Cage of Darkness (Reign of Secrets #2)


Metal clanged against the outside of her door. A moment later, it swung open. A large soldier with unusually pale skin and light blond hair towered in the doorway. Like other Russek soldiers, he had black markings on his face—lines, swirls, and dots from his forehead, down his right cheek, and to his chin. She thought it was some sort of paint instead of a tattoo.

“Come with me,” he said, his voice gruff.

“Do you know who I am?” Allyssa asked, purposefully keeping her voice soft and kind, hoping to gain this man as an ally.

He scanned her from head to toe, seemingly unimpressed with what he saw. “Out in the hallway, or I’ll drag you out,” he said, not bothering to answer her.

She did as instructed. “I am Princess Allyssa, heir to the Emperion throne. I am being held here against my will. If you help me escape, my mother, Empress Rema, will reward you greatly.” The hallway had a couple of torches, which provided enough light to see in both directions. She gasped. There had to be over a hundred doors. Did each contain a prisoner?

“This way,” the man said, indicating to the left.

“Do you know where Prince Odar has been taken?”

The soldier grunted, taking hold of her arm and walking at a brisk pace.

“Where are we going?” she asked. He didn’t respond. “Are you taking me to see the queen?”

His fingers dug into her arm, and they turned down a dark corridor. Dread coursed through her. This man wasn’t escorting her somewhere—he was either going to torture or interrogate her. She refused to walk, and he dragged her along as if she were a child’s doll.

They came to an open door, and he shoved her inside the room. Her blood went cold. The wall directly ahead was covered with several sets of metal handcuffs at various heights. The man lifted her wrists, locking them into one of the sets. Every ounce of her being screamed at her to fight, but her training told her otherwise.

Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to say, “I’m sorry you’re in this position; that you work for a ruler who asks you to do her dirty work.” Keeping her voice steady, she continued, “I know you’re only following her orders and not acting of your own free will. I want you to know that I forgive you for what you’re about to do.”

The man cocked his head to the side, appraising her. Goose bumps covered her flesh, and her body shook. Please don’t vomit. With her arms stretched high above her head, her shoulders began throbbing. She’d never felt so vulnerable in her life. The man looked away.

Allyssa closed her eyes, thinking about everything her father, Neco, and Marek had taught her over the years. Being tortured was more mental than physical, so it was imperative that she remain calm and not lose her temper. Instead of focusing on the pain about to come, she needed to concentrate on maintaining the fragile control she had over her emotions. Taking several deep breaths, she opened her eyes and faced her torturer.

The soldier stood there, a thin, wooden stick the length of his arm in his hand. Did he intend to hit her with that vile weapon? Her eyes widened, and all color drained from her face. She was a princess. This sort of thing wasn’t supposed to happen to her. This had to be a sick, twisted nightmare.

“Where are Empress Rema and Emperor Darmik?”

He wanted to know about her parents, which meant they were still in hiding. A surge of relief soared through her, making her bold. “I will not answer any of your questions.”

He slammed the cane against the wall next to her head, making her jerk. Her parents were safe. She would endure whatever he chose to inflict upon her in order to keep them that way.

“Does Emperion have an alliance with Fren?” He flicked the cane against his palm, making an eerie sound that caused her body to involuntarily shudder. “If you don’t answer me, I’ll be forced to use this on you.” His gentle voice made the threat more menacing.

“So be it.” Her words sounded strong even though she was cowering inside. For her parents, she would do this. Her brilliant, kind, determined, and loving parents. They made the necessary sacrifices for their kingdom. She drew strength from that knowledge. Her mother had survived her own execution. Allyssa held onto her mother’s steadfast hope.

“I’ve been ordered to give you ten lashings if you don’t cooperate.” His eyes narrowed.

Did he expect her to cry and beg for mercy? Because she wouldn’t. It was his fault for assuming she was weak.

“Have you ever seen a person hit before?” he asked, flicking the cane against his palm again.

“No. Whipping and caning are not tolerated in Emperion. My father outlawed both practices, claiming them to be barbaric.” He had told her he’d been whipped, and that was why he refused to allow another man to undergo such cruelty. She tried not to think of being hit—of the wood striking her back. Tears filled her eyes, which only infuriated her. Allyssa didn’t want to show this soldier he was getting to her, but she couldn’t stomach the idea of being tortured. When Neco spoke of such things in training, she never expected it to come to fruition.

“Be thankful it’s the cane and not a whip,” he said, stepping closer to her. “This cane won’t tear your skin the way a whip will.” For the first time, he looked into her eyes, but then quickly glanced away.

“You don’t seem like the typical Russek soldier.”

“And what do you know about us Russeks? Did you read something in a book? Reports from your spies?” He cocked his head to the side, studying her.

“You’re an interrogator,” she blurted out. “Not a torturer.” The realization shocked her. While her situation was far from ideal, having her life in this man’s hands, instead of a sadist’s, was more than she could hope for. Queen Jana must want insurance that Allyssa wouldn’t accidentally die. At least, not yet.

“It doesn’t matter what I am or am not. My queen has sent me here to do a job, and I plan to do it.” His fingers curled around the cane as he took another step toward her. “I don’t have to strike you at all if you just tell me where your parents are.”

Allyssa almost laughed. Almost. If Russek didn’t know the location of her parents, they couldn’t be certain their letters made it to the Emperion royal family. If Rema and Darmik didn’t know Allyssa’s fate, then Russek couldn’t use her as a bargaining chip. Her value lay in the ability to get to her parents. But if she was of no value to Russek, would they kill her for spite? Surely they would never let her go.

She kept her mouth shut, staring at the soldier for several minutes until his shoulders sagged. “You won’t cooperate, will you?”


He nodded. “Prisoners are punished naked.”

There was no way she was taking off her clothes. He’d have to kill her first. “I am not a prisoner. I am a political hostage. There is a difference between the two.”

Jennifer Anne Davis's books