Loving the Wild Card (Kingdom Book 5)

As she chatted, all Josh could do was stare at her.

“I got you that coffee you always loved. You still like it, right?”

When she turned around, Josh was standing directly in front of her and she squealed in surprise. Reaching for her, he pulled her against him and kissed her with a passion that scared him. She hadn’t left him and all the pent up love he had inside found an outlet in the way he held and kissed her.

He wanted to say something that would explain the way he was feeling, but for once words failed him. As their lips clung and their tongues spared in continuous motion, Josh knew he had to have her.

Abruptly pulling away, he stared down at her, his eyes black with the force of his feelings. “I need you, baby. I need you right now!”

“Josh, what’s the matter with you?”

“Do you want me, Luxie? Tell me you want me.”

“I do, Josh. I want you.”

He knew he was being intense and that she didn’t understand what was going on with him, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself. Lifting her, he placed her on the counter and pulled her sweater over her head. She wasn’t wearing a bra and his mouth immediately latched onto her breast. But he didn’t linger long enough to even give its partner attention.

Josh made quick work of removing her boots and dropped them to the floor. He thought about taking the time to remove her skirt, but changed his mind. Bunching it with his hands, he opened her legs further and kissed a path up to her panties.

The scent of her arousal immediately enthralled him and he ran his tongue against the silky fabric. Gripping the sides he held them in his fist ready to remove them. At the last minute, he changed his mind and ripped them apart. When he eased her up, he removed the tatters of fabric and cast it aside.

“Those panties have remained intact for the last seven years and you just ruined them,” Lux gasped as his mouth ate at her.

“I’ll buy you some more,” Josh said as he came up for air. “Sorry Luxie. I can’t wait any longer.”

“It okay, baby. Everything I have is yours. Take whatever you need.” She whispered as she brushed tender fingers across his face.

Josh knew he didn’t have time to undress. His feelings were too raw and he couldn’t deny the demands of his body for a moment longer.

Opening his pants, he pushed them down and his shaft sprung out wet and wanting. Lifting her to the edge of the counter, Josh pushed her upper body backward until she braced herself with her palms. Then he placed her legs over his shoulder. When she was completely open to him and he had looked his fill, he took hold of his cock and pushed it inside her.

He wanted to go slow, but he couldn’t. He wanted her to know that she belonged to him, only him, forever. Josh wanted to make love to his wife, but everything within him shouted that he fuck her.

His cock drove into her with so much intent, he knew he wasn’t going to last. Bracing his hand on the counter, he threw back his head his body increased in speed. With each thrust, he went deeper. With each rotation of his hips, his body grew tighter until he was shooting inside her in an endless stream.

Josh gritted his teeth to hold back the words that wanted to force their way from between his lips. Spent, he collapsed against her as every muscle in his body shook.

Lux, removed her legs from his shoulders, placed her arms around him and held him close. The feel of her arms running over his head and shoulder were his undoing.

“I thought you’d left me again, Luxie. I looked for you and I couldn’t find you.”

“Oh, God, Josh. I’m sorry baby. I’m so sorry. I should have left you a note, but I didn’t think. Please forgive me,” Lux cried, tears running down her face.

“Don’t cry, my Luxandria. I can’t bear to see you cry.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“Me too, Luxie. Did I hurt you?”


“I’ll be gentler next time, I promise.”

“Deal,” Lux said around a watery grin.

Cleaned up, Lux insisted Josh get back into bed while she finished preparing his breakfast. She had to make two trips from the kitchen before there was enough food to accommodate her husband’s appetite.

When everything was to her liking, Lux shrugged out of her robe and joined a naked Josh on the bed. Curling up beside him, they fed each other until every morsel of their meal was gone.

While Josh cleared away the dishes, Lux knew the time had come for them to open their hearts to each other. She wanted her husband back. She wanted all the love and affection she’d missed out on for the last seven years because of her childish stupidity.

When Josh returned, Lux smiled at him as he lay down beside her. “So where do we go from here?”

“Do you want to be with me, Lux? Before you answer, I need you to consider my question. If your answer is yes. You have to mean it for the rest of our lives.”

“Yes,” Lux declared as soon as he stopped speaking. “Yes to everything.”

Theresa L. Henry's books