There's Something About Her

Chapter 11

A Rude Awakening

A security guard escorts me to the elevators and keys in the code for a non-stop ride to the twenty-third floor, east wing. It’s a cordoned-off section of the hospital that looks more like a luxury hotel. Jack has purchased privacy and special attention for Daisy.

“Mags, you came anyway?” Jack says as soon as I set foot into the room. He doesn’t look happy.

I take off my coat. “It’s only a little after eight. Chill out.” I walk over to give him a peck on the cheek. “How is she?”

Daisy is sleeping on what looks like a pillow of clouds. The bed looks ten times more comfortable than mine.

“Resting, finally,” Jack says.

I touch Jack’s shoulder and sit in one of the armchairs. “I understand why she needs to keep going. I don’t think I would be able to slow down either.”

He shakes his head. “Daisy and I, we’re going to do shit differently once we get out of here.”

“Oh yeah, like what?”

“No more traveling. Did you know she’s taken two trips for the cab driver series since we found out she was pregnant?”

Daisy does look tired as hell. Her skin is chalky, and her vibrant, pouty lips are purplish. She’s still beautiful. She always looks as if she’s caught up in a moment of ecstasy, even while sleeping.

“I’m sure she’ll slow down after this,” I say to make him feel better.

Jack snorts. I don’t think he’s too sure about that. I’ve been dying to ask a question, and there’s no time better than the present to ask it.

“Jack,” I whisper, “she wants the baby, right?”

He hesitates. “Yeah,” he answers unconvincingly.

Daisy never makes comments about being pregnant like most expecting mothers. I never hear about her ankles swelling or cravings or gas or the rest of that stuff. She hasn’t gone shopping for maternity clothes. I’ve seen her in three-inch heels at least four times. She seems disconnected from her pregnancy, but no one’s questioned her about it because she’s always seemed radiant and healthy.

“You two must have a real discussion about everything, you know?” I say.

Jack looks uncomfortable. “I just want her to be happy.”

“You want everybody you love to be happy. You move mountains to make me happy, but that never stops you from spanking my ass when I need it.”

He studies Daisy as he ponders.

“Hey,” Charlie says. He walks timidly into the room, keeping his eyes on Daisy. “Could I…” He stops at her bedside.

Jack and I are shocked to see him. Jack throws up his hands, giving Charlie the “okay.” Charlie kisses Daisy’s forehead.

“Sit here,” Jack says as he rises out of the only other comfortable chair in the room. Jack stretches out on the bed beside Daisy instead. She stirs a little and rests her head on his chest.

“Hey, Chuck,” I say, grinning at Charlie.

He snickers and shakes his head. He knows why I look so giddy.

“What the hell is that all about?” Jack asks.

“What’s what all about?” Charlie snaps.

“The looks you two are giving each other. Something happened. What happened?”

“Nothing,” Charlie says at the same time I say, “He had sex with Monroe.”

“Get the hell out of here. Your friend Monroe?” Jack asks.

I bob my head like a crazy person. “Yep.”

Charlie shakes his head. “Well, did she like it? I haven’t heard from her since.”

“Unfortunately, I had to hear about how much she liked it. But don’t f*ck her again, Chuck. I don’t want you screwing around with my girlfriends. It’s a conflict of interest.”

“What did she say? What did she like?”

“I’m not repeating it.”

“I’d like to know what she said,” Jack chimes in.

“There’s no way in the world I’m going to repeat it, so you both are out of luck.”

Charlie blows on his knuckles and rubs them against his chest. “I was that good, huh? You would’ve told me if she thought I sucked.”

I flex my eyebrows to concur. “Just leave her alone from now on. You and Monroe together is a bad idea. You’re immature, and frankly, she’s not that far behind you. That makes for a relationship from hell with me in the middle. So no, do not go there, and I mean it.”

“Well, thanks for letting me know what you really think of me.”

I shrug one shoulder. “You earned it.”

“You’re no Mary Poppins, Magnolia Bud.”

“Screw you, Chuck.”

“Cool it. Daisy’s trying to rest,” Jack warns.

“Resting was over ten minutes ago,” Daisy mutters, taking us all by surprise.

“Babe, how are you feeling?” Jack holds her closer.

She groans. “I’ll feel better as soon as I’m in our bed.”

“It sounds like they’re going to release you tomorrow.”

