Cloaked in Shadow (The Dragori #1)

She took the cloth from my hand and rocked back. “This is what you showed the prince…”

She ran her hands over the cloth, studying it carefully.

“Do you think you could work your empath power on it?”

“Usually not, but the blood, there is a slight residue of emotion trapped to it. Like a mark or memory.” She shrugged her shoulders and held it out for me.

I thrusted it back at her, the excitement of getting some answers was too much to pass up. “Try again, see what you can find out from it. I know it doesn’t belong to the Morthi, but if there is a possibility you can find out whose blood it belongs to then—”

“Zacriah, even if I did that how in hell am I going to know who it belongs to? It could be anyone’s or anything!”

“Please, just try.”

There was a knock at the door. Without needing to be told, Nyah shoved the cloth beneath her and we both looked up as it swung open.

Two guards walked in first, sending my nerves a blaze. Hadrian followed in close behind, his face showing no sign of good news.

He was dressed in the finest of clothing, richer than anything I’d seen him in. He had a light lilac tunic with the most intricate beading across his chest. The velvet cloak dragged on the floor behind him, shrouding his silver linen slacks. The circlet on his head held back his hair, a single aqua gem placed in the centrepiece. He didn’t smile when he looked at me.

“I have come to personally collect you.” His voice was stern and formal, “You are to follow me to the throne room where you are to prepare for the duel. In an hours’ time, when the great bells are rung, the duel will begin. Please fetch anything that may aid you. I shall be waiting to escort you outside.” In the next breath, he stepped away and clicked with his tongue for the guards to follow.

I was almost certain Hadrian’s cold tone was due to the guard’s presence.

The moment the door closed behind them Nyah sprang from the bed. I pulled on my new boots, already aware of how stiff they would be during the duel, and snatched my claws from my bedside cabinet.

Nyah waited by the door. Her hands were empty of the cloth, but she gave me a quick look and flicked her gaze to her boot where I saw a small patch of material sticking out. She pushed it down with her long nail, until it disappeared inside.


I KEPT MY eyes ahead of me, not looking at the many elves who stood watching me pass. I heard some whisper words of luck, but others didn’t.

Hadrian stayed ahead of me and Nyah behind, both their presences appreciated whilst we passed through the throne room. By the time we reached a room off to the side, my entire body was shaking.

Nyah reached for my hand and squeezed before whispering into my ear, “Good luck.” She was ushered away by one of the guards before I could thank her.

The remaining guard waited beyond the door, leaving me and Hadrian alone inside.

As soon as it closed Hadrian turned to me and engulfed me in a hug. His hard arms pressed in on my sides, his face nestled into the crock of my neck. I first felt stiff, shocked by his affection.

Hadrian let out a large breath that warmed the side of my neck, “I am so sorry this is happening.”

“Don’t be, it’s out of your control.”

Hadrian pulled away, but still held onto my shoulders. His eyes trapping me in his stare. “Did you sleep well? Or is that a silly question?”

“I slept fine, considering.”

“I would’ve come back for you last night, but father kept me until the early hours. I tried to get you out of this but no matter how hard I pleaded he refused to call it off.”

I shook my head, “Did you find the Commander?”

His faced darkened. “No.”

He dropped his hands from my shoulders and I dropped his gaze.

“No matter what happens out there, I will stop the duel if I see it getting out of hand.”

I forced a smile.

“I want you to do something for me,” Hadrian said.

He directed me over to a mirror that hung on the wall across from us. It was a gilded masterpiece of carved wood and flawless glass. It was mounted to the wall by a long, thick chain nailed into the stone.

He placed me before it, standing behind me. It was the first time I’d seen my reflection for a long time. My body had filled out from what I could remember. The shaven hair on the sides of my head had grown out more than Mam would ever allow. The gaps between my braid and roots displayed just how much it’d grown since I left home.

Freckles had blossomed across the bridge of my nose from the sun, just like I knew they would.

“I want you to look at yourself, really look at yourself…”

I flickered between him and my reflection, his tone soft yet commanding.

“And I want you to repeat what I say.”

I must have pulled a face because he added, “Do you trust me?”

He didn’t wait for me to respond.

Of course, I thought.

“I am strong, I am brave, I am fierce...” he began to chant and I almost spat out with laughter. I paused at the look Hadrian gave me. He was being serious.

“I am strong, I am brave, I am fierce...”

On and on he repeated the chant over my shoulder, his gaze trained to my reflection.

I looked at myself again, deep into my light grey eyes and followed his instructions.

At first it sounded odd, like I was trying to convince myself that I was something I wasn’t. But I carried on and the words began to ebb together into a mantra that vibrated through me. It was as if everything disappeared and it was just Hadrian and me. The words began to have meaning, like they were tricking my mind into trusting them. Believing them.

I didn’t notice when Hadrian stopped chanting, leaving me to sing the song to my very soul.

Hadrian spoke up, interrupting my song and stopping me.

“My mother used to do this with me every night before I went to sleep. Stand me before the mirror in my room and repeat those very words with me until I believed them. It took a while, and sometimes I still doubt myself. But she would tell me that our only enemy is within and once you overcome it, you can conquer anything.”

“She sounds like a wonderful person.” His smile warmed me.

“She was.”

I turned from the mirror to face Hadrian. He ran his warm thumb down my left cheek and across my jaw, stopping beneath my chin. All I could do was stare into his eyes, his gorgeous, powerful golden eyes.

In a trance, I leaned into him and pressed my lips to his.

At first, it was only me behind the kiss. But it didn’t take long for us to melt into one.

His warm lips danced with mine, tugging and nipping. I gave into him, moaning when his hand dropped from my chin and both his arms wrapped around my waist. I could feel the cold glass of the mirror press into my back, but I didn’t complain. We pushed and pulled each other, the kiss intensifying. His tongue brushed against mine, checking to see if I would allow him in.

Ben Alderson's books