Pieces of Eight (The Frey Saga, #2)

I felt the familiar sensation of a bird and I fell easily into it, pleased to find it was a hawk. I soared lazily across the sky, the current so mild it barely ruffled a feather. It was so peaceful, so relaxing, to be with the hawk in my mind while my body was safe with Chevelle. I was considering how my tension had eased in relation to his proximity when the hawk spotted movement on the ground. It started to turn but I urged it to stay, focus more clearly on what we were seeing.

Chevelle's hand covered my mouth when I gasped. My eyes flew open and we were standing, his palm still pressed hard against my lips, his other arm wrapped tightly around my waist from behind as Ruby and Grey rushed toward us. I was panting through my nose and Ruby gave Chevelle a hard glare until he released me.

He spun me around, his eyes commanding an answer.

I tried to steady my breathing as the words rushed from me in the softest voice I could muster. "Fannie. She was running. I didn't know at first, didn't understand. But I saw him, behind her. He was after her."

"Where?" he demanded.

I closed my eyes and concentrated on remembering where I'd been so leisurely flying. They waited the second it took to gather the information with forced patience but when my eyes opened and I gave them the best directions I could, they were in motion before I took another breath. The others appeared from nowhere as we headed toward Fannie and her pursuer.

Chevelle's grip on me was still tight as we ran but he was too fast, I couldn't keep up with him. Steed saw me struggle and came to my other side, grasping my free arm, and they ran in tandem, my feet pulling from the ground to skip steps as I struggled between them. When I started to recognize the area I'd seen from above, one of the wolves called from ahead of us. They did not slow but Chevelle released my arm and moved forward, even faster than what had been beyond my full speed.

Steed kept his hold and Rhys fell in to Chevelle's place as the others flew past us. I could see them approach a structure of sorts and, suddenly, the field ignited into flame.

I stopped running. Steed and Rhys did not and my feet began to drag, catching among the rocks and dirt. My legs regained consciousness and responded a moment later, but neither seemed to notice. They were focused solely on the battle we were approaching with frightening speed.

I could see Ruby now, among the flames. She was burning several large elves, two of which I recognized from my nameless memories. Grey was fighting near her, seeming to flick in and out of vision with his swift movements. I searched for Chevelle and found him alongside Anvil, both fighting for entrance to the structure. It had all happened so fast, I'd not had time to even consider fear. When we reached the group, their opposition had been reduced to unresponsive piles scattering the ground.

Chevelle looked back to me and then his eyes scanned to find each of the others before he visibly braced himself and walked with Anvil through the door, his sword drawn in readiness.

Chapter Thirteen

The End as a Whole

We didn't hesitate as we followed them in, but I froze as I saw the scene inside. The one-room structure was entirely open space inside, filled with large, angry elves. Asher's guard. Steed and Rhys still had hold of me and the others were lined up in front of us, Chevelle and Anvil with their backs directly to me, Rider and Grey angled slightly to the sides, and Ruby, pacing impatiently to one side. I watched her for a moment as she transferred from one leg to the other, never moving far from her spot. Her whip was loose at her side, her hand wrapped tightly around the base, as she swayed like a snake. Her eyes were flicking anxiously to each of the faces in the room, and then, repeatedly, to the floor. I followed her gaze and found that a body had already been downed. It was Fannie.

My legs seemed to thaw and crumple beneath me but Steed pulled me up to him, securing an arm around my waist as Rhys released his hold and readied his staff. I stared at her lifeless form on the floor, unable to comprehend what had happened to her. I was trembling as I looked up at Steed's face, but he was not watching me. His eyes were intent, directed to the center of the room with such heat that I couldn't help but follow. My legs gave again when I saw it was Asher, but Steed was strong and he kept me from collapsing.

I wasn't sure how long we had been standing there, but I didn't think anyone had spoken or moved since our entrance, aside from Ruby's agitated rocking. I tore my eyes from Asher and scanned the room again, purposefully avoiding Fannie on the floor, and the pieces started to fall together. We were outnumbered. Both sides were waiting for the first move. I involuntarily began to size up each of them, wishing I could remember their strengths, and found Brahn. Brahn, who'd been chasing Fannie. My eyes shot to her body again, her corpse, and back to him. He was smug, his sneer an ugly kind of smile.

Before I knew what was happening, I was stepping forward. Steed, caught off guard, struggled to stop me but I was determined, and I was the first to speak.