Beyond the Consequences (Book 5 of the Consequences Series)

“Roach told me.”

Claire contemplated his response. “Phil told you I was upset? Because yes, he was with me when I found out. Or… Phil told you about Harry and has kept you up to date on him.”

“Claire, you’re making this into more than it is. Emily shouldn’t have—”

“Don’t you dare turn this around on her. Answer my question. If you don’t, I’ll ask Phil tomorrow.”

“Yes,” Tony admitted. “Roach has kept me up to date on Mr. Baldwin as well as Ms. McCoy. She’s still in prison, by the way.”

Claire crossed her arms over her chest. “Is there anyone else you two are investigating? Any other secrets you’d suddenly like to share?”

“Yes,” his tone mellowed. “I have a burning secret I’d like to share.” As he spoke, he inched closer. “Are you ready?” When Claire didn’t answer, he lowered his lips to her neck. After a few butterfly kisses, he breathed heavily with each word. “Here’s. My. Secret.”

Goose bumps materialized as Claire waited for his revelation.

“I love you more than life itself.” His kisses moved from behind her ear to her collarbone. “I didn’t investigate Mr. Baldwin for any other reason than curiosity.” His lips continued to roam. “I’m insanely jealous of the time you two spent together, but…” He brought his head up and looked directly into her eyes showing her the chocolate swirls of desire and regret. “…I don’t blame anyone for the pain you were in when the two of you met, other than me.”

This was more than Claire wanted to hear. She looked away, knowing she too was guilty.

“Look at me.”

Slowly, she turned.

“Tony, stop. I’m not innocent.”

“Nor am I. We’ve moved beyond all of this. I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you. I didn’t want to have this conversation, for no other reason than when it comes to that man my feelings are irrational.”

Giving up her pretense of anger, Claire reached for his cheeks. The warmth of his face as well as the abrasiveness of his five o’clock shadow electrified her hands, sending shockwaves through her body. “I’m sorry. I admit that I thought it was cute that you were jealous. I shouldn’t have baited you. I haven’t thought about Harry in years. That may make me a terrible person, but I haven’t. I’m too happy and satisfied with everything that I have right here to spend my time thinking about the past.” her eyes filled with tears. “I’ve lost too much time in the past. I want the now.”

AS TONY CARESSED Claire’s cheek her eyes closed causing a tear to fall. Shit, this wasn’t what he wanted. When would he learn to keep his mouth shut? Without thinking, Tony leaned nearer and kissed away the salty moisture.

“We both have. I’m sorry.”

“Stop apologizing. I should’ve answered you. I knew you’d want to know.”

Tony looked down into the sea of emerald green. “How? How did you know?”

A slight grin materialized on his wife’s face. “I saw it when you opened the door.”

“Am I that easy to read?”

Her hands on his cheeks pulled his lips toward hers. “You are to me,” she answered. “You have been for as long as I can remember.”

As their lips united, their bodies molded together. They were like pieces of a puzzle: one made especially to fit the other. They moved in sync, their caressing hands sending warmth and energy from one to the other. Their tongues danced, creating a waltz of give and take. Within minutes Claire’s nightgown was gone, lost to the abyss of the carpet below only to quickly be accompanied by Tony’s shorts. Tucked safely behind the security of their locked door, it was only the two of them moving as one.

Aleatha Romig's books