What a Westmoreland Wants

Totally sated, Gemma slowly opened her eyes and, like so many other times over the past weeks, Callum was in bed with her, and she was wrapped in his embrace. She snuggled closer and turned in his arms to find him watching her with satisfied passion in the depth of his green eyes.

She smiled at him. “I think we broke the bed.”

He returned her smile and tightened his arms around her. “Probably did. But it can be fixed.”

“If not, we can stay at my place,” she offered.

“That will work.”

At that moment the phone rang and he shifted their bodies to reach and pick it up. “That’s probably Mom, calling to make sure things between us are all right.”

He picked up the phone. “Hello.”

He nodded a few times. “Okay, we’re on our way.”

He glanced over at Gemma and smiled. “That was Dillon. Chloe’s water broke and Ramsey rushed her to the hospital. Looks like there’s going to be a new Westmoreland born tonight.”

It didn’t take long for Callum and Gemma to get to the hospital, and already it was crowded with Westmorelands. It was almost 3:00 a.m. If anyone was curious as to why they were all together at that time of the morning, no one mentioned it.

“The baby is already here,” Bailey said, excited. “We have a girl, just like we wanted.”

Callum couldn’t help throwing his head back and laughing. Good old Ram had a daughter.

“How’s Chloe?” Gemma asked.

“Ramsey came out a few moments ago and said she’s fine,” Megan said. “The baby is a surprise.”

“Yes, we didn’t expect her for another week,” Dillon said grinning. He glanced over at his pregnant wife, Pam, and smiled as he pulled her closer to him. “That makes me nervous.”

“Has anyone called and told Chloe’s father?”

“Yes,” Chloe’s best friend, Lucia, said smiling. “He’s a happy grandpa and he’ll be here sometime tomorrow.”

“What’s the baby’s name?” Callum asked.

It was Derringer who spoke up. “They are naming her Susan after Mom. And they’re using Chloe’s mom’s name as her middle name.”

Gemma smiled. She knew Chloe had lost her mother at an early age, too. “Oh, that’s nice. Our parents’ first grand. They would be proud.”

“They are proud,” Dillon said, playfully tapping her nose.

“Hey, is this an engagement ring?” Bailey asked loudly, grabbing Gemma’s hand.

Gemma glanced up at Callum and smiled lovingly. “Yes, we’re getting married.”

Cheers went up in the hospital waiting room. The Westmorelands had a lot to celebrate.

Zane glanced over at Dillon and Pam. “I guess now we’re depending on you two to keep us male Westmorelands in the majority.”

“Yeah,” Derringer agreed.

“You know the two of you could find ladies to marry and start making your own babies,” Megan said sweetly to her brothers. Her suggestion did exactly what she’d expected it to do—zip their lips.

Callum pulled Gemma closer into his arms. They shared a look. They didn’t care if they had boys or girls—they just wanted babies. There were not going to be any hassles getting a big family out of them.

“Happy?” Callum asked.

“Extremely,” she whispered.

Callum looked forward to when they would be alone again and he bent and told her just what he intended to do when they got back to the cabin.

Gemma blushed. Megan shot her sister a look. “You okay, Gem?”

Gemma smiled, glanced up at Callum and then back at her sister. “Yes, I couldn’t be better.”


Brenda Jackson's books