Billion Dollar Bad Boy (Big City Billionaires #1)

Laralie was blocking my view, so I couldn't see what was resting on the round table. I did spot the three other women who were hanging out and chatting, their hands gripping what looked like paper liners.

The vanilla scent was hitting me hard, my stomach cramping with hunger. I realized what they were eating; cupcakes. “Is it someone's birthday?”

Trying to make room for me to pass, Laralie said, “Don't think so. No one's sure who brought them.”

“What?” I asked. “I don't get it, how can no one know—” My words died on my tongue.

Stuffed inside a large pink box were five cupcakes. There had clearly been more, but even with the empty spots, the display looked decadent.

They were squat, fat little things topped by metallic frosting. I'd never seen such beautiful designs on a cupcake before. The paper wrappings glowed, brilliant as moonlight.

On top of every cupcake was a small, elegant letter S.

“Don't they look beautiful?” someone said. It was hard to hear them, my ears felt swamped with water.


In a daze, I looked over to find Laralie staring at me. Her pretty blue eyes were wide with concern. “Alexis, are you okay? You look pale. Here, eat something!”

She offered me a cupcake, and I nearly slapped it from her grip. “Sorry!” I stammered, hands held high. “I don't—I mean—” My skull was pulsing, pushing my eyes forward so they bulged.

Laralie frowned, lowering the cupcake. “Maybe you should get some air.”

Grabbing the door-frame, I nodded. “Yes. Air. Right.” With a nervous look at everyone watching me, I darted out of the room. My flats were damp; I slipped on the tiles, grabbing onto the wall to stay upright.

Calm down! Just relax!

But how could I?

It was one thing to find mistaken packages in my mailbox. Here, where I worked... what did it mean?

Laralie was right, I needed air. I needed to think. None of this made sense. S must have noticed I wasn't taking the gifts, which I'd wanted. But instead of giving up and finding the right person's address, he'd sent something here.

But it's not meant for me. It isn't. It just can't be.

The elevator 'dinged.' The doors spread, but I didn't step inside. The cupcakes are for someone else. I kept clinging to that as a fact. And since it had to be true, it meant one of my coworkers was Pet!

The idea left my stomach in knots. I'd expected relief, but instead, I wasn't sure how to feel. Holding my temples, I chuckled—a tired, exasperated release. I am so ridiculous. This isn't about you.

Latching onto the idea that S was trying to get in touch with someone else—someone who just happened to work here—gave me a funny feeling. I felt less pressure.

I also felt a gnawing sensation around my heart.

The reality was this; no one would ever go to such lengths for me. Not boring, plain, keeps-to-herself Alexis Willow. I was a nobody, and nobodies slid under the radar.

I'd made sure of that.

S was after someone in my office. His options were bountiful. Laralie was gorgeous and fun, Heather was a blonde from Editing that had our male coworkers swooning. Even Denise, who mostly sat in on meetings and just nodded, like she was important, was worthy of a secret admirer.

Yes, I thought, crossing the room towards the solitary, wide desk that belonged to me. Sometimes a coincidence is just that. Sliding into my chair, I gave a half-spin, working so hard to ease my mood. Smile, I told myself. Cheer up, stop moping. Life was normal—my kind of normal. Boring and dull, but safe.

Safe was what I was looking for.

As I faced the room, settling in to check my email, my eyes caught something glinting. It drew me down, yanked at my center until my stomach was flipping, my mouth dry and electric.


I told my brain this, but it didn't matter.

On my desk sat a single cupcake.

Beneath it was a letter.

Swallowing, I slid the paper into view. The surface was smooth, a single word scrawled, hidden by the sweet treat: Pet.

Blushing, I lifted my head, eyeing the room. Had anyone seen this? No. Laralie would have mentioned it. She was nosy, so if she had said nothing...

Biting my tongue, I worked the envelope open. Inside, the same brand of paper I'd touched several times waited for me. It shone in the overhead lights.


If you want this to end, the choice is yours. Throw out my next gift, and I'll bring this to a close.

Enjoy the cupcake.


Shutting my eyes, I hung my chin low. The note was the first real evidence that made something abundantly clear. Something I'd denied again and again and again.

The gifts were meant for me!

Gripping my skirt, I pushed my shoulders into my ears. My muscles were bunching, trying to control the wild rush of heat and nerves that danced inside of me.

S hadn't made any mistakes. Whoever he was, and whoever he thought I was, this... all of this was for me.

I'm Pet.

Snapping my eyes open, I stared at the glimmering cupcake. The 'S' on top looked bigger, heavier than before. This means he knows me. Do I know him?

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