Concealed (Beholder #2)

“I was hoping you might know something that could help find her. How well do you know the Vicomte and his court?”

“I’m the Vicomte’s first and only child, in the legal sense, anyway. He’s my Daddy Dearest.” The words “Daddy Dearest” dripped with venom. She leapt off the swing and paced a line on the garden path. “Veronique was my best friend until that heartless snake stole her away. I want her back. You’ve no idea how long I’ve searched with nothing to show for it. I’ll do whatever is necessary.” She paused and turned to me. “What else do you want to know? I’ll tell you anything.”

“How familiar are you with the lands of the Royals? I’ve learned that the Vicomte is hiding Veronique and other Necromancers on the estate of one of his courtiers.”

Amelia’s brows lifted. “Other Necromancers?”

“Of course. Veronique wasn’t the only one taken.”

That calculating look returned to Amelia’s doll-like face. “That’s why you’re here, isn’t it? You care for another Necromancer like I do for Veronique.”

She is a clever one, I’ll give her that.


“Who is it?”

I sighed. “Why do you want to know? I’ve decided to trust you. Isn’t that enough?”

“No, I want to understand what you get from all this. Most people hate Veronique. The gods know I certainly did when we first met. Why risk yourself to save her?”

I pinched the bridge of my nose. This conversation kept digging me in deeper. Now I’d have to reveal everything. Taking in a long breath, I raised my left arm and pulled Necromancer power into my soul. The delicate bones in my left hand shone with sapphire-bright light. I made each bone glow in succession like fireflies. This was a trick only the most advanced Necromancers could manage. “I’m a Grand Mistress Necromancer. All Sisters and Brothers are my concern.”

Amelia’s face turned slack with shock. “I’ve heard of you. You’re the one Daddy Dearest wants to meet. Everyone says you’re in hiding.”

“I don’t want to be found. There’s a difference.” I lowered my palm and stopped the spell. “I wish to free as many of my fellow mages as possible. Some of them are my friends. Others aren’t. One is a child. Above all, I wish to save her. She’s an innocent.”

Amelia nodded slowly. “All right. I understand. You said Veronique was being kept on Royal lands. What kind of estate are you looking for?”

“Someplace large with a great dungeon. It would be a newer mansion, something built or rebuilt within the last five years. Any ideas?”

“Two estates come to mind.”

Excitement sped through my bloodstream. “I need access to look around those places. I can’t seem to get past the front door of any Royal. Can you assist me there?”

She looked me over from head to toe. “I might be able to help.”

Clothilde stepped back up to the edge of the clearing. “Would you like luncheon, Your Ladyship?”

Once more, Amelia made shoo fingers at her servant. “I’m quite well, and the farm girl hasn’t tried to kill me yet. We’ll go to the cottage when we’re ready to sup.”

I didn’t bother to hide my smile. Amelia had a lot of spirit. I was starting to like her.

Clothilde curtseyed. “As you command.”

Once Clothilde was gone, I returned my attention to Amelia. “How exactly will you help me?”

“I can take you around the estates.”

Disappointment weighed heavily into my bones. “That won’t work. The Vicomte has seen what I look like.”

“As in, how you look now?”

“In a way. I was dressed in Caster leathers when I went after the Tsar. The Vicomte was there.”

Her eyes sparkled with interest. “That sounds like quite the tale.”

“It’s the main reason the Fantomes want me, but it’s a story for another day. In any case, I don’t think the Vicomte could forget me.”

Amelia laughed, and the sound was as lively as a bubbling stream. “You don’t know Daddy Dearest like I do. He doesn’t notice women, and if he did, he’d only have seen you as a Caster and an outlaw. Wait until I get you ready for court. You won’t recognize yourself. And Daddy Dearest will certainly never put two and two together. He’s not interested in people, you see. Only machines.” She twisted a lock of red hair about her finger. “I didn’t catch your name.”

“Elea.” My stomach growled, and I realized I’d been standing outside for longer than I thought. “How about we discuss it over luncheon?”

“I’d like that. Tomorrow, I can show you my laboratory. All of us children have one.”

“You can’t show me now?”

“It’s boarded up and covered in sheets. Clothilde and I will need all morning to open it up. Don’t worry. You’ll see it soon.” Her eyes narrowed. “In the meantime, there are a few taverns in town. Stay at the Autumn Arms. No one will notice you there.”

“Are you certain?”

“Positive. I’d love for you to stay with me, but that would cause gossip. Best for all of us if we keep this quiet.”

I scanned her carefully. “Best for all of us.” Amelia was risking so much for Veronique and me. “Are you certain about helping me? I’m a wanted criminal.”