Chosen One (Forever Evermore #6)

Running my hands over his back, I gripped his working muscles, whispering, “Then we’re even on that score, since you blindsided me.”

“I’ll take that.” His gaze held mine, his lips lifting softly with his less than hidden cocky nature, then his gaze dipped to my lips. “And this. I’ll take this.” His lips were back on mine, caressing with barely controlled hunger, keeping his caresses gentle, his body trembling the barest bit over me, murmuring against my lips, “This, I like very much.”

I groaned, wrapping my legs around his waist, tilting my pelvis up for deeper penetration, his hips moving slow and steady, unhurriedly turning that raging fire into an inferno as I kissed him back with all the simmering hunger…and possibly…feelings…I was beginning to have for this complicated man. He moaned softly, tilting his head, his tongue diving against mine, rubbing in slow, unhurried movements, meeting each of my casually altering demands, and then owning my mouth with fierce caresses of tongue, teeth, and lips that left me a breathless, shaking mess under him. I blinked sluggishly, arms around his neck now, and stared up into his eyes as he tilted his head back, our panting breaths fanning each other’s cheeks…and just watched him.

I held his steady, glowing gaze as he continued to…make love to my body, because that was what this had become. I had never experienced a tender, gentle joining before, but I knew it innately as we held each other’s gaze, our bodies continuing to connect ever so slowly, trembling against one other. I watched as his jaw tightened just about the same time mine did, realization dawning, but neither of us backed down from the slow grind of our lightly perspiring bodies, the way we each tilted our hips against each other’s, and that ever present bit of hate simmering in our gazes, even though I also knew deep within me, I couldn’t walk away right now, even if a gun was pressed to my head, safety off, and trigger being held firmly.

He, this man I loathed for using me, using our intimacies as a damn weapon, had somehow managed to worm his way inexplicably into my very being…and possibly, a bit of my heart. I was right where I wanted to be. My choice to be in his arms. All other negatives aside, the worst was he was a man I Lawfully shouldn’t even be with, especially holding the positions we did in this life, this present time, a charge which could wreck my very sanity if we were prosecuted. And yet…I didn’t want to be anywhere else at that current moment.

Breathing shakily, I whispered words I had once before, but in the past when I had thought him someone else, but now I knew differently…and didn’t care, “I’m right where I want to be.” My gaze darted between his, a bit nervous between the pleasures being so forthright. “With you.” And all that implied—the good, and the bad, I left unsaid, but it was heard, nonetheless.

He inhaled heavily, pressing his hips flush with mine, and jaw still clenched, he whispered, “As am I.” His breath shuddered past my lips as he dipped, kissing me softly, murmuring against my mouth, “God help me, but I am, too.” Another kiss against my trembling lips. “With you.” Off all the fucking people, with you, he left unsaid, but it was heard, as mine had been.

And still, I glowed a bit brighter as I kissed him back, pressing my trembling lips against his more firmly, holding him tightly to me, losing myself in the pleasure, softness, and even hatred, of our joining. His grip turning heavy on me, he ate my moans of pleasure while I adored his, taking them yearningly into my mouth. Our hips continuing to meet in a slow press of heat, both of our power beginning to build in slow increments around us as he continued to fill me whole while my slick channel gripped him tight, a kiss of the stars with the soft stroking fur of the wild animal floating around us, even our scents mingling, mine never really all that noticeable to me, just a subtle scent that was there when aroused, but I smelled the heady scent of burning stars mixing with the spiced evergreen of a forest before a rainfall now, both potent in yearning, dizzying in need…possibly the utter trust that had been mentioned before, or the fact I was letting my walls down with this man, letting him in the barest bit.

Groaning against my lips, his wolf growled quietly, vibrating against my chest, panting, he inhaled deeply, his grip instantly tightening on me, speaking against my lips. “You’re close, honey?”

I mumbled absently, “Getting there.” I tilted my hips differently, and he instantly altered his thrusts, pressing against my clit, and then tilting his hips to hit my spot inside. “Ugh, God…I will come soon, if you keep doing that.”

He hummed gutturally against my lips, keeping me close. “I can feel, and smell, you, like, when you climax.” I hadn’t known that, lost as I was when I went over the edge with him, and his lips curved the barest bit, breathless, kissing me lightly. “Guess I am that good.”

I gasped on a keening cry as he kept hitting my spots. “Don’t let it go to your head.” I groaned, my body trembling fiercely under his. “A little more, Cain. Just a little harder.”

His wolf huffed softly, and he pressed just a little harder, a bit faster, moaning, “Oh, fucking…hell.” He trembled over me, staring down at me fiercely. “Have it, honey.” Black, soft curls tickled my cheeks as he shook his head the barest bit, his breathing quickening. “I won’t be able to hold out much longer, and I want you going with me.”

Instant and breathless. “Not…an issue.” I shouted, my body tightening under him, warmth trembling like fired rain ran through my limbs, the gentle coaxing of our love making boiling inside me as he thrust deeply, rubbing the head of his cock back and forth over that delicious spot. My jaw fell as my gasping breath caught, my eyes on his, keeping them open, wanting to watch him as my body exploded in carnal pleasure, warmth transfusing me as I glowed brightly, tiny, brilliant stars flying into the vortex of our power, screaming, “Cain!”