After We Fall (Take the Fall, #3)

“Winner by KO.”

The crowd goes wild. They like the show, the blood, and they like a quick fight even more. I blame it on social media, really. Most people have an attention span the size of a gnat.

The ref lets go of me and Hayden comes out onto the floor. He’s kind of like my manager and takes care of the business end of things. Either way, trying to work out a schedule that is good for both our jobs is a bitch. We make it work and I give him twenty-five percent of the purse.

“You killed it tonight.” He hands over a bottle of water and I drink most of it up before we’re out of the cage.

I glance over my shoulder at my opponent, who is being dragged across the floor by his manager and an assistant. He lifts his head, pinning me with a snarl.

“Better watch that one. He’ll be back and he’ll want revenge. He’s not just here for the purse,” Hayden warns.

“What a surprise.” You can always tell when fighters are here because they like the violence of it. They love the blood and bruises. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no fucking angel, but I don’t revel in the gruesome. Fighting like this is a way to make sure I never become my dad. I hit on guys who pay entry fees and willingly step into the cage.

My chest heaves as I make my way to the locker room in the back.

“Think I broke a toe,” I say as we step inside.

Hayden sucks in air through his teeth. “Hope not. That’s a bitch to heal.”

The door shuts behind us and the noise of the crowd dims. Endorphins that had flooded my body during the fight are almost gone, and the pain that I could barely feel before is steadily rising to son-of-a-bitch levels.

“Hit the shower,” he says.

“Aye, fire captain.” I shuffle off to the back of the room. Once I’m feeling mostly human again, I exit the shower, towel off, and pull on a pair of athletic shorts.

“Where’s Cortez?” I ask, referring to the medic who’s always on staff.

“Busy with Franz, but you’re in luck. Owners hired more staff.”

Hayden glances at my face, chest, and hands before motioning the second medic over. While Hayden is trained to take care of minor injuries, it’s not his job here at the Laboratory. “I’ll be right back,” he says.

While the new medic examines me, I lean back against the chair and watch as Hayden speaks to another manager. They leave, presumably to settle things up.

“How many fingers am I holding up?” the medic asks.

I lift my gaze. “Three.”


While she checks my vitals, I scan the room. The locker room is tricked out like one at a professional sports team arena. The owners have absolutely no problem shelling out major bucks for top-of-the-line employees and amenities for us.

“Just a sprain,” the medic says. I don’t know her name because she’s new.

“I’m Hunter and you are—?”

She smiles at me. “Nora. Nice fight tonight.” Grabbing her bag, she searches through it and produces some antiseptic as well as Band-Aids.

“Thanks. First day?”

“No. Second.”

Laughing, I reply, “You’re practically a veteran now.”

Her smile turns into a grin. “This is going to hurt.”

I hiss a little at the first sting. “You’re not kidding.”

“It’s a nasty little gash on your arm—looks like he cut you with something, which is illegal as hell.” Blowing on the wound for a few seconds, she gives me this long, slow look. “Will you be okay?”

“Yeah,” I all but grunt. “I’ll get my manager to check things out for me.”

The light catches the red in her hair. She’s pretty, capable, and knows about fighting. “Do you think your manager would mind if I took you out for a drink later?”

Fraternization isn’t against the rules here, and if I didn’t have Evangeline taking up so much space in my head, I would gladly let Nora buy me a drink. Apparently, the no I’m about to give Nora shows on my face.

“You’re seeing someone, aren’t you?”

“I’d like to, but she’s…reluctant. Bad relationship before me.” That much is the truth.

“Take things slow with her. Show her you’re not an asshole like the last guy.” Nora quickly cleans me up. “Damn shame we can’t have drinks, but since I find it sexy as hell that you’re loyal to a woman who’s reluctant…how about you give me your number and I’ll text you in a month to see how things are going?”

“More relationship advice?”

Nora’s friendly smile turns into a siren of a smile. “More like an offer to help you get over her.”

There is no way in hell I’ll give Nora my number. I’m not chancing an oops text that I’ll have to explain to Evangeline should things go my way. “I really appreciate that, but since we’re practically colleagues…how about we talk in a month? I’m sure I’ll have something for you to work on.”

“Fine, but don’t think this is the last of me,” Nora says with a flirty wink.

Chuckling, I nod. “I won’t.”

Hayden joins us. “Is he cleared to go?”

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