Scorned (Torn Series #4)

Chapter 11

The next day, I was still lounging in bed, not having the strength or energy to move and be productive. I just wanted to laze around in bed, sleep and have Dimitris all day long.

“Pappou will be leaving for Switzerland for treatments of his joints tomorrow morning. He wants us to join him for lunch. Will that work for you?” He joined me in bed, shifting on his side with his hand on the side of his head, eyes tracing my nakedness.

Poor thing. “Will he be okay? It’s nothing dangerous or anything, right?” I asked, concern laced in my voice.

He shook his head. “No, but his gout has been giving him pain. My mother wants him to take care of it before it worsens, I suppose. Whatever the doctors could do to help so that the inflammation won’t be as bad every time it comes back. He does love his salty dishes.”

“Poor Elias. Of course we’ll meet him for lunch,” I murmured, inching closer to Dimitris before I stuck out my tongue to taste his nipple, teasing. “You look too sexy, especially in broad daylight. I just couldn’t resist.”

He growled, rolling on his back before lifting me and settling me directly on his groin, straddling him with my slit on his hard shaft. “I’d want you to ride me, but we have to go.”

“I know.” I smiled wickedly, rocking my hips slowly so he’d know how wet I was, just to push him a tad.

He hissed and then moved his right palm on my stomach, urging me to rock some more. “I want to fill this with my seed.” Dimitris shifted his hips, expertly sliding into my wet channel, making us both sigh with satisfaction. “I want you full of it.” He smacked my ass and then, gripping my hips tighter, ground his cock on my bruised cervix, pushing in more for the space it needed. He watched me in fascination while I lost myself in the feeling of his hardness, filling me to the hilt before he used his thumb to send me into a frenzied state, riding him faster. “Milk me.” He spanked me again, making me purr and moan at the same me. “Harder! Ride my cock harder. I want to come directly into your womb. Make room for it.”

Holy shit. “Dimitris, I’m—” I didn’t finish because I was shaking from my release, suspended from thought or from any movements.

He was relentless as he clawed his hands into the sides of my hips, lifting me then pushing me back down to meet his hard, thick cock in a speedy, hammering rate. Combined with my ongoing orgasm, I screamed murder.

Dimitris was talking in Greek, God knows what he was chanting, and then he gave a final, crushing push before he locked my p-ssy on the base of his cock, body rigid, cock expanding before it squirted rope after rope of his cream inside me, just as he had promised.

I fell on his chest, ready to pass out again. “You’re prime excellence,” I whispered, eyes closed while listening to the sound of his pumping heart.

My vagina clenched when he gave my butt a good spanking. “You ride me beautifully, agápi mou.” His hands were soothing my butt cheeks before I felt his middle finger trace the dripping come that was sliding off his buried cock. “Relax,” he cooed, using his cream to tease my anal opening. “I’m just teasing. I won’t insert anything in there, okay?”

I released a sigh, trusting him. This was a no-go zone for me. Amber and Emma liked it, but Trista and I looked at them like they were on a different planet. Not that curious, thank you very much.

“How does that feel?” Dimitris inquired, cock not showing any signs of shrinking.

No way! His big cock hitting me there, I’d be paralyzed for life. “Weird.”

“You’re too tense. Maybe next time, I can lick it and make you come that way.” He pushed us up into a sitting position, seeking my lips as he pulled my hair to the side. “Will you let me do that?”

As long as he kept it to that then yes. “If it pleases you.”

He lifted a brow, grinning. “If it pleases me? You sound like a submissive. Maybe I can get you so aroused, you’ll let me do anything to you.”

Ha. Not so funny. “Keep dreaming.”


Lunch went very well and we were on our dessert when Dimitris excused himself to take a phone call.

Elias watched his grandson walk away with his phone on his ear before speaking to me. “I think you’re making a mistake here, child. You love him. I see it. Even in my old age, I’m not blind.”

Was he serious? Christ. “I don’t love him, Elias. What you see is not real. What we have—what we always had—was purely sexual. I know love and it’s not what I feel for your grandson.”

What were his family doing to me? They all bombarded me with guilt-ridden speeches. God, I understood the love and concern they had for Dimitris, but this wasn’t about him anymore. This was about me—my life, my past and my future. What Dimitris and I had was dynamite sex. Take the sex out and he and I barely knew each other. What we did, getting married, was purely out of spontaneity. We were experiencing a moment of madness because we had exploded in bed together.

