Heath (Wild Boys After Dark, #2)

Terri turned on her heel with a huff and walked out of the bar. Heath breathed a little easier as he sank back down to the stool.

He watched Ally’s eyes widen when the bartender brought her drink. The bartender pointed to Heath, and Heath smiled over his shoulder.

She mouthed, Thank you.

He nodded, then turned to face the bar. If she came over, she was into another night of hot sex, and if she remained with Bore One and Bore Two, he was wasting his time. The fact that he cared and was hoping she’d appear beside him did something funky to his gut.

One more night. That was it.

At least that’s what he told himself. She was hot as fuck in bed, and he wanted more. There couldn’t be any other reason his skin prickled as she slid onto the barstool beside him.

“HEATH, ISN’T IT?” She lifted the glass, toying with him in the same way the screw me sideways had toyed with her. She’d thought about Heath from the moment she’d watched his fine ass walk out of her room at four that morning. She’d slept wrapped in his scent, which lingered on her sheets, pillow, and more potently, her skin.

“Interesting choice,” she said, eyeing the drink before taking a sip and sweeping her tongue across her lower lip.

“I thought you might like that.” His eyes lingered around her mouth, then shifted to the table where she’d left the two men. “I don’t mean to ruin your fun.”

A soft laugh escaped her lips before she could stop it. They were nice enough guys, but Ally couldn’t date nice guys. She’d done that before and had quickly learned how boring too nice could be. Not that she wanted a bad guy or law-breaking guy, but she definitely preferred edgier men. And at the moment, the hunky, edgy man sitting beside her had her rapt attention.

“They’re volunteering at the conference, like I am.”

His eyes went serious and she knew he was banking that information, but when he shifted his eyes away from her, she realized she’d given him personal information that maybe he didn’t want. He probably wasn’t banking it but rather thinking about how she’d crossed his no-personal-information line. Way to screw this up, Ally. She’d promised herself not to nose through the attendee list to figure out who he was. Given the lecture he’d been attending when she’d seen him, she assumed he was a doctor. While other medical professionals attended the conference, they weren’t as likely to attend the surgery-related lectures.

“Sorry. I forgot the ‘no-personal-information’ rule. Pretend I never said that.” She sucked back the drink to numb the sting of knowing that he really had no interest in anything more than a one-night stand—err…two-night stand if they went at it again—and based on the narrowing of his piercing blue eyes, that’s exactly where they were headed.

The side of his mouth curved as he reached up and touched the edge of her lip, then sucked the wetness from his fingertip. Her insides melted.

“Delicious. Would you like another drink?” He eyed her empty glass.

She leaned in close to his cheek and was assaulted by his scent, which her body remembered all too well. She felt her nipples harden as she whispered, “If I have another of these, you’re going to have to screw me sideways.”

“Well, now, sweetheart. We wouldn’t want you to be under the influence while you’re getting fucked sideways, would we?”

He rose to his feet, and she couldn’t help but drop her eyes to see if he was as aroused as she was. Oh yeah. He was sporting a baseball bat.

A handful of people crowded in around them in the elevator. Ally and Heath stood in the back. She was disappointed. She’d been looking forward to a little mischief. She felt Heath’s hand slide up the back of her bare thigh. She stole a glance at him, and he was staring straight ahead, as if he weren’t running his fingers between her legs and driving her out of her flippin’ mind. The elevator stopped, and when the doors opened, he slid his fingers inside her panties, then dipped them inside her. She clamped her mouth shut to keep from gasping too loudly and shifted her stance, sinking further onto his fingers. He stroked and plunged, relentless in his pursuit of her orgasm, and when she felt herself losing control, she turned her face away from the other people, pressed her mouth to his shoulder and bit down hard as the elevator came to another stop and more people got off—including her. She gritted her teeth as he withdrew his fingers, leaving her wet and horny, and—finally—the elevator opened on her floor. She walked past the remaining couples in the elevator, and for the second time in twenty-four hours wondered if strangers could smell sex as pungently as she did. The doors closed behind them, and in the space of a second Heath had her pinned against the wall beside the elevator, his cheek pressed to hers.

“Do you know how fucking hot that was?” He kissed her. Hard. “I nearly came in my pants like a teenager.”

Melissa Foster's books