Until Lilly

Chapter 12


I look down at my little man, my chest feeling tight. I knew he loved Lilly, but after today, I know how deeply that love runs. The lady who runs the chapel has Lilly standing at the end of the aisle. The music begins, and Ashlyn starts down the aisle, dropping flower petals as she goes. My baby girl looks beautiful in her princess dress. When she makes it to me, her head turns to look over her shoulder, looking back at what she’s done. When her eyes came back to me, her head tilts back in pride, and a smile lights up her face, letting me know she is happy with the results. “Stand where they told you, baby.” I pointed to the spot. Once she is standing there, Lilly starts making her way towards me. The cut of her dress shows off her breasts, waist, and hips; I can’t wait to get it off her. Lucky for me, a good friend of mine lives in Vegas with his wife and kids. He agreed to watch the kids for the night. Lilly doesn’t know about my plan yet, but there is no way that I’m not going to spend our wedding night without being inside her. The music continues to play as Lilly comes down the aisle. Her hands are in front of her, holding a bouquet of pink flowers that match Ashlyn’s dress. Once she makes it to me, she smiles, then laughs. “This is serious business, baby. Why are you laughing?” I reach out, grabbing her hand and dragging her to me.

“I don’t know. I was just thinking this is nothing like what I pictured when I thought of a Vegas wedding.” I chuckle and pull her even closer so I can whisper to her.

“Should we leave here and find Elvis so he can marry us?”

“No, this is perfect,” she whispers back, her eyes soft as they search mine, the smile on her face telling me everything that I need to know. I thought that I may have been rushing her, and a part of me felt guilty about it, while the other part couldn’t care less, so it’s a relief to see her excitement and happiness.

“You ready to do this?” I ask quietly.


I lean forward to kiss her, but she leans back, away from me. “You can’t kiss me yet.”

“I can’t?”

“Not until after we’re married.” She shakes her head.

“Well then, let’s do this so I can kiss you.” She steps back until she is standing next to Ashlyn, who grabs her hand. The man who is going to marry us takes it as his cue to begin the ceremony. I listened as he speaks, and repeat when necessary, but for the most part, I’m in awe looking at Lilly, wondering how the f*ck I got so lucky. I had f*cked up huge in the past with her, and now having her standing across from me, agreeing to be my wife, is something I would never have even considered as a possibility.

“Cash, would you please repeat after me.”

“I have my own vows,” I tell him. Lilly’s eyes widen, then she giggles and shakes her head.

“Sure,” the officiator says.

I clear my throat, feeling nervous all of the sudden. “I vow to love you unconditionally, without hesitation. I will encourage you, trust you, and respect you. As a family, we will create a home filled with learning, laughter, and compassion. I promise to be your biggest fan, your partner in crime, and the person you can always depend on. From the moment we met, you have owned me, and I will love you until I take my last breath. I will work every day to make now into always. With these words, and all the love in my heart, I marry you and bind your life to mine.” I slide an infinity diamond ring up against her wedding ring, bring it to my mouth, and place a kiss on it.

“You’re really good at this,” she whispers. I can’t help but laugh and kiss her forehead.

“Lilly, do you have vows?” the officiator asks.

“Um, no, but can I just make it up?”

“If that’s what you would like.” He smiles.

“Yes, please,” she says, taking hold of my hands. “Today, standing here with our children watching, I choose you, Cash, to be my partner. I am proud to be your wife, and to join my life with yours. I promise to support you, push you, inspire you, and above all, love you, for better or worse, in sickness and health, for richer or poorer, as long as we both shall live.” She is crying harder now, and I can feel tears fill my eyes as she speaks. She shocks me when she pulls her hand away, reaching down the front of her dress where she pulls out a ring. We both start laughing when she mouths the word ‘storage’ to me. Her hand comes back to mine, lifts them, and slides the ring on my finger, her finger running over it before looking back up at me. Then she reaches her hands forward, one going to either side of my face, pulling my head towards hers.

“Hey, no kissing until we’re married,” I tell her, laughing. I look over at the man and he grins, nodding his head.

“By the power invested in me and the great state of Nevada, I now pronounce you Husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride,” he says. My hand goes into the back of Lilly’s hair; I tilt her face back, and my mouth covers hers, my tongue sweeping in. The sound she makes urges me on. I can’t wait to be inside her. There is nothing better than her thighs wrapped around my hips, her arms around my neck, and her wet heat strangling my cock. I reluctantly pull away from her, kissing her lips one more time. Both kids start yelling and running around in circles.

