Blood Secrets (The Wolf Born Trilogy, #2)

Desperation took hold, and I pushed his jeans and boxers down, making it easier to stroke him as he worked on me.

Removing his mouth from my breast, he groaned, “God, that feels good.” He lay on his side next to me, flicked open the buttons of my jeans, and yanked my pants and panties off my body. His hands slid between my legs and rubbed against me.

We quickened the pace on each other; our breathing turned ragged. My body tensed, but I wasn’t ready for the release.

I removed his hands from me and crawled onto the bed on my knees. Join me.

He jumped to his feet, not needing to be asked twice. He grabbed my waist, about to pull me over, but I shook my head.

No, this way. I didn’t want to be tempted to claim him. If I faced him, my wolf would go crazy, and he wasn’t ready for that. It would intensify our bond and make his animal more volatile. He needed more time to acclimate before we stirred anything else up.

Well, okay then. He placed himself behind me and thrust inside.

He hit the deepest spot inside me right away, and I placed my hands down in front of me. When he slammed in a second time, I matched his pace, driving him deeper. I’d never had sex this way before, thinking it was too animalistic, but it was more sensual than I’d ever imagined.

His fingers dug into my sides, driving me closer to the edge.

Sadie, I want to claim you, he growled, not slowing down. I want all of you.

You’ll have me after you shift at least once. It was so damn hard to form a complete thought as his hand snuck around my waist and touched my most sensitive spot. It’ll be easier that way, but I’m all yours. I love you.

He rubbed in circles as his body tensed, slamming into me over and over again. Damn right you are. His body shook as he orgasmed, causing my own to rock through me. He growled deep in my ear, I love you too. We collapsed onto the bed.

The next week or so passed in a blur. Each day, Roxy, Egan, Axel, Donovan, and I would go out into the woods to let them acclimate their animals to nature. They’d both tried shifting the past few days and hadn’t accomplished it yet, but they were getting closer.

It was strange, but in a way, their wolves were like newborns. They had always been there, but their presence hadn’t been strong. Even shifters didn’t fully transition to their wolves until they were teenagers.

“All right, let’s try this again.” Axel finished off his plate of pancakes. “I’m going to turn all wolfy today.”

“I’m sure you’ll manage, dear.” Julie grinned as she washed off the griddle she’d used to cook breakfast. She’d been cooking our group breakfast every morning.

“How I remember enjoying food like that.” Athan stared longingly at the food left on my and Roxy’s plates. “Now it doesn’t even smell good.”

“At least, we don’t have to worry about calories anymore,” Katherine said, trying to put a silver lining on it. “We can drink as much blood as we want and not gain weight.”

“Or lose it,” Lillith grumbled. “Since I was vampire born, we gain weight until we reach our full height. Thankfully, I had a fast metabolism because, when you’re younger, you don’t consider that your body will soon be frozen for all eternity.”

“Oh, please.” Roxy waved her off and took a bite of her bacon. “You’re skinny, and you know it.”

Donovan took a sip of his coffee. “I’ll tell you what. I thought I had an appetite before, but it was nothing like now.”

“It’s because your animal burns off calories too.” Egan still had a plate full of food left after he’d eaten two. “Especially with how much we’re going out into the woods. I haven’t been this hungry since I grew scales.”

“Well, as fun as this is.” I stood and carried my plate to the sink. “We need to get moving. We don’t need Dad showing up before we’re prepared.”

“We don’t need your father showing up at all.” Cassius strolled into the kitchen, twisting his wedding band around his finger. “Since we refrain from drinking too much blood, we aren’t the strongest nest around. That’s one reason we stay hidden.”

“Even with being an original?” Donovan stood and grabbed his empty plate and Axel’s. “I’m a little surprised.”

“Yeah, vampires are meant to drink more blood than we do.” Cassius walked to the fridge and pulled out a pouch of blood. “We drink enough to sustain ourselves and nothing more. The more gluttonous you become, the more vulnerable you are to turn dark. I enjoy standing out in the sunlight and doing things most other vampires can no longer do.”

I couldn’t argue with that logic.

“Are you going to hurry up or not?” Roxy winked at me and turned her head in Egan’s direction. “We’re ready to go, and once again, we’re waiting on your ass.”

Egan held his plate near his face and shoveled food into his mouth with his fork. He paused to chew.

The poor guy had been hurrying the entire time. He’d gotten here before us, but he ate three times the amount we did. Roxy gave him hell at every opportunity.

“Immm tryin’,” he muttered and scooped another large bite into his mouth.

“Leave him alone.” It wasn’t like we had a ton of pressing things to do today.

Oh, let me have some fun. She pouted at me. He’s hard to rile up at times. He’s always so kind and nice. Let me poke him when I can without feeling bad.

Luther entered the room and cleared his throat. “Do you mind if I tag along?”

That was the most I’d heard him speak since we’d gotten here and started hanging around the vampires more often. We’d even played game night with them last night, and Donovan and I had kicked all their asses in poker.

“Sure,” I said at the same time Julie said, “It’s probably not a good idea.”

I stopped short, not wanting to cause any familial problems.

“Oh, come on.” Luther pointed at me. “She said I could go.”

“Axel and Donovan are new wolves.” Julie turned the faucet off and dried her hands on a towel. “I’d hate for you to get injured if they shift.”

“I can …” Egan choked on his food. “… watch him.”

I glared at Roxy. See, you should feel bad. The poor guy is gonna die, rushing for you.

Oh, he’s not. Roxy scrunched her nose at me, but she couldn’t hide the wave of guilt. He’s fine.

“Luther’s eyes widened with hope. “See, the dragon won’t let anything happen to me.”

“That dragon has a name,” Julie scolded. “Are you sure it won’t be a problem, Egan?” she asked, emphasizing the name as she narrowed her eyes at her son.

Egan took a sip of his water and shook his head. “It won’t be a problem.” His plate was empty, and Roxy snatched it from him and took it to the sink.

Babe, guilt is pouring off you. Axel snickered as he teased her. He picked up the bag with the extra change of clothes that we’d been taking with us.

You better think again before you say anything else. She held her head high and marched out the door, not bothering to glance back at us.

Donovan wrapped an arm around my waist and linked to Axel. Your mate is a handful.

Don’t get all cocky. Axel headed to the door. Your mate has pink hair, so don’t think she doesn’t have a temper.

It’s true. I kissed Donovan’s cheek. I do. You’ve been warned and should be scared.

Maybe I want to make you mad. Donovan waggled his brows. You might have to teach me a few lessons.

“I don’t even need to know what you’re saying mentally to each other to feel the sexual tension in the air.” Lillith lobbed a balled-up paper towel at us. “Go outside and get him shifting before you two get naked and make us all see things we’ll never forget.”

I closed my eyes, wishing that could make me invisible. “We weren’t doing anything.” I couldn’t even lie that well.

“Yeah, whatever.” Lillith wouldn’t let it go, even with her dad in the room. “The beating of your hearts is loud, and the sweet scent of arousal is heavy.”

“Okay, I’ll see you all later.” I ran to the door, feeling unable to get out of there fast enough.

Jen L. Grey's books