Love Script

chapter SEVEN

After a quick stop at the jewelry shop, Nick was finally able to make his way back to their stateroom. The last few hours with Zelman and Cooper hadn"t gone very well.

In fact, it had been miserable. He and Cooper had argued throughout the entire game about which play their team should execute. Both of them were natural leaders, therefore, each refused to take orders from the other.

So they argued nonstop while Zelman cheated shamelessly in their favor.

After the football debacle, Nick was ready to retreat to his room to cool off but Zelman got the bright idea to go to the batting cages. Although he had been there earlier with Nick, Cooper eagerly agreed to join him, so Nick had no choice but to follow the group if only to make sure Cooper didn"t gain an edge over him. Their time at the cages was no less competitive.

Cooper and Nick avoided saying much to each other, which left Zelman free to ramble on about various topics. That was the more informative part of his day. It gave Nick a more personal look into Zelman"s life, something he had not been privy to before. When they finally separated, Nick was thrilled by the insight he had gained on Zelman. Now he had to figure out a way to use that information to get Sinclair Corp in Zelman"s favor.

Walking down the long corridor to his room, Nick wondered how he would handle their anniversary dinner tonight. Hiding out in their room until dinner wasn"t his first choice. He needed to be around Zelman every chance he got.

However, he was supposed to be on a romantic vacation with his wife.

Sooner or later he would have to make „quality time" with Laney. He would have to consider the matter at length, and he couldn"t let Cooper seize the window of opportunity from him. The only thing that seemed to give him satisfaction was that the Zelmans loved Laney. He had done well to employ her to play his wife. She had turned out to be much more than he could have ever hoped for. Even with Cooper trailing the Zelmans at every step, he couldn"t dismiss the fact that Laney outshone Heidi tenfold.

There were times when Vivian excluded Heidi outright from her discussions, visibly bothered by her silent presence. Right now, that was the only advantage Nick had. As he entered the room he saw Laney lying on the bed on her side, sound asleep. He was relieved to see she had covered herself with the sarong again. At least he wouldn"t have to make a complete fool of himself by gawking at her.

Her back was to him, giving him a nice view of her round bottom. He yearned to rub his hands along her curves but they were not at that point yet. If she woke up to find him touching her she would probably scream bloody murder. He would have to fix that. She came off believable in the presence of the Zelmans but when they were alone she drew a fine line.

There was no doubt his body liked what he saw and desired to have her but she was resolute in keeping things between them as professional as possible. He would definitely have to do something about that. As if reading his mind, Laney rolled onto her back, stretching her limbs with feline grace. Her sarong fell aside exposing her thighs. She didn"t notice him until she brushed her hair out of her face.

She glanced at her watch. “How long have I been sleep?”

“I don"t know.” He came to her bedside and sat down on the edge. “I just got here. How did your spa treatment go?”


He saw an annoyed look flicker across her face. She sat up to pull her Covering back over her legs. Her back went straight and she moved over to put a little distance between them.

“What"s wrong?”

“Nothing.” She crossed her arms over her chest protectively and looked at him.

“Did you just get back from playing with Will and Cooper?”


“Did you have a good time?”

He shrugged. “It was … informative at times.” He looked at her standoffish posture. “And you?”

“The same.” She gave him a strained smile. “I guess I should get things in order for dinner. I"m exhausted and I could use a few more minutes of sleep. I"ll shower now so I can get ready at the last minute.”

He placed his hand on the other side of her legs, preventing her from moving away. He looked at her closely. “I get the feeling you have something you want to tell me.”

She shook her head. “No, I don"t.”

He stared at her hard. “I don"t believe you.”

She nibbled on her lower lip, avoiding eye contact.

“Now I really don"t believe you.”

“I forgot my name.”

“I"m sorry?”

“While I was having my massage, my masseuse tried to get my attention several times, but I didn"t respond because I"m not use to being called Mrs. Sinclair. Vivian had to motion to me to get my attention.”

He felt somewhat irritated. “Did she say anything afterward?”


“That"s the second time you"ve forgotten your married name.”

“I know. I"ll have to work on that.”

“Yes, you will. We can"t blow our cover now.”

“I know.” As if unnerved by his nearness, she nudged his arm out of the way. “I need to freshen up.”