“We’re married,” she says with a smile.

“We are,” I agree. After our short ceremony, we have a few pictures taken of us and the kids. We’re almost done when Jax yells, “Flex!” at the top of his lungs and takes off running. “Yo, my man!” I yell when I see my buddy Flex walking in holding his wife’s hand, their kids walking near them until they see Jax, then they take off, ready to play.

“Who is that?” Lilly asks. I’m not surprised that she looks nervous. Flex is a scary looking dude. He’s not very tall at 5’8 but he is built like a bulldog, with tattoos and chocolate-colored skin—the total opposite of his very blonde, beach-bunny-looking wife.

“Flex, he is one of my best friends. We went to school together.” I grab her hand and start heading towards the front of the chapel when Lilly trips and I have a nanosecond to catch her before her head hits the pew. “Even on our wedding day,” I joke, helping to get her feet underneath her. Making sure she’s steady, I give her another kiss.

“I can’t help it; I have two left feet,” she replies, trying to catch her breath.

“You are the clumsiest person I have ever met.”

“So you’ve said,” she mumbles.

“It’s the truth, and it’s even documented.”

“My mom and her big fat mouth,” she grumbles, looking adorable. Lilly’s mom told me that Lilly would get hurt so much when she was little that CPS were called in to review her case. They didn’t believe that it was the case of a clumsy child until she fell down, splitting her forehead open in the office of the caseworker. She still has a tiny scar to prove it.

“You have to admit it’s pretty funny,” I tell her.

“Maybe a little.” She smiles. I stop when Ashlyn grabs my hand, and I pick her up and walk the few steps separating Flex and me.

“You really did it?” he asks, pulling me in for a hug. I pat his shoulder and lean back.

“Flex, Christy, this is my daughter, Ashlyn, and my beautiful wife Lilly. You both already know my little hellion, Jax.”

“Jax, my man,” he says, giving Jax a fist bump before he runs off to the other kids.  Then Flex reaches over, touching Ashlyn’s hair. “You look like your old man, pretty girl.”

“No, I’m a girl; I look like my mommy.” She scrunches up her face, looking all kinds of cute.

“Is that so?” Flex laughs.

“Yes.” Ashlyn smiles, then looks over at Jax talking to the other kids. “Can I go play with them?” she whispers to me. I nod, setting her down, and she runs right over to Jax’s side. Flex and Christy’s kids are beautiful, all caramel skin, curly golden hair, and big hazel eyes.

“Nice to meet you both,” Lilly says, putting her hand out in Flex’s direction, then she squeaks when he pulls her in for a hug, rocking her back-and-forth.

“Don’t mind him, girl. He may look scary, but as you can see, he’s a big teddy bear,” Christy says, giving Lilly a hug. “Congratulations. You’ve got a good man,” she tells Lilly, making her nod.

“Yeah, I kinda lucked out.”

“Man, you should have told us to come earlier so we could watch,” Flex says.

“Nah, I just wanted it to be us and the kids. But you guys should fly out for our reception in a few months,” Cash tells him, slapping his shoulder.

“That would be good. I haven’t seen your brothers in a while.”

“So you’re only in town for the night, and the whole time you’re here, you’re gonna be locked up in your room at the hotel? You don’t even want to come to the house and watch a game with me?”

“Did you not hear the part where I just got married to this beautiful woman?” I ask him. He looks at Lilly and smiles.

“Gotcha.” He pulls Christy into his side, kissing her temple. “So you still want to meet up in the morning for us to drop off the kids and have brunch?” I feel Lilly tense at my side, so I soothed my hand over the smooth skin of her arm.

“Jax has known Flex, Christy, and their kids his whole life, and they are going to watch the kids overnight for us.”


“She will be fine,” Christy tells her. Lilly looks over to where Ashlyn is playing with the other kids. “If she isn’t okay, we will call and bring her back to you,” Christy says, and I realize I never even thought about the fact that Lilly has only been away from Ashlyn once, when my mom kept the kids for us. After we talk a few more minutes, we head over to the hotel to get some clothes for the kids. Ashlyn has taken right to Christy and the kids, making Lilly feel better about leaving her with them. Twenty minutes after we get to the hotel, I finally kick everyone out of the room, ready to start our honeymoon. I know one day we will have a real one, but I’m not sure when that will be, so I’m going to enjoy the f*ck out of this night while we’re here, and I’m going to make damn sure Lilly never forgets her wedding night.