She sighs. “That’s music to my ears. Did you call Steven like I asked? I want to reschedule our conference call.” She grimaces and cradles her belly. That’s the second time I’ve ever seen her touch it. The first time was during the wedding ceremony.

“What is it?” Jack asks, panicked.

“Nothing, just a cramp.”

Jack grimaces.

Charlie raises a hand. “Hey, Dais.”

Her lips form a weak but beautiful smile. “Hi, Charlie. I see the gang’s all here. Maggie, hi.”

I get up to kiss her cheek. “I’m worried about you. You look like shit. Pretty shit, though.”

She chuckles faintly. “Well, as long as it’s pretty shit.” She scoots into a more comfortable position while still resting against Jack’s chest.

“Give me a kiss,” he says in an intimate tone.

Daisy lifts her mouth toward his, and they kiss tenderly.

“Have to brush my teeth.” She chuckles.

“You taste sexy,” Jack whispers.

Charlie and I have the same disgusted face.

“So, Maggie,” Daisy says, “how do you like your new job?”

“We don’t have to talk about that right now. Just rest.”

“I want to talk about it. Come on, give me the luscious details.”

“Really?” I’m beaming.


I start by revealing that I have my very own assistant and office. I go into details about my first meeting at A&Rt Media, which leads to the polo match and then to the End of March Powder in Aspen. I’m surprised Jack doesn’t mention anything about me being alone with Vincent for four days. However, he’s thinking something. I can see it in his eyes.

“That sounds fantastic. My beautiful husband to the rescue.” She beams at Jack, and he blushes.

“Yeah.” I sigh. “I really love this job.”

Jack looks at Daisy. “Babe, I was thinking about speaking to Vince on your behalf.”

“What? You want me to work there?”

“Not per se. Maybe publish a digital travel magazine. As a publisher, you’d spend less time on the road.”

Daisy grunts, and her entire expression turns dim.

“Doesn’t look like she wants to stay off the road, Jack,” Charlie says. “But Dais, I kind of get where Jack is going. See, I don’t know if you know this or not, but you’re pregnant. You can’t go to f*cking Malta and Brisbane, and where’s the other place you flew to three weeks ago? Oh yeah, Singapore. I happened to plug in Luck Traveller online, and there you were, hanging out with a cabbie. You’re going to have my nephew or niece in four months. Slow down and adjust to the shit that’s going on in your body, because you’re f*cking stressing out the kid before he even gets here!”

Jack and I have been shocked into silence. I’m watching Daisy’s facial expressions go through a number of variations.

She gazes up at Jack. “Is that how you feel?”

“I wouldn’t have put it that way.” He shoots Charlie a dirty look. “But I would like for you to put the brakes on.”

“None of you have to worry. My baby, our baby, already convinced me to slow down.”

Jack gathers her in his arms and squeezes her.

I lift a finger to interject. “Sorry, but did Chuck just say something kind of wise?”

Charlie settles into his seat and taps the side of his head. “I have a few brain cells left up here.”

Daisy and I laugh, but Jack remains stern.

“So I’m going to speak to Vincent Adams next week.”

I think Jack doesn’t want to lose momentum.

“I like the idea of my own travel magazine,” Daisy says. “Although I don’t see how it’ll be less work.”

“It means less traveling, and you’ll have a staff,” he says. Daisy grimaces as Jack kisses her forehead. “You’re making the right decision.”

“I know,” she whispers.

We fall silent. We’re in desperate need of a change of subject.

“So, Mags, since we’re getting to the nitty-gritty of shit, what have you been doing for the last four days?” Charlie grins.

I flip him the bird.

“You’re not involved with Vincent Adams, are you?” Jack asks.

“No,” I say too fast and not harsh enough.

“I told you he had a thing for her back in high school,” Charlie says to Jack. He turns to me. “When you left, he kept asking me what happened to you and when you’d be back. Every time he asked, I told him you’d be back next week or next month—always a ‘next’ something. He kept asking me all the way up to graduation.”

I shake my head. “You’re such an immature jackass, Chuck.”

“Be careful with him, Mags,” Jack warns.

I sigh. “I will.” I search around the room, frustrated. “Is there an ottoman around here? If I’m going to sleep on this chair, then I need to prop my feet up.”

“No way. Sleep in your bed,” Jack scolds.