He obliged her, moving his arm to watch her make a direct line to the bathroom. If he knew anything about Laney during the short time they had known each other it was that she took her time when she was in the bathroom. He didn"t expect to see her for at least an hour, so he pulled out his laptop and powered it up to check his e-mail while he waited for her.

Half an hour later he heard Laney"s voice call out to him from the bathroom door.

“I like Vi and Will.”

Nick was surprised to see her reappear so soon. She had a bath towel wrapped around her and her wet hair lay at her shoulders.

He gulped. “They seem to like you, too.”

“I feel bad for lying to them.”

He forced himself not to stare at her legs. “We have an agreement, Laney.”

“I know. I just don"t like deceiving people.”

This was an important conversation but he found it hard to concentrate with her wrapped in a towel. “Are you finished showering?”

“Give me a minute.” She disappeared.

When she was finally out of the bathroom, Nick washed the chlorine off his body while Laney obsessed over which dress to wear to her anniversary dinner.

“This is an art, Nick. It"s my one-year wedding anniversary. There are great expectations involved.” The room looked like a boutique explosion upon his return. There were several dresses laid out and Laney paced back and forth evaluating each article.

“Which do you like?”

If she was offended that he only wore a towel, she made no indication.

He shrugged. “I"m sure they"ll all look great on you.”

“You can"t get out of this that easily. Honestly, which one do you prefer?”

He stood behind her and viewed the items. He had trouble seeing the Difference between them. They all looked alike when lined up. “That one.”

He pointed to the first one.

“That one? Why?”

“All right, that one.” He pointed to the one beside it.

“I hardly think that one is appropriate.”

He sighed as he eased onto the bed. “Why did you ask me in the first place? I"m not good at women"s clothing.”

“What are you doing?”

Nick was splayed across the bed, his arms stretched out beside him.

“I"m taking a nap.”

“But I wanted to lie back down.”

He patted the spot beside him. “Then come to daddy.”

“That"s not funny, Nick. You can"t sleep there.”

“Why not?”

“You"re naked.”

“No, I"m not.” He closed his eyes and gave a lazy yawn. “To be accurate, I"m wearing a towel, but I can get rid of it if you like.”

“No!” She shaded her eyes. “Put on some clothes.”

“I"m comfortable. I"ll dress later.”

“But I"m tired.”

“Then stop whining and come to bed.” Again he patted the spot near him.

She planted her hands on her hips, determined to stand her ground on the matter. But after long minutes passed, she realized he was just as resolute. Huffing loudly, she eased herself onto the bed, muttering all the while. She tossed and turned several times before settling on her side. Her body went unnaturally still. Had he the energy to tease her, he would have.

Laney was doing a horrible job of pretending sudden slumber. She was practically hanging off the bed in her efforts to keep as much space as possible between them. Honestly, the way she carried on he would have thought she"d never been alone with a man before.

That of course was a lie, because he had glimpsed some of the clothing she had packed for the trip. She was definitely no novice to the art of seduction. So why play the virgin with him?

Fine, he thought. If she wants to play these childish games, so be it.

They both knew what this was leading up to and he would tell her just that this evening. It was the last coherent thought he had before slipping into unconsciousness.

* * * *

Laney awoke to something hard prodding her ass. Slowly she blinked away her slumber, yawned and then froze. There was something holding her. Her eyes sprang open. She looked down to see a tanned arm wrapped around her stomach, leading up to a large hand that was firmly cupping her breast. Silently, she tried to move away, but he pulled her back into his tight hold. She then concluded what was prodding her buttocks.

Nick and all his maleness had trapped her. Her back was pressed against his chest, his hard cock blindly seeking solace in her cunt. She did not have to look down to know his towel had come off. The man was really naked. His hand cupped her breast and slowly began to toy with her nipple.

Even with his face tucked in the crook of her neck, she knew he was asleep.

She groaned helplessly, embarrassed enough, but if she woke him she would be mortified. Slowly, and ever so carefully, she tried to ease out of his reach but with every move he pulled her tighter against him, pressing his cock beneath her buttocks. If not for her thin cotton shorts, they would be having sex. Again she tried to inch away from him. He groaned roughly and opened his mouth to drop slow, seductive, open-mouthed kisses against her neck. She shivered at the feel of his tongue lapping at her sensitive skin.

