Acca (Angelbound Origins #3)

Verus turns to me. “I, Myla Lewis, do take you, Lincoln Vidar Osric Aquilus, as my lawfully wedded husband.”

“I, Myla Lewis, do take you, Lincoln Vidar…”

Crap, I can’t remember his whole name. Who has a huge name like this anyway? In a flash, the rest of the words appear to me.

“Osric Aquilus, as my lawfully wedded husband.” I set the ring on his finger. He winks, the creep.

Now, the Arbiter steps forward. At this point, I’m seeing little white blobs in my vision and feeling a bit woozy. It’s been one hell of a day. How happy am I that thrax ceremonies are way short? Very happy indeed. Not sure how much more of this I could take. I have two speeds: fight like hell and nap.

Much as I hate to admit this, I am quickly heading into nap territory.

The Arbiter gazes out over the crowd for so long, I start to wonder if she’s fallen asleep with her eyes open. After all, who knows what kind of magic she’s under? At last, she breaks the silence. “My role as Arbiter is to watch over Antrum and the legal side of my people, the thrax. Once, I lived among you, and I try to keep that knowledge in my heart as I sit in judgment over you all. For nearly two thousand years, I have a sat on my throne of judgment in the courtroom. Never once have I stepped away from my dais. Never have I wanted to. Today though? I saw a people in jeopardy and only one couple with the heart and power to bring us into a brighter future. For too long, our people have fought among ourselves for the crown of Antrum. It has cost us much blood. Today, I see a real chance for Antrum to unite under a single rule that is both fair and kind. I know many of you have waited for this day, the same as I have. How blessed for us all to be here, and how lucky I am to make it happen.”

I can’t help but peep over my shoulder. Do the thrax really see this as a huge blessing? I mean, some of them approached me after Aldred died. That’s not necessarily a statistically valid sample of the after-realms, however. I scan the huge Chapel. All the faces are drawn in lines of relief and joy. Even better, there’s an excitement in the air. It seems like they all agree with the Arbiter about this being a new and better phase for the after-realms. It’s a huge responsibility that’s both terrifying and exciting, all at once. I get another one of my ideas.

I raise my hand. “Hey, Arbiter?”

She tilts her head. “Yes?”

“I’d like to say a few words, if that’s okay.”

“Of course.”

I look to Lincoln. “You want in on this?”

“No.” He gives me a genuine smile. “I look forward to hearing what you have to say.”

I turn to face everyone and clear my throat. “Hello, thrax. I’m about to be your Queen.” I wave to another section of the audience. “And my fellow quasi-demons. Lincoln here is about to become the official consort to the great scala, which let’s face it, is pretty much a king to you. Now, I know things haven’t always been smooth between us all.” I frown. “Okay, I can’t lie. It’s been hard. Really hard. This alliance between our peoples is new and uncomfortable. However, we all just fought off Armageddon together. You could have run the minute the igni set you free and you didn’t. That means something big. For those of you who aren’t warriors, there’s something special that happens when you battle side by side with someone. A bond that forms. I feel a new connection with you all.” I scan the crowd, feeling their energy zing through me. “I want you all to know how honored I am to be your new leader. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us.”

There’s a long pause where I think I may have screwed up. Suddenly, applause breaks out across the room, followed by raucous cheers. Lincoln leans in to kiss me gently on the cheek. “What a Queen you’ll make, Myla. I couldn’t be more proud.” And that makes me blush my face off.

Eventually the Arbiter raises her arms and everything gets quiet again. “It is therefore my great honor and privilege to crown the Great Scala Myla Lewis and Prince Lincoln Vidar Osric Aquilus as the Queen and King of Antrum.” As she raises her arms and a pair of cherubs flit over from the walls. Sure, I’ve seen pictures of cherubs in paintings, but they really undersell the experience. You can’t imagine how freaking cute the little baby angels are until a couple of them flit toward you, all chubby cheeks and infant giggles. In this case, each holds a glittering diamond crown, which is the headgear of choice for formal thrax ceremonies. I must say, they look really sparkly.

The Arbiter raises her voice. “I hereby declare you the King and Queen of Antrum.” The cherubs giggle as their little wings flit up a storm. With gentle movements, they set on our gleaming crowns.

Whoa. I’m officially the Queen of Antrum. Six months ago, I was on the ghoul’s Watch List for Unreasonable Tardiness at Purgatory High. Go me.

Verus steps forward. “And I hereby pronounce you husband and wife.”

“As well as King and Queen,” adds the Arbiter.

Lincoln grins. “Guess what?”

I think I know where he’s going with this. “Hmm?”

Christina Bauer's books