FIRE (Elite Forces Series Book 2)

"We have to play it safe, Ice. I can see crazy in your gorgeous eyes, and I can't let you go back in unless you reel that shit in. Do you fucking hear me? You’re more of a danger to him and to all of us until you pull your goddamn shit together." Bullet is in my face, reminding me who's in charge here. The pounding of the helicopter blades literally matches my heartbeat, and I'm surprised I could hear his yelling over the noise in my head.

"Yes, Sir," I say loud enough for him to hear. Yet my tone is telling him I’m not really listening. I know what they're saying is vital and of the utmost importance, but I'm struggling like I've never struggled before.

I'm well-trained and knowledgeable about what can go wrong in a mission, but nowhere in all my life could I have ever prepared for the way I feel right now. They may as well have me, because I'm feeling every single fucking hit he's more than likely getting. I feel all of it. Straight to my heart.

"I'm killing the mics now. They have his helmet, and we don't need them listening in. We only have a few minutes when we drop. I want us all to board that airplane and regroup. It's the only way we know we're safe."

"Not on your fucking life, Kase." Harris comes in behind him and speaks before I have the chance to.

"Goddamnit. He'll have my ass if we don't do this right. We can't just start splitting up and fucking lose everyone. Seriously. Use your heads. Both of you.”

"And you know time is of the essence in a situation like this. We have to split up. Half of us take this piece of shit in and the other half stay behind and blow off heads until we get Fire,” Jackson speaks his mind. He seems to be pushing to stay behind, and for that I like this guy more by the second.

“You're fucking crazy if you think they haven't moved him. You're also an idiot if you go back there tonight. An army will be waiting to blow your fucking heads off.” Kase is logical. I know he is, but right now, I don't want fucking logic. I want Kaleb back where he belongs. With me.

Kase continues to talk, and I try to hear him. But my mind is spinning with chaos, and my body is filled with so much hatred and adrenaline for those bastards that took him, I can't comprehend anything else.

“Who do we have here in Mexico we can trust?” Thank god for Harris right now. He's asking questions that line up with what I need to know. All my mind wants to do is betray me of the years of training I’ve had, while my heart screams louder than any drill sergeant ever has.

“The two men who helped us tonight, but you fucking know we made a lot of noise and we’re not out of here yet. Who’s to say the whole fucking Mexican Cartel doesn't know our allies by now. That's why we get in and get the fuck out. No questions.” Kase looks at me as he talks. It's as if he’s willing me to agree to leave Mexico and Kaleb behind. I shake my head. No way. I refuse. I will never leave him in this country. Not without me.

I feel the helicopter begin to slow just slightly. I knew the ride would be short, the drive over in the truck was as well. Why does that seem so long ago? I can feel panic begin to flow through my veins. My body is shaking, and I look at Harris while he yanks his helmet off and analyzes me. I see so much stress in his eyes as I watch them adjust to the fact I’m barely hanging on. He starts to speak to me calmly and with strength behind his voice.

“It's your call. I'm with you on this.” He moves to me roughly and wobbly as the chopper works to land. I look down and try to comprehend what my mind is saying versus what my heart is screaming. “Elliott. I need you to fucking promise you won't do one damn thing without me. Don't get any fucking crazy ideas to run and try to save the fucking world by yourself. Do you hear me? I'm with you on this. Just say the motherfucking word.” Harris touches my arm as he talks, and I try to comprehend what it is I want to do. I don’t know what we're supposed to do. All I do know is, I have to go get him.

Kase pushes in next to Harris and starts to push his point even harder. “I have access to the best equipment in the fucking world. Not to mention insiders who can help. You two gringos will stick out like goddamn tourists, and not a person in this hell will give you information. We will go get him. I swear to you on my fucking life. But I refuse to tell him when I find him that I let his woman do some stupid bullshit, and now I can't even find her. Let me do what I do best. Then I fucking promise I’ll let you help me blow these motherfuckers into an oblivion when I do locate him.” He has no clue how much I want to believe what he’s saying.

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books