The Bridge to a Better Life (Dare Valley, #8)

“A good friend told me never to settle when it came to my next career, and after some serious scheming, I’m happy to report that I’ll be serving as a special football coach for kids with intellectual disabilities who want to compete in Special Olympics at the Adam Cunningham Training Center at Emmits Merriam. Some of you know the athletic director, Tom Hudson, and he agreed to match my contribution to make such a center possible. According to Special Olympics, who will also be a contributor, this is the first center of its kind. The kids will have the option to stay in our assigned university dorm for anywhere from a few weeks to a month to train with me and our staff during the year.”

Natalie knew she was beaming. It had been one of the greatest joys of her life to watch Blake’s dream come together.

“I’ve been beyond lucky to have my long-time football friends also donate to this center. Right now, they have contributed financially, but they will also be contributing their time. I expect other players from the league will do the same.”

Sure enough, all of his Once Upon A Dare friends had given sizeable contributions, but so had his former teammates and assistant coaches. Everyone had been waiting for Blake’s announcement tonight so they could broadcast their affiliation with the new center on social media.

“The president and board of trustees for Emmits Merriam met this morning and approved our interim plans. We’re going to break ground on this new facility next spring, and I couldn’t be happier.”

Someone whistled, and she looked over to see Andy grinning from ear to ear.

“The best news about this center is that I won’t have to travel for games and I won’t have to stay up late watching game film when I could be spending it with my loving wife and the family we plan to have. So…expect more parties like tonight, and thanks again for coming to share our good news.”

She wrapped her arms around him just as he reached for her, and she simply basked in his new radiance. He planned to change the world with his center, and she had no doubt that he would.

Everyone finally clustered around them to give them their best wishes.

Uncle Arthur shook Blake’s hand first. “Heck of an announcement, son. I wish you all the best. I feel a moving Sunday editorial coming on. You’ll have to excuse me.”

Her family kissed Blake and hugged him, and it was chaotic and wonderful in all the best of ways. This was something to celebrate. In two weeks, he’d be flying to Atlanta for a guys’ weekend to celebrate the news with his Once Upon A Dare guys, and part of her wished she could come along. But it was boys only. They’d just have to host another weekend soon so she could thank the guys herself for everything they’d done for Blake.

When everything finally settled back down, she realized she and Blake hadn’t moved from their spot for the last hour.

“We were talking about getting more margaritas earlier,” she told him with a playful nudge to his ribs.

“Right. Your uncle is one demanding guy.”

“That’s why we love him.”

They found her sisters in the corner, giggling like crazy, more than a little tipsy.

“I believe we were going to get you ladies a drink before your uncle asked for his exclusive,” Blake said. “Do you still want one?”

Moira and Caroline shared a conspiratorial look.

“We…ah…finished off the margaritas during the well wishes,” Moira confessed, which explained the red flush on her cheeks.

“I’m glad you didn’t wait. Natalie, do you think you can help me in the kitchen? I need to make another batch.”

That was probably code for a little necking in their food pantry, which they’d always done when hosting parties. “Sure thing, babe.”

“Blake,” Moira said. “You didn’t tell us your secret to the margaritas?”

His mouth twitched. “It’s a new brand of tequila. You can thank my friend, Jordan. It’s very…intoxicating.”

Natalie waggled her brows at him. “Har-de-har-har.” The next time she saw Jordan, she planned to give him a big kiss for pushing that tequila on her, which Blake had confessed his friend had done on purpose.

“And we added blue Curacao,” Blake shared.

“Oh! Is that why Caroline’s tongue is blue?”

“Yours is too, moron,” her sister said.

“We’ll have your drinks in a jiffy,” Blake said, rolling his eyes at them.

Natalie linked her arm through his and leaned in to whisper. “Are we really going to make them drinks right now?”

“Of course not.” He bumped her with his hip. “I thought we could take a little time for ourselves and then make some more margaritas. In say…ten or fifteen minutes.”

“I thought so,” she purred. Her body was already revving with desire. Maybe they could have more than a necking session in the pantry.

She was already imagining a quickie when they entered the kitchen. Jane and Matt caught sight of them first and grinned.

“Three cheers to your new career,” Matt called out.

They were standing at the counter with Terrance and Elizabeth, who also added another round of congratulations. So much for sneaking into the pantry.

Blake gave her a frown. “Later, babe,” he whispered.


There were two blindfolds on the counter and five bottles of wine wrapped in brown paper. Terrance gave Natalie a nudge when she joined them at the kitchen island, and she nudged him right back.

“Jane was just demonstrating her wine superiority again,” Elizabeth told them.

Blake settled beside Natalie and slid an arm around her waist and gave it a squeeze. “Who won?” he asked.

Ava Miles's books