I close the distance between us, loving the way she looks in her dress. She is so effortlessly beautiful. “Want to play a game?” I ask her, smiling when her eyes flare.

“What kind of game?” She bites her lip, and her breathing has sped up.

“Naked Hotel.”

“Hmm…I don’t know. Last time we played Naked House Day, you almost killed me.”

“Death by cock.” I chuckle, but my smile dies when I notice how hard her nipples are through the thin silky material of her dress. My hands slide up the curve of her waist, then up, cupping her breasts. Her head falls back and she moans. I pull my hands away and take a seat, spreading my legs wide. I rub my jaw. Part of me wants to rip the dress from her body, but the other part of me wants to watch her as she undresses slowly.

“What’s wrong?” Her eyes dart around the room before coming back to me.

“I want you to undress for me,” I tell her, palming my cock through the too-thick material of my tux. I want inside of her so badly I can feel my balls drawing up tight.

“Undress for you?” she repeats, looking around the room again.

“Look at me, baby.” Her eyes meet mine, and this time, they are dark with lust. “Pull down the top of the dress and let me see your tits.” She looks unsure, but her hands go to her top at the same time I start unbuttoning my dress shirt. Once I have my shirt unbuttoned, I sit back. “Pull down the top of your dress.” She looks down at my lap, then back up, her hands running up her sides, over her breasts, before pulling down the top. Her breasts are firm and high, and her nipples dark pink and pebbled tight. I unbuckle my pants and pull down my zipper before pulling my cock free. Lilly’s eyes flash and she licks her lips. “Tug them, baby. Touch yourself how you like me to touch you.” She does, her back arching, eyes closing, and I palm myself, running my hand up and down the length in steady strokes. “Pull that dress the rest of the way off.” My voice is rougher.

I watch as she shimmies the dress down, showing off inch after beautiful inch of skin. Once free of the dress and standing in only a sheer thong and heels, her hands cup her breasts. “Don’t hide from me; give me what I want. Pull on those pretty little nipples for me.” Her fingers pull at her nipples as her eyes watch what my hand is doing. She crosses her legs. I know she’s wet; I can see her arousal. “Come here.” I spread my legs wider so she has room to stand between them. She starts to kneel, but I stop her with a hand on her hip. “No, I want you to turn around and bend over.” Her breath begins coming out in short pants. She searches my face before turning around. Her beautiful ass is toned and round, giving her body an hourglass shape. Her body curves over, the fullness of her p-ssy peeking out from between her legs, showing through the sheerness of the thin material covering her. Running my hands up the outside of her thighs, I feel her shiver under my palms. Once I have her hips in my hands, I pull her back to me, covering her with my mouth.

“Oh,” she moans. I suck deep over the material before sliding it to the side and licking her again, this time harder. Her legs begin to shake, and placing my thumbs on the outer edges of her p-ssy, I spread her open wider, laving her with my tongue, loving the way she tastes. I start working two fingers in and out of her, feeling her begin to clamp down around my fingers. She whines as I pull my mouth away.

“Easy, baby. I need inside you.” I sit forward, tugging my pants over my hips before ripping her thong from her body. Without warning, I lean forward, pulling her down onto my lap. I run the head of my cock over her opening and her hips start to grind against me. I lift my hips, sinking inside her slowly until I’m balls-deep.

“Cash,” she whimpers. I hold her in place, enjoying the feeling of being wrapped tight inside her.

“I got you, baby.” My hands roam her body before one captures a breast, the other zeroing in on her *. I pull on her nipple at the same time I roll her * between my fingers. I pull her back against me, rocking my hips in tandem with hers. I know she’s close when I feel her heat start to strangle me. “That’s it, baby. Come for me.” I bite into her shoulder, pushing her over the edge. She calls out my name, her p-ssy contracting around me before her body falls limp against me. I hold her close, enjoying the feeling. My cock is throbbing; I need to come, but I want to see her face when I lose it inside her. I pick her up off my cock, sliding free. “I need you to stand up, baby.” She does, her legs unstable, so I make sure to hold onto her hips. Once she’s good, I pull off my clothes and pick her up, heading to the bedroom. I lay her on the bed, and looking around, I see that the hotel did as I asked. The bed is covered in rose petals—that may be overkill, but there is also a bottle of champagne and chocolate covered strawberries. I look at Lilly and her face is flushed, her eyes dark with lust. I climb onto the bed with her, dragging her higher up the bed with me. Leaning forward, I suck one nipple into my mouth, then the other.