“If you and Daisy are here, then so am I.”

“I second that,” Charlie says.

“No, don’t make them leave,” Daisy whines. “I like it when they’re around.” She flutters her eyebrows at Jack. He’s mesmerized. She gets what she wants.

The nurse shows Charlie and me how to work the chairs. They actually fold out, no ottoman needed. In addition, they come with massage and heat functions. That’s how we get into a discussion about sex.

“He never gave me a chance to give him one before I got pregnant,” Daisy says excitedly. More color has returned to her face. She’s touching her belly. It’s good to see.

“Dais, I bet you give a mean blowjob,” Charlie says as if he’s fantasizing about it.

“You’ll never know,” she says.

He simpers. Poor Charlie. He likes that he gets to hit on her and she gets to turn him down. He likes the un-gettable chicks.

“She gives a damn fine blowjob, but I’d rather have all of her,” Jack says.

I snort and look away, recalling when Vincent basically said the same thing.

“Enough of our sex life,” Daisy says. “What’s this about Monroe and Charlie?”

“Hell if I know,” I say. “She was on cloud nine when I last spoke to her.”

“Whoa, cloud nine? Nice,” Charlie sings.

“Yeah, but I reminded her that you have the cooties and she should stay far, far, far away from you.”

“Why the hell did you tell her that?” he whines.

“Need I repeat it? You’re immature. You don’t have a job. Where do you live? Huh?”

“By the way, those are all good points,” Daisy says, shaking a finger.

“I agree,” Jack adds.

Charlie looks disturbed. “I live in Martha’s Vineyard, goddamn it.”

“Not for the last five months,” Daisy says.

“Where have you been, Charlie?” Jack asks.

“On vacation!”

“For five months?” I ask.

“It took me a while to get over her.” He points at Daisy.

I roll my eyes. “You never really loved Daisy. You just wanted her because Jack had her and she wanted Jack. Start wanting shit for yourself. Really, really want it for yourself.”

“I did love Daisy!”

Daisy lifts a hand. “Daisy’s in the room.”

Jack gazes into her eyes. “You want to make out while they fight?”

“Don’t you dare,” I warn. I can’t take their R-rated kissing right now. “Chuck, what did you love about Daisy other than that she’s beautiful? What else?”

“I am?” she says from the peanut gallery.

I wink at her while keeping my main focus on my stupid cousin.

“She’s nice, and…” He’s obviously having a hard time.

Jack says smugly, “She’s giving and understanding. She’s a student of life. She has really far-out habits like showering too much and spending hours in a bathtub. She hums when she works. She is nice to everybody no matter who they are. She’s never rattled. She listens more than she speaks. She’s up for anything, always willing to try it at least once. I could continue, but you didn’t ask me the question.”

“Ah,” Daisy sings and tilts her head to offer Jack her lips.

“And there you go,” I conclude. “That’s why you don’t love her, Charlie, and Jack does.”

“But I like Monroe,” Charlie says.

“What do you like about her?”

“She has a sharp tongue. She thinks she’s tough, but she’s not. She is a ballbuster until you make her, well, you know…”

I snort. “I know, and you’re right about her. But you’re not ready for her. She’s my friend, and I love her. I won’t have you screwing with her life and her head. Get your shit together.”

Charlie and I lock eyes. I think I finally got through that thick skull of his. It’s weird that Jack hasn’t said something snappy. Charlie and I turn at the same time to see Jack and Daisy engaged in weird but sexy kissing where they lightly touch lips and tongue while gazing into each other’s eyes.

“Hey!” Charlie kicks the bottom of Jack’s foot. “F*cking stop it!”

I lift a hand. “I concur.”

We take a trip down memory lane to talk about our crazy parents, those dead and alive, until the wee hours of the morning. Daisy can barely keep her eyes open, but she’s eager to hear as much about Jack as she can. I really like that about her. I even love watching her cling to him for dear life.

By the time Charlie says something about running into my dad on a beach in Costa Rica, Daisy’s lost the battle with sleep and so has Jack.

“Don’t turn out to be like him, Charlie,” I mumble. I’m so tired.

“I won’t. I want something, and I’m going to work like hell to get it.”

I close my eyes. “Oh yeah?” I yawn. “What do you want?”

There’s a long moment of silence. “You’ll see.”

That’s the last thing anyone says.

Z.L. Arkadie's books