Play My Game

“Only the best for you,” he answers.

It’s only once I’m off the boat and back at the bungalow that I see how seriously he means those words. The small pool in the bungalow courtyard is filled with floating candles, turning it into a magical fairyland. A bottle of wine is open beside a giant, round lounge chair designed for two. And beside the wine is a plate filled with cheeses and meats and covered with a clear glass lid to protect it from the elements.

Beside the pool, the hot tub bubbles, and I remember what I’d said about wanting to take a bath in the Jacuzzi tub. This, I think, is just as appealing.

“How did you do this?” I ask.

“I believe I’ve mentioned that I have a rather large bank account which allows me to purchase a surprising variety of goods and services.”

“Must be nice being you,” I tease, then slide into his open arms.

“It’s better now that I have you,” he says, and I almost melt from the depth of emotion that fills his voice.

He tugs me to the lounge chair, and then slowly undresses me before telling me to lay back and close my eyes.

I do, and my reward is Damien’s touch.

I cannot count the different ways that he has touched me since we have been together, but his touch tonight is deceptive, its simplicity hiding a power to drive me over the edge.

All he uses is a finger.

Slowly, he traces his forefinger over my leg, drawing soft patterns. Teasing me behind my knee. Stroking gently up my inner thigh, but not quite high enough. And though I moan a bit and squirm in silent demand, he does not stroke my sex.

Instead, his finger trails only in that soft area between thigh and genitals, but that is enough to send tremors running through me, shifting the rest of my body into a state of hyperawareness so that innocent touches are suddenly anything but. Even his finger slowly circling my belly button makes my sex clench with longing.

Featherlight touches continue upward, caressing every inch of me and paying extra attention to my breasts until my nipples are so hard and tight that I have to bite my lower lip so as to not beg him to close his mouth over me and suck my breast until I come.

Finally, that wonderful, damnable finger traces my lower lip, then teases its way inside my mouth. “Suck,” he demands, that one word holding a world of erotic possibilities.

I do, drawing him in, and feeling the shock of sensation travel through me like an electric current that runs from my mouth to my cunt. There is no part of me now that isn’t open to him. Desperate for him.

“Please,” I whisper, and then tremble with need as he stretches out beside me so that his body is pressed against mine and all those erogenous zones that he has created sparkle and fire in anticipation.

“Tell me what you want.”

“You know,” I say. “I want to feel you inside me. Please, oh please, Damien.”

“Anything you want, sweetheart,” he says, slowly rolling onto his back and urging me on top of him. “Anything you need.”

What I need is him. He has ministered to my body for what feels like an eternity and every cell in my skin is humming with desire.

And yet in all that time he has neither penetrated me nor touched my clit. I feel swollen with need, so ready to be filled by my husband that I fear I will go crazy if I don’t have him right this very second.

I move to straddle him even as he moves onto his back. His cock rubs against me, teasing my rear, and I bite my lower lip, wanting everything. Wanting Damien.

Slowly, I rise up on my knees and then lower myself onto him. I gasp as he fills me, then cry out as his hips pivot up even as his hands on my hips push me down so that he fills me hard and fast and completely.

“Kiss me,” he demands, and I lean forward, our bodies moving together as my mouth closes over his and my breasts brush against his chest, teasing my already sensitive nipples.

His hand slides between our bodies, and now his fingers do touch me, stroke me. He teases my clit as my body tightens around him, the muscles of my sex clenching to draw him in, hotter and deeper, and I can feel the tension building inside both of us until I can’t stand it anymore, and I pull myself back up, then arch back so that I’m facing the sky as the force of my orgasm rocks through me and I grind against him, my muscles tightening around his cock and bringing Damien the rest of the way with me so that he calls out my name and I close my eyes as it echoes through the night.

When my body stops spasming, I fall down upon him again, then sigh as his fingers stroke my hair.

“It’s midnight,” he whispers, and I lift my head to meet his eyes. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Mrs. Stark.”

Chapter 11

J. Kenner's books