The truth wasn’t all that complicated, the reasoning behind it was. I learned my lesson and I aimed to not make the same mistake twice. Staying here in Athens, amongst strangers, just to be with a husband who I had awesome sex with me and that I barely knew, was ludicrous.

Elias yielded, grasping the idea that there was no ever after for his grandson and me. “That’s unfortunate. If what you say is true, then I shall mourn our loss. I’m rather fond of you and think of you perfect with my grandson. He’ll miss you when you’re gone. Believe me, he will.”

Maybe. Maybe not.

Dimitris will be lonely and Claudine would be waiting for him. I’d say he’d be back with her in less than a month. He liked Claudine. I saw how he treated her. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, he felt something for the French woman. He’ll come to his senses and move forward with her. Those two were perfect for each other, just like Brody with me.

“He has Claudine. They’re great together.”

“If you think that, then you don’t know men at all. Claudine is a good woman. She’d make a perfect wife and mother to his children, but I worry if she can make him happy.” Elias frowned, deep in thought as he sipped his coffee.

Dimitris came back with a strained face. He sat on one of the chairs and joined us, cutting our conversation short. They ended up talking about the ins and outs of their business so I tuned them out and thought about what Elias and I had talked about.

There was nothing to say, except for, it was for the best.

When it was time to leave, Elias gathered me in his arms, hugging me as if for the last time. “If I don’t get to see you before you leave, I wish you all the best in everything, pethi mou. Thank you for taking the time to come here and meet this old, demanding man. It really was a pleasure to meet you, even if it was only for a short time.”

Shit, I could feel tears burning behind the back of my eyeballs, threatening to come out. Braving out an enthusiastic laugh, I kissed his cheek. “You are definitely an old, demanding man, Elias, but I like you anyway. You take care, too. I hope your treatments will be favorable.”

“Thank you, child. I’m off now.” He gave Dimitris another manly hug, tapping him on the back before whispering something into his ear. I saw Dimitris tense, not blinking or moving at all, before he nodded in understanding.

We were in his car before he said anything. “The lawyers called. They have the papers ready to be signed right now, if you like.”

I was glad that he didn’t hide this fact from me, knowing quite well that he loved me, even though he didn’t voice it out loud. Somehow, there was a tiny part that argued that I wished for him to have waited until the day before I left to go back home so we didn’t have this awkwardness to go through.

“It’s up to you,” I finally voiced out what I thought was best.

He gave me sharp look, as if I had suggested the dumbest thing. “If this was up to me, I wouldn’t be getting a divorce. I want you here, with me, like this. Forever.” Dimitris shook his head, gripping the steering wheel. “This is all you, Lindsey.”

Mother hell! I couldn’t complicate things. Listening to him just now was disheartening, but I had to think for the both of us. This was for the better. “How long does it take to get there?”

Dimitris didn’t even say anything, but shifted the gears and joined the traffic, weaving through it like he was racing for his life. I knew he was friends with men that raced professionally, but he shouldn’t be driving like this with heavy traffic. “Dimitris, slow down. You’re going to get us killed.”

He looked like a possessed man, spinning out of control. “Good, we’d die together and you’d forever be with me. I don’t have to beg and chase you around because you’d be stuck with me!”

I was bracing myself for an impact. His words were in my head, ringing in my ears, thinking that I’d die the same as my parents had. I was holding my breath, wanting to squeeze my eyes shut so I didn’t have to see anything, but I was taken by surprise when the angry engine of his Roadster hummed. That’s when I noted that we were not speeding down traffic, but parked right in front of a very tall, glass building. Kosta Enterprise, Inc., it said on a shiny brass logo.

We had arrived. Divorce papers. Hell.

“I apologize for what I said. I don’t want any harm to come to you. It’s not your fault that you don’t love me back and I should stop pushing the issue because I can’t force you to stay, even if I’m dying inside.” Dimitris wasn’t even looking at me, but I knew he meant what he said.

It hurt to see him like this. Yet, I couldn’t tell him what he wanted to hear. Dimitris wasn’t the man for me.

“Someone will be waiting for you once you get inside. I’ll stay here, if you don’t mind.” He was texting someone as he spoke to me.

“Thanks.” I slid out of the car with shaky legs, feeling like my chest was about to combust from pressure. One, two, three deep breaths, I steeled my resolve before striding inside, ready to sign and dissolve my marriage away.

To have and to hold…


Pamela Ann's books