Untamed (Thoughtless, #4)

When I got to the parking lot at the base of the hill Kellan’s house sat on, I started laughing. Kellan had done something about my many complaints about the number of steps that led up to his front door. There was a ski lift gondola resting on a track next to the countless steps. Eager to try it out, I grabbed Onnika while Anna let Gibson out of the car. The four of us easily fit inside the gondola. Gibson spotted the up button and pressed it before I could get to it. Something clicked on the machine, and it slowly started rising. “Now this is more like it,” I said to Anna, as I relaxed back on the railing and let the car do all the heavy lifting.

The car stopped in a space cut out of the front porch, so we didn’t even have to walk up the porch steps. Kellan was waiting near the front door with an amused expression on his face. I gave him my seal of approval. “That’s freaking awesome, man. Good job.”

He laughed as he clapped my back. “I thought you’d appreciate that.”

I laughed, then told him, “I want to take the buggy back down though.”

Gibson heard me and her hand shot into the air. “Me too, me too!”

Kellan grinned at her, then tilted his head inside the house. “Come on, the guys are waiting.”

My heart started hammering as we walked through Kellan’s place. I needed to ask the guys a huge favor, but I didn’t feel like I deserved for them to say yes. I mean, I’d bailed on them, why should they do anything for me? But I’d tried to make amends by helping make their show to replace me a national sensation, although I’d done that more for me than for them, so again, I didn’t really deserve their help.

When we walked into the living room, Anna asked Kellan where Kiera and Ryder were. “The girls and I will hang out with them so you boys have time to do your thing.”

Kellan gave her a smooth grin. “It’s okay. They’re actually in the rehearsal room.”

That surprised me some, but then I figured they were just having a welcome-to-the-family party for Liam. I bit back the sudden pain of loss and focused on the task at hand. Be there for Liam, ask the guys for help, then go about getting a job. That was my to-do list today.

Walking out of the living room, we headed out back to where the rehearsal room was on the other side of the pool. When we got there, I saw about three dozen balloons in bright colors on either sides of the doors. Gibson made a beeline for them, and Onnika struggled to get down. I kept a firm hold on her though. Over the door was a banner proclaiming Congratulations!, and the door itself was covered in multicolored streamers.

Glancing over at Kellan, I nonchalantly said, “Abby is here, isn’t she?” Denny’s wife had a thing for celebrations, no matter if they were big or small.

With a laugh, Kellan nodded. “Yeah, Denny too.”

Great. So getting on my knees and begging for some financial scraps was going to be even more humiliating. I supposed that was appropriate though.

It took some effort, but we finally got Gibson and Onnika into the rehearsal room. Gibson was mad about leaving the balloons outside, until she noticed that there were dozens more inside. I set Onnika down, then watched in awe as Gibson handed her a squishy balloon from the floor. It had taken a while, but Gibson was finally letting her sister in.

Looking around, I saw more streamers, more balloons, confetti over everything, including the instruments, and a gigantic cake in the shape of a guitar resting on a table placed where Kellan usually stood for practice. Damn. Guess rehearsal was going to have to wait until later.

Denny and Abby were talking with Kiera, Rachel, and Jenny. Kiera was in the last stage of her pregnancy, and she was huge. Not that I would tell her that. She was sitting in a folding chair, but she waved when she saw us. Ryder was running a toy truck through the confetti next to Kiera, and Gibson immediately joined him. She stole his truck, but then she gave it to Onnika, so I didn’t scold her for it. It was sort of Robin Hoodish of her—stealing from the rich to give to the poor.

Liam was talking to Matt and Evan, so I headed their way. Liam was staying here at Chateau Kyle for the time being, since Kellan had a much bigger place than me, and it made meeting for rehearsals more convenient for Liam, who didn’t have a car yet. Spotting me as I approached, Liam stopped his conversation. He pulled me into a hug when I got close enough. “Isn’t this amazing?” he asked when we broke apart. “Abby did it as a surprise. I totally thought we were starting today.” He frowned. “Maybe I should have called you and had you come in tomorrow…” He looked really guilty, like he’d suddenly just realized this might be awkward for me.

I clapped him on the shoulder. “Don’t worry about it, bro. I’m glad to be here, you deserve this.” Liam wrapped his arm around my shoulders, and I couldn’t help but smile at the joy on his face. He’d finally gotten the dream job he’d always wanted, and even though it was my dream job, I was happy for him.

“You’re just in time for the toast,” Kellan told me, indicating a tray of glasses and a bottle of champagne. Oddly enough, there was a glass for me and Anna. Even though he’d acted surprised, Liam must have told Kellan we were coming.

S. C. Stephens's books