“I need you in me,” she cries, her body writhing beneath me. Her leg wraps around my hip, and her fingers run through my hair. My gaze travels up her body from my marks on her breasts to her beautiful face.

“I love you, Lil,” I say, sliding into her. Her eyes stay locked on mine, my mouth lowering to hers.

“I love you too,” she says against my lips. I slide deeper, her nails going to my ass and I know what she wants. I sit up on my knees, wrapping her legs around my thighs, my arms going straight into the bed so I can pound into her harder.

“I wanted to give you sweet,” I grunt, leaning forward and pulling a nipple into my mouth, sucking hard before biting down.

“I don’t want sweet!” she cries, her nails digging into my skin. My balls pull up and I thrust harder, each time grinding my pelvis against hers. Her body starts to pull me deeper. I feel the tingle in my spine and my balls draw up tight. I close my mouth over hers, sucking her tongue into my mouth at the same time she tightens and cries out. I lose myself inside her. My weight sinks down on top of her, my body molding to hers and I thrust more gently. My hands go to the sides of her face, I pull her hair away, and I lean forward to kiss her forehead, nose, and then her mouth.

“How you feeling?” I ask, whispering against her mouth, enjoying the feeling of having her under me, and still buried inside of her.

“I can’t believe we’re really married.” She smiles, one which lights up her whole face. The smile that made me fall in love with her. The smile that she gives my kids, and the smile that I will be blessed with looking at for the rest of my life.

“Believe it, baby. You’re my wife.” I smile back.

“And you’re my husband,” she says, running her fingers down my jaw.

“I am,” I slide out of her, “and as your husband, I’m going to give you a bath and order some food, that way you have enough energy to make it through Naked Hotel Day.” She giggles, rolling away. I stand at the side of the bed and start laughing when I notice that she is covered with rose petals.

“What’s so funny?” she asks. I pull her out of the bed, sliding a petal off her nipple. “Oh.” She looks down at the bed, then between the two of us before cracking up. I don’t have time to think before she runs off. I don’t know what she’s doing until she  grabs her phone and I hear the sound of the camera clicking.

“What are you doing?”

“I want a picture of you covered in rose petals. I figure if I ever need to get my way, I can use this to blackmail you.” She laughs as I lunge after her, and when I catch her, I toss her over my shoulder, slapping her ass one time before heading towards the bathroom.

“You’re gonna pay for that,” I tell her.

“What are you gonna do, spank me?” she asks, and I can hear the need in her voice.

“No, you like that too much. I say you’re going to get punishment-by-cock.” I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling. Her eyes narrow, then widen as I slide her down my body before turning, pressing her into the wall. “Are you ready for your punishment?” I press my hips into hers.

“Yes,” she moans as I fill her, giving her the first part of her punishment, then again in the bathroom on the floor, then pressed against the glass windows where we decided to get married this morning, overlooking the little white chapel, and then in bed, where I fall asleep with my wife in my arms.


“I can’t believe you!” Jules yells, running out of her apartment. I knew it was coming, I just didn’t know when. I shake my head and roll up the window of the truck. I didn’t want Jax to hear this conversation. We have been home for a week from our trip to Alaska and layover in Vegas, and today was the first time Jules has called and asked to see Jax. I hate taking him to her, but I can’t deny him his own mother. I never want him to look at me and see the person who kept him from her.

“Hey, dude.” He’s looking out the window at his mom when I call his name. His eyes meet mine in the mirror. “I need to talk to your mom for a second, so stay buckled in.” He nods, his eyes going back to Jules. I know he is conflicted about her. Shit, I’m conflicted about her. I f*cking hate her guts, but there is nothing I can do because she is the mother of my son, so I’m forced to get along with her. I get out of the truck, shutting the door. I hold up my hand, holding her off until I can get her to the back of the truck. “Don’t start your shit and let my son hear,” I growl.

“Don’t start my shit?” She puts her hands on her hips and I know she is itching to fight. She is always ready to fight. “You got married, and you don’t want me to start my shit?” she asks, glaring.

“Me getting married has absolutely nothing to do with you,” I tell her firmly. Marrying Lilly was the smartest thing I have ever done, for myself and my kids.

“My son lives with you.”

“He does,” I nod in agreement, “because that’s where the courts put him.”

