Wait for You

“Ready to head back?” I asked, my heart rate picking up speed.

We paid the check and traveled the short distance back to the hotel. It was still early and being so close to Houston, there was a lot to show Cam, but I was feeling stingy with my time with him. I didn’t want to share.

Cam sat on the edge of the bed, his baseball cap slid backward as he thumbed through the buttons on the remote. Curtains were drawn on the large window across the room and only a bit of fading sunlight slipped in.

“I’m going to take a quick shower.” I gathered up my toiletries and started backing toward the bathroom.

He slid me a long look, opened his mouth, and then nodded. A certain light had filled his eyes, making me shiver with awareness. I smiled and then darted into the bathroom. Closing the door behind me, I dumbed my bag on the sink counter. I hadn’t brought any clothes in with me and I wondered if Cam had noticed that.

And if he had, what was he thinking?

Was it the same thing I was?

I took a quick shower, getting the inevitable airplane funk off me. I took the time to clear my thoughts of the conversation with my parents. It didn’t take much. My pulse was already thrumming and my entire being was focused on him.

Stepping out of the shower, I wrapped a thick towel around my chest and combed the tangles out of my hair. My stomach kept dipping like I was on a roller coaster. I brushed my teeth and then there was nothing left for me to procrastinate with.

Opening the door, I found Cam where I left him, except he was lying on his back, his legs dangling over the edge of the bed. The cap rested beside him and the remote lay on his flat stomach.

I stopped at the door.

Cam turned his head and immediately sat up. Locks of dark hair tumbled over his forehead, brushing his brows. Beneath the thick lashes, his eyes were a vibrant shade of blue.

Skin tingling with a thousand tiny pin pricks, I walked over to where he sat. He tipped his head back, his throat working as I stopped in front of him, my fingers curled around where the towel was knotted.

His lashes swept down and his lips parted. “Avery.”

Placing one hand on his shoulder, I climbed up onto the bed, my knees on either side of his thighs. His hands landed on my towel-covered hips. “Cam?”

His lips tipped up on the side and the dimple began to appear in his left cheek. “What are you up to?”

“Nothing,” I said, recognizing the breathlessness in my voice. “Everything.”

“Those are two opposite things.”

“I know.” I lowered myself down onto his lap, shuddering when I felt his arousal through his jeans, pressing against my heat. “Kiss me?”

I didn’t wait for his answer. I bent my head down and brushed my lips over his once, twice, and then again, slipping the tip of my tongue over his lower lip and then inside. His grip on my hips tightened, but I was totally in control as I coaxed his mouth open, deepening the kiss. His lips moved against mine, following my lead. I was sure I would melt into him, into the bed.

“Touch me?” My lips brushed his. “Please.”

Cam obliged.

He slipped his hands under the hem of the towel. Both were on my thighs, sliding up and down slowly. Each pass brought his fingers closer to where I wanted him desperately. One stopped along the back of my thigh while the other came tantalizing close to my core.

“Now,” I said, lifting my head.

Cam chuckled as his fingers inched back up. His knuckles brushed my dampness and then retreated. A groan of frustration escaped me. “What do you want?” he asked, those lashes hiding his eyes.

“I want you to touch me.”

Another close call as his knuckles brushed me once more and then his hand slid back down my leg. “I am touching you, sweetheart.”

“You know what I mean.”

“I don’t.”

“Please.” I dropped my head to his. “Please touch me, Cam.”

Cam tipped his head back again. Our noses brushed and then our lips. “Well, when you say it like, I think I get what you mean.”

“Finally,” I groaned.

He laughed again and then nipped at my chin as his hand drifted up the inside of my thigh. I jerked as he cupped me fully. “Like this?”


His lips pressed down on the center of my throat as his finger slipped inside. “And this?”

My eyes closed as my back arched. “Uh-huh.”

Cam shifted his hand and his thumb pressed down on the nub of nerves. I gasped as he worked another finger inside me and his body tensed beneath mine. “What about this?”

I tipped my hips forward, moaning as my body heated. “Oh, yeah. Definitely that.”

“Definitely that,” he murmured, his fingers pumping.

Another moan escaped me, but I wanted more. I wanted to feel him inside me, needed him to be. A wild desire born from lust and something far, far stronger. Opening my eyes, mine locked with his. Slowly, I unraveled the knot on my towel and let is slip down my back, falling onto the floor.

J. Lynn's books