judgement with a lot of people, she thought knowingly. Not with Lord Jones or with Mr. Thompson, but he was right about Edmund. He saw something in him that made him right for me. Even if it took a while for me to see it myself.

`Or maybe it was just coincidence. It was possible that Mary had simply got lucky with him, she was not sure. Either way, she felt utterly grateful to have him by her side, taking her to a brand new life. As his arms circled around her back, and he nestled into her neck, she gripped her fingers into his skin. One thing was for sure when they got to America, there was one thing that all of them could be certain of, and it was the fact that she and Edmund could now be together. Even if there were strict rules in America, at least they would not be bringing their reputations with them; they could start again as just themselves.

It was going to be wonderful.

“I love you,” she said while turning to face Edmund. She moved her hands upwards and wrapped them around his neck. As she held him in place, she could not stop herself from grinning at him as if he was the most incredible thing alive. “I love you so very much, you know? I do not know what I would do without you now.”

“And I love you.” Edmund gave Mary the most serious look that he could manage. He needed Mary to understand just how much he meant it. “You are everything to me. I am so glad that we managed to find a way back to one another. That is all that I have wanted.”

He dipped his head in, needing to taste her lips once more. It was the one place in the world that he felt most happy, and the same went for her too. The idea that they could have not made one another happy was laughable now. Now they did not know how to be happy without one another. Mary pursed her lips, and she pushed up onto her tiptoes just waiting for the moment when everything would feel amazing once more ...

This time as they kissed it did not feel taboo at all. It felt like they were doing exactly what they were supposed to, acting out of love just as they were meant to, and that feeling was the most wonderful feeling of all. Mary could not wait to experience that sensation for the rest of her life forever, in America or wherever they ended up in the world. It did not matter as long as she was with him. She knew that it was going to be great.


The sunshine sparkled across the green, sunny town in California where Edmund had arranged for the three of them to stay once they arrived from England. At the time, Mary and Charlotte were so exhausted from the long journey over the ocean that they would have accepted whatever home he offered them to stay in. They were just lucky that it was such a wonderful place. Edmund had done well for all of them.

The small home that they lived in now was nothing as grand as they had in England, but it was somehow not as stifling. They did not live too far from the ocean which made it very easy for Edmund to conduct his business, and it was also wonderful for the women too. It made them regret all the years they wasted living far away from the water, even if it was not their fault. They wished that they had always lived in such a gorgeous place.

Mary stirred the pot of stew over the fire which brought a bright smile to her face. Now that she was so used to her life in America, it was almost as if everything that had happened in England was a strange dream, something that had happened to someone else rather than herself. In England, Mary suffered a lot and was a constant mess of emotions. Here in California, she was calm, content, and generally just happy.

Abigail Agar & Bridget Barton's books