“I think he should come live with me.” My fists clench. I have never hit a woman in my life, and never would, but there have been times that I could see myself strangling her for how f*cking selfish she is.

“You see him maybe every couple of weeks, only when the mood strikes you, and you want him to move in with you? He doesn’t even know you. He can’t even be left alone with you without crying and freaking out.”

“That’s your fault! You have always babied him.”

“He is a f*cking baby.” I pull off my ball cap, running my hand through my hair. “I don’t have time for this shit today,” I growl, my eyes meeting hers.

“Oh, I’m sure you need to get back to the wife. Good to know she is more important than your son.”

“First of all, unlike you, I don’t place people in my life on different levels of importance. Lilly, Jax, and Ashlyn have all of me, one not more than the other.”

“Lucky them, I never got shit from you,” she says with a hurt look, but I have been down this road with her a million times.

“You’re right. You never had my heart, but you had me. I was there; you were just so caught up in yourself and what you could get that you didn’t give a f*ck about me or your son, so don’t try to feed me some sob-story bullshit.”

“You’re such a f*cking dick.”

“Do you want to take Jax to the park, or are you gonna hang out with him here?” I’m done with her drama. We will never see eye-to-eye on any of this.

“I don’t have time to take him to the park. I have to be somewhere.” She doesn’t even look disappointed about missing out on time with her son.

“Why the f*ck did you ask me to bring him if you don’t have time to visit?”

“I thought I would have time, but I got a call right before you got here, and now I don’t have time.”

“Whatever.” I shake my head in disgust. I knew coming here was going to be a waste of time. I keep giving her chance after chance, hoping and praying that she will change for Jax, or at lease show some interest, but she never does. It’s always the same bullshit. “Do you at least want to say goodbye to him?”

“Um, sure.” She shrugs her shoulders like it’s all the same to her. Then she walks over to the back door of my truck, opening it up. I walk to the front of the truck, opening the door and climbing inside. I listen as Jules tells Jax that she will see him another time. He sits there quietly, not responding. She doesn’t touch him like a normal mother would touch her child after a long period of not seeing them. She doesn’t even talk gently to him like a mother would; her whole demeanor is exactly like it is when she talks to me or one of her friends. “All right, talk to you both soon,” Jules says as she closes the door of the truck. I wonder if she even notices that Jax didn’t say one word to her the whole time.

“You okay, little dude?” I look over my shoulder to talk to him; his tiny jaw is clenched, and I know that he is trying not to cry. He nods his head, and then looks out the window again.

“Can Mom make cookies when we get home?” My heart aches, and I take a deep breath to try to control my own emotions. Ever since the wedding, he has called Lilly, Mom. I love that he is able to get the kind of motherly love he needs from Lilly, but I f*cking hate that he is suffering so badly because of his real mother.

“I’m not sure, but you can ask her when we get there.” He nods again, resting his forehead against the window. I turn on some music, filling the silence. Once we get back to the house, he is ready to go as soon as I open his door, and before his door is even shut, he is running towards the house yelling, “Mom!” at the top of his lungs. Lilly comes to the front door. She is wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, her hair is pulled back from her face with a small clip, and her face is completely makeup-free, showing off her naturally creamy complexion and rosy cheeks. She looks beautiful.

“What is it, honey?” she asks as Jax plows into her, his arms going around her thighs. Her hand goes to the top of his head, the other to the back of his neck. He holds on to her for a second and she looks at me; I shake my head, and she nods before looking back down at Jax.

“Can we make cookies?” he asks, leaning his head back.

“Well, your sister and I were trying to make cinnamon rolls. Do you want to come help us?” He nods, unwrapping his arms. “Well, go in and wash your hands. I will be there in just a second.” She runs her hand over his hair as he walks into the house.

“Are you okay?”

“No, but coming home knowing you’re here goes a long way to making it okay.” I pull her towards me by the waist, kissing her lips, then resting my mouth against her forehead.

“Please, don’t let her stress you out,” she says, her fingers running along my jaw, her touch calming me down.

“I’m fine, baby. Let’s go inside; I need to make a phone call, and you need to make me cinnamon rolls.”

“I’m sorry,” she shakes her head, “I didn’t know I was making you cinnamon rolls; the memo must have gotten lost along the way.”

“You would deny your husband?”

“I guess I would.” She smiles, getting the look she always gets when she looks at me, lighting up her face.

“You know what happens when you deny me, right?” I ask, crowding her.

