Haunted (The Academy of Spirits and Shadows #2)

I took a small step back, breaking our kiss, and then knelt down in front of Vexer, putting my hands on his knees. He gave me a very curious sort of look.

“I've never given a blow job before,” I whispered, pushing his legs out of my way so I could scoot closer, my fingers teasing up his thighs and drawing this wild, masculine sound from his throat. “Unless you don't want to be my first in that category …”

“Don't even go there,” he growled, taking my left hand and curling my fingers around the base of his shaft. Part of me wondered if I should save this for Air. He was the love of my life, after all. But life was the keyword in all of that. I needed someone with a pulse right now; I needed Vexer.

I flicked my eyes up and met the thundercloud gray of his, running my tongue along my lower lip until it was slick and moist. I can’t believe I’m doing this right now! I thought, even as I leaned forward and slid the length of my tongue against the underside of Vexer’s shaft. There were so many people in this house right now, most of them spirits that could pop through the floor or walls at any moment and see what I was up to.

Didn’t stop me.

Instead, I felt excitement flutter through me. I liked what I was doing, and I wanted to make Vexer feel good. He’d made me feel so much better after Air’s death, helped me fight off my nightmares the last few days. Why shouldn’t I?

“You taste a little salty,” I admitted, giving his shaft another squeeze and then running my fingers up and over the pre-ejac on the tip of his cock. It was nice and slick, mixing with my saliva to give me lubricant for my fist. “But kind of good, too.”

“I always aim to please,” Vex said, putting his palms flat on the bed and leaning back. But he made sure to keep his focus entirely on me. With our eyes still locked, I slipped my mouth over the tip and swirled my tongue in a circle. The move made little goose bumps break out across Vex’s skin which I loved. Sucking him a little deeper, I let the velvety length of his shaft rest against my tongue … and then I hummed. “Reisender’s nuts,” he growled, the sound vibrating through his body and into me. “Where did you learn that one?”

Instead of answering him, I just smiled and slid back up his shaft, sliding him from my lips with a little pop. I kissed down the sound of Vexer’s cock until I got to his balls, gently sucking on the skin while I played with them in my palm.

“You sure this is your first time?” he asked as I worked him with my hand and brought my mouth over his dick so that my lips met my fist. Vex was sweating now, shaking slightly. I didn’t stop until he was tense and tangling his fingers in my hair.

“I’m sure,” I said, loving how confident and cool I sounded. Now why couldn’t I sound that like that on a more regular basis? Instead of breaking priceless artifacts with my wings and falling down stairs, I could … you know, sound sophisticated. And I was so not about to tell Vexer, the master of the Travelers’ Guild, that I’d learned everything I was doing from Jasinda. Or that she had learned all these techniques from her sister.

I curled my wings forward, thought about the dirtiest curse word I could come up with—Professor Tiukka is a fucking bitch—and caught the single black feather that popped off.

“Cursed spirits,” Vex groaned as I teased his shaft with the end of it, seeing how far I could push him before he either came or … “Brynn.” That single syllable had never sounded so sexy before. When Vex took me by the shoulders and leaned down to kiss my mouth, the taste of his pre-cum mingled between our lips. “Come here.”

He helped me to my feet and once again, I straddled his legs, running my fingers through his brunette hair as he kissed and sucked on my nipples, teasing them into his mouth and biting down gently with those white-white teeth of his. Vex’s big hands traced down my back and cupped the round shape of my bottom, fingers kneading the soft flesh.

Our wings played a game of their own, sliding and rubbing together, his feathers tickling those stupid little bald spots of mine. It seemed a bit ridiculous considering I was a foot shorter than him, and probably a hundred or even two hundred pounds less, but our wingspans were just about the same. No wonder I toppled over all the time!

Soft, husky sounds spilled past my lips as Vex slipped a hand between my legs, testing my wetness with his fingers, slicking the natural lube out and over my clit. He worked me with those tattooed fingers of his until I was trembling as hard as he’d been when I had my mouth over his cock.

“Vex, wait,” I choked out as he dipped two fingers inside and used his thumb against the swollen nub of my clit. My arms and wings curled around him as I relaxed my bodyweight against his. He was taking me too far; there was no way I was going to be able to stand on my own. Vex held me up with his left arm around my waist, those massive muscles of his easily keeping me up as he fucked me to climax with his hand.

A long, awful sounding groan escaped my lips as I collapsed onto his lap, feeling the hardness of his shaft slip against the front of my folds. I was sweating, too, and shaking, clinging to Vexer as white-hot waves of pleasure rolled through me.

“Let’s keep going,” he growled against my ear. “I need to convince you to be mine.”

A sudden laugh escaped me as I pushed back against his chest and gave him a look.

“I think you’ve done a pretty good job of that so far,” I said, enjoying the grin that spread across his hips just before he kissed me again. As our tongues slid together, I sat up on my knees and let Vexer put his hand between us, guiding his cock to my opening.

Just before I slid down, I pulled back so I could look into his face as he filled me. Inch by inch, I took Vexer’s thick shaft between my thighs. A gasp tore from my throat as I realized exactly how big he really was.

“I don’t think I can take it all,” I whispered against his ear. He growled at me, his hands tightening on my hips, but he didn’t force the issue, rocking his hips up slowly until his cock hit the end of me. I’d never been stretched so much before, never felt so filled. And I loved that, too. “Mm.” Several minutes of thrusting loosened me up enough to take him further and finally, I settled fully and completely on Vex’s lap, my hands on his chest, my head tilted back to look into his eyes.

“I knew you could do it,” he said with another little growl, a reminder that he was as much man as he was beast …

“Your tail,” I gasped out, just before he curled the muscular length of it around my wrist and squeezed. Vex wrapped me up in his wings, kept his hands on my hips, and watched as I started to roll my hips fast and then faster, until we were both moaning, my breasts pressed to his chest, my head thrown back in ecstasy.

I swear, when he came inside of me, I saw flubbing fireworks behind my eyes.

“Be my mate, Brynn,” he breathed, his chin on my shoulder, his mouth so close to my ear that I shivered again, my muscles still fluttering with the aftershocks of the orgasm and teasing his cock. I couldn’t respond to him, not yet, not when Air and Eli were still dead, not when Talon was missing.

But once I got those things sorted out? I was almost certain I was going to say yes.

This going to be darker than Hellim's Hell, isn't it? I thought as I dressed myself in a red silk agapa, black breeches, and boots. I braided my hair into a fishtail, flicked it over my shoulder, and gave Vex a look.

He had this … confident male expression of male triumph on his face. It was two parts sexy, one part annoying. And I loved it.