My Unexpected Forever

Everyone stands as the music changes. I know I should be watching Josie come down the aisle, but I can’t take my eyes away from the man who is staring at me. He’s not looking at Liam or Josie, but at me. I don’t know if I should smile or look away. I don’t know what I’m doing anymore. Josie and Liam step up to the minister and in my line of sight. I’m no longer connected to Harrison. I can no longer see him clearly.

The words from the minister ring out over the church. He talks about love, life and finding someone that makes you happy. I know the words aren’t meant for me, but they hit home. In the short time that Harrison and I were together, I was happy. He made me smile and feel loved. He treated my children as his own, and even though we are no longer together, he still does. That should be enough for me.

“Liam, please recite your vows to Josie.”

Liam rolls his neck and shakes out his shoulders. The guests laugh.

“You’d think because I’m a musician this would be easy, but let me tell you, finding the words to say to this woman is very difficult.”

Liam clears his throat before he looks into her eyes.

“Josie, in your eyes, I have found my only home. In your heart, I have found my only love. In your soul, I have found my only mate.

“Josie, with you, I am whole, full and alive. You make me laugh. You allow me to cry. You’re my every breath and every heartbeat. I am nothing, if you’re not mine as I am yours.”

Josie sniffles. I don’t blame her. I have tears pooling in my eyes as well. The minister nods at her, letting her know that she can start. She takes a deep breath and starts speaking to the love of her life.

“Liam, I promise to encourage your individuality, because that’s what makes you unique and wonderful. That’s what makes you mine.

“I promise to nurture your dreams, because without them, we wouldn’t be standing here today.

“I promise to help shoulder our challenges, because we’re a team and are stronger than ever.

“I promise to always be your best friend, your lover, your wife and most importantly, your partner.

“I promise to share with you the joys of life, because with you, they’ll be that much sweeter.

“Liam, lastly I promise to you perfect love and perfect trust, because tomorrow will never be enough.”

Josie never shared her vows with me and I’m thankful for that. When she speaks about a perfect love and trust, she speaks from experience. She’s been through more than just losing the love they shared once, she’s had to learn to trust the public side of Liam, and she’s done it gracefully.

Noah hands his parents their rings. Liam gives him a fist bump, much to the guests delight.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. Liam, you may kiss your bride.”

Whistling and laughter ring out as Liam dips his bride back and kisses her. When he rights her, he raises their hands in the air. I hand Josie her bouquet, and watch as my two best friends rush down the aisle to start the next chapter in their lives.

The kids follow, Noah with Peyton and Quinn with Elle. I step forward and loop my arm into Harrison’s. This is the closest we’ve been in weeks. It doesn’t feel forced or uncomfortable. It feels natural. It feels like home.

The moment the wedding party is announced, Harrison leaves my side. I know I shouldn’t have expected him to stay next to me, but a small part of me hoped he would. That small part hoped that the wedding vows and the love in the air would spur him to take a step and demand that I talk to him. No such luck, and there’s no one to blame but myself.

Josie and Liam move right into their first dance. They hired a band to play live music tonight. The band plays one of the songs Liam wrote for Josie. Why she chose this, I’ll never understand, but it’s their song. When they finish, we all sit and enjoy dinner. The atmosphere is so laid back you’d think we’re at a party, not a reception. I’ve been to many and while most have been boring, this has a nightclub vibe going on. I have a feeling this will be an all-nighter for some.

The dancing begins as soon as the dinner plates have been carried away. Liam, Josie and Noah all dance together for one song, uniting them as a family. Jimmy stands next to Harrison. Both of them are without their jackets now. Jimmy’s bow tie is undone and his hair is standing on end. It makes me wonder which one of these women is his date for the night as I look around for someone who looks like they just came out of the coat closet. That image is enough for me to be thankful I didn’t have to coat check anything.

Time moves too fast. The cake has been cut. The bouquet tossed and Liam performed a very erotic dance to take off Josie’s garter. If she wasn’t embarrassed, I was enough for the both of us. Harrison caught the garter and spun it around his finger. He smirked when he caught me watching him. He licked his lips before turning away. That’s the rocker side of him showing, reminding me what I gave up.

Heidi McLaughlin's books