“What?” she asks. I hear her breath hitch and I smile.

“Never mind, please, don’t make me cinnamon rolls. It’s been awhile since my palm has felt your ass, and you know how I love your ass, baby.” I lean in, kissing her nose, and then I turn her around, giving her a gentle push inside before tapping her on the ass.

“Cash.” She looks at me over her shoulder.

“Got stuff to do, babe.” I walk away smiling, knowing that the minute I can get her alone later tonight is the minute she will go wild for me. The anticipation is going to be making her squirm all day. I walk into my office and set about getting things ordered for the jobsite that we’re starting on next week. Once that’s done, I pay some bills. I need to call Nico, but I know that he has been busy lately. I’m not sure what’s going on with him, but Lil thinks he’s hooked up with someone, and that would make sense. My brother was always around; even with him working for Kenton, he still finds time to come and see us regularly. Nowadays though, we’re lucky if we see him once a week. I pick up my phone and dial his number; he answers on the second ring.

“What’s up, bro?” he answers, sounding like he was sleeping.

“Yo, you asleep? It’s two in the afternoon,” I say, looking at the clock.

“Yeah, I was up late,” he says, and then I hear a female in the background calling his name. “Just a second, baby, my brother’s on the phone,” he replies to her, sounding so gentle that I pull the phone away from my ear, making sure I have my brother on the line and not some other Nico. “I’m going to get some water, if that’s okay?” I hear her say. I can tell he has pulled the phone away from his ear to talk to her. “I’ll get you some. Go lay back down, baby. I’ll be right there,” he tells her. I hear the sound of a kiss, and then he’s back.

“You still there?”

“Who are you, and what the f*ck have you done with my brother?” I ask him. I have never heard him use that tone with anyone—not the kids, not our parents, and definitely not a female.

“I found her,” he whispers.


“I found my boom. I had no f*cking clue that returning a lost phone would lead me to her, but I f*cking found her.”

“Holy shit. Wait, returning a lost phone?”

“Looong story, bro, but I found her, and she is beautiful, and sweet, and so f*cking perfect that I worry about touching her and dirtying her up. But I can’t walk away; it’s impossible.

“Jesus, Lil was right.”


“Lil said that you haven’t been coming around because you got hooked up with someone.” I hear his laugh, and I can imagine him rubbing his head.

“It’s a lot more than a hook up, but yeah.”

“I get that.” I sit back in my chair and look up at the ceiling. I never thought that our lives would be like this. I knew at one point we would all grow up and find women to share our lives with, but seeing each of my brothers happy, and now having my own family has strengthened my belief that nothing happens before its time. “So when do we get to meet her?” I ask him.

“Soon. She’s just starting to accept that she’s mine.” He laughs when I hear her say something to him. “You are. Do you need me to prove it again?” he asks her, and that’s my cue to get off the phone.

“Well, I’m gonna let you go,” I tell him.

“Sure, man. I’ll call you soon.”

“Talk to you then.” I hang up, smiling down at the phone. I’m happy that my brother is happy.

“Why are you smiling?” I looked up; Lilly’s standing in the doorway holding a small plate with a cinnamon roll on it.

“Is that for me?”

“It depends on who put that smile on your face,” she says, coming towards me.

“Actually, I don’t know what her name is,” I tell her, pulling the plate from her hand, setting it on the desk before dragging her around it so I can pull her into my lap.

“You don’t know her name?” Her hand comes up to rest on my jaw, her beautiful eyes soft.

“No, Nico didn’t tell me her name.”

“I was right?” Her face lights up and I shake my head. So f*cking cute.

“You were, and he seems like he is already lost to her.”

“That’s a good thing, right?” she ask quietly, searching my face.

“If she is the one for him, then yes, a very good thing.” I palm the back of her head and pull her closer to me. “So you brought me a cinnamon roll?” I change the subject.

“No, I brought it in here to eat it while you watch.”


“Yes.” She smiles, looking sexy.

“I have a better idea.”

“What’s that?” Her tongue comes out, licking across her lower lip.

“Save it for later when then kids are in bed and I get you alone.”

“Why?” she asks breathlessly.

“You said you brought it in here to eat in front of me, right?”


“Well, you’re going to eat it in front of me later wearing nothing, and anything you drop I’m going to eat using no hands.

“Oh,” she moans as I lick into her mouth, tasting cinnamon and sugar. And much later that night, I taste cinnamon and sugar from other parts of her body.