Ashes (Dark in You #3)

Knox swore under his breath. “I hate that you went through most of the labor alone – Linda might have been there but she doesn’t fucking count.” He clenched his jaw. “I hate that I wasn’t there for you.”

Leaning forward, she rubbed her nose against his. “Don’t go beating yourself up about it, Knox – it wasn’t your fault. I wish you had been there, because I feel like you were robbed of the experience. But most guys will tell you that the labor itself is pretty boring anyway.” Hoping to shift his mood, she quickly added, “On another note, we’re gonna have our work cut out with this kid. He protected me.” A faint smile played around the edges of Knox’s mouth, to her relief.

“Yes, I remember the shield that slammed up in front of my demon when it tried to get to you. I wasn’t sure if it was really Asher, though.”

“Oh, it was definitely him. Your demon knew he’d be powerful, didn’t it?”

“It would seem so.” His demon still wasn’t being very upfront about it. He rubbed her thigh again. “Baby, about my demon, about what it did to you —”

“Don’t you apologize for it. The pain it inflicted was necessary to make sure I lived, just like all that labor pain was necessary for Asher to be born.”

“Intellectually, I know that.” Linking his fingers through hers, Knox kissed her hand. “I wish I could say my demon feels bad about it, but it doesn’t.”

“Of course it doesn’t – our inner demons feel no guilt.”

“It does wish you were spared the pain, but it doesn’t regret what it did.”

“Neither do I,” she said truthfully. “Just like I don’t regret absorbing the vortex’s energy to help me use my gifts – which incidentally also helped Asher to use his. It was a risk, but I had to take it. I was out of options. Things might have ended very, very differently if I hadn’t done what I did.”

“You think I’d ever blame you for that? You did what you had to do.”

“And so did your demon,” she pointed out. Knox opened his mouth to say something else, but then his brows snapped together and she sensed him speaking to someone telepathically. “What is it?” she asked.

“Meg told the sentinels that you’re awake. They’re asking if they can come up here.”

Harper blinked. “They’re downstairs?”

“They camped out in the living room with Jolene and the girls.”

“I shouldn’t be surprised. Have they seen Asher yet?”

“No. We both stayed here with you.” Knox hadn’t wanted her out of his sight; probably wouldn’t for a while, he thought. “Honestly, I figured he’d wake after a few hours. Maybe he psychically tired himself out trying to protect you.”

Harper bit her lip, nauseous all of a sudden. “I don’t like that idea.”

“He’ll be fine. He is fine.”

“How’s your demon doing?”

“Fascinated by Asher, and it’s no longer stressing now that you’re awake, which is good. What about yours?”

“It seriously adores the sight of you holding Asher.”

His mouth curved, but then he sighed again. “Apparently, your grandmother woke up and is now also pushing to see you.”

Harper rolled her eyes. “I need to use the bathroom and stuff; then they can come in.” After she’d done her business, Knox curled an arm around her waist and brought her to sit on his lap on the chair, careful not to jar Asher. “Thank you for giving me my son.”

The wealth of possession in his voice made her smile. “Thank you for giving him to me.”

“You were amazing yesterday. I’m fucking proud of you. You went through a lot for the three of us to be right where we are now. I love you, baby.”

She brushed her mouth against his. “And I love you.” At the knock on the door, she let out a long breath. “Brace yourself.” Getting back into bed, she propped herself up against the headboard. She held her arms out for Asher, wanting to have a little hold before they came in and took him, but knuckles again rapped on the door – this time impatiently.

Knox opened it wide, still holding Asher. Jolene entered first and literally melted as she got a good look at the baby. “Knox, he’s just you with a lot less hair.”

Harper smiled. “That’s what I said.”

Jolene wasted no time in taking Asher from him and, nuzzling his head, then made a beeline for Harper. She kissed her hair. “You did good, sweetheart. He’s beautiful. Does he have a name yet?”

“Asher,” Knox told her.

“Asher,” Raini echoed as she walked in. “I like that.”

“Very appropriate, all things considered,” said Levi, no doubt remembering the shield of embers, sparks, and ashes.

Everyone filed in, kissing Asher’s head and then giving Harper a brief hug, but none succeeded at getting their hands on the baby. Jolene was determined to have her moment with him.

“He smells so good,” said Khlo?.

“I hope you know that male sphinxes are a handful,” Jolene told Knox. “Worse than girls. Hopefully he won’t share Harper’s ability to infuse hellfire into things. She ruined at least three sofas and once set fire to her own cradle because she wanted out. That’s not counting the times she burned her way through the safety straps of her stroller, car seat, and high chair. Really, I pity you if Asher has that ability.”

“He’s powerful,” said Devon. “I can feel it.”

Tanner nodded. “We had a peek at the kid in action.” He briefly described what happened.

Jolene grinned, proud. “He’s definitely a Wallis.”

Knox’s jaw clenched. “He’s a Thorne.”

Jolene waved that away, as if the surname was a mere technicality. “You know what I mean. Oh, he’s waking up. Well, hello there.” As a unit, everyone crowded around Jolene, whispering and cooing at Asher, all the while ignoring Jolene’s glowers.

Harper smiled as Asher’s mind slid against hers – it was a questioning touch, like he was wondering where she was. She gave his mind a reassuring stroke. “This kid is gonna be demanding.”

Knox raised a brow. “You expected anything else?”

She shook her head. “No, not at all.”

“Grams, stop hogging him,” Khlo? complained. With a huff, Jolene passed him to Khlo?. Soon, the baby was passed around from person to person.

“His demon just surfaced and took my measure,” said Keenan, grinning. “I think I passed my assessment, because it retreated.”

Taking Asher from the incubus, Raini turned to Harper as she stroked her finger over Asher’s cheek. “Does he look like the baby in those dreams you told me about?”

“No,” Harper replied. “Those weren’t premonitions. Those were my subconscious telling me to wake the fuck up and realize I was pregnant.”

“He’s so tiny,” said Devon. “He didn’t need an incubator?”

Knox shook his head. “Rodgers thought he might, since he was born early, but he’s kept up his own body temperature just fine.”

“Of course he has,” said Jolene. “He’s a Wallis.”

Knox glared at her. “He’s a Thorne.”

Jolene again waved that away. “How much does he weigh?”

“Asher Knox Thorne made his grand entrance weighing five pounds two ounces, which isn’t bad at all for a premature baby,” said Harper.

“Not bad at all,” agreed Jolene. “Well, Harper, how does it feel to be a mom?”