She moaned, her eyes rolling back into her head. Her body couldn"t help Reacting to him. He rolled her pebbled nipple between his fingers.

His cock throbbed between her thighs. Trailing his hand slowly down her stomach, it slid effortlessly into the waistband of her shorts. His fingers instinctively knew where to go. She gasped when he slid his finger into her wet cunt.

“Nick! Nick! Wake up!” She could feel the brush of his eyelashes as he opened his eyes.

“Huh—what?” His head popped up. “What"s happening?” He seemed to Know within seconds of asking exactly what was causing such alarm.

“Damn, Laney, I--”

Laney rolled away, turning her back on him. She couldn"t look at him, not the way he was, naked and outrageously aroused. “I"ll get ready for dinner.”

And off she was again, seeking haven in the bathroom.

* * * *

Laney had chosen a strapless peach dress with a flirty skirt. With every step a golden thigh sneaked out from the soft fabric. The color complemented her complexion and highlighted her curves. They had not spoken about what had happened earlier. She"d made certain of that. She was a circus of activity, keeping herself busy by doing her hair and cleaning up the suite. Nick was frustrated with himself for making her feel uncomfortable, but he didn"t regret it. Her body felt wonderful against his.

He could only imagine what it would be like to f*ck her and was now freely allowing himself to entertain thoughts of sleeping with Laney. And it was damn arousing.

As Cooper had mentioned, she wasn"t his cookie-cutter type.

However, she was electrifying to be around, and he couldn"t help but be captivated by her, perhaps because she didn"t willingly throw herself at him like other women. He knew she thought him to be easy on the eye, yet she gave no indicator that she found him sexually attractive. Not even remotely. The look on her face after their “nap” said it all.

He would have to confront her about it. Things could not continue the way they were. They"d either have to have sex immediately or scout out willing partners to entertain themselves with. There was too much sexual tension between them to not get laid. Even as he thought the words, he did not put much strength in them. Sure, he could screw some random woman on the cruise and be content with the arrangement.

However, he doubted he would allow her to have such privileges. The idea of Laney f*cking another guy pissed him off. More than that, it made him a little crazed. An image of Cooper Wright came to mind. He had never cared much for Cooper, but envisioning him touching Laney sent him over the edge. No, Laney couldn"t hook up with anyone else on the ship. That only left him the option of sleeping with her himself. Somehow he would have to convince Laney that she wanted it just as bad as he did.

William and Vivian Zelman hugged Laney and shook Nick"s hand as they approached the dinner table. The Zelmans had dressed for the occasion, as well as the Wrights. Nick was irritated to see Cooper and Heidi had joined them, especially considering where his mind had drifted recently. Seeing Cooper instantly put Nick in a bad mood. He tried to ignore Cooper"s ogling of Laney throughout dinner, but it was impossible.

In retaliation, he played the territorial role to the hilt. His arm was planted behind her seat. He leaned over to kiss her often and just in case Coop did not get the point, Nick stroked her thigh in plain view of him but carefully concealed from the Zelmans.

Laney played the part of giddy first-year bride quite well. Her laugh was magnetic. She easily sparked with everyone while pretending not to notice Nick"s roaming hands. To her credit, she even amused Vivian by obliging her in an argument.

To the appeasement of William Zelman, a photographer stopped by the table to take a picture of Nick and Laney. Their printout reading Happy Anniversary at the bottom.

Nick scored big points when he presented Laney with a slender velvet box as her „anniversary" present. Laney"s shock was genuine. Vivian and Heidi leaned forward to get a good look of what lay inside. When Laney opened the box to see a tennis bracelet dripping with diamonds she was rendered speechless. The kiss she planted on his lips was soft and quick, but it left him hungry for more. Vivian clapped excitedly while Nick clasped the bracelet around her wrist, and he was thankful that it fit.

Then they took to the dance floor. Nick had grudgingly allowed William to dance with Laney, but that was it, he refused to let Cooper within ten feet of her. When she was finally back in his arms, Nick held her tight even though she would not look him in the eye. They swayed to the music slowly, ignoring the dancers around them.

“Are you upset with me?”

“No,” he grunted.

“You didn"t say much during dinner.”

He didn"t respond, just lowered his hands to her waist.

“I think Will and Vi are tired. I wouldn"t be surprised if they retire early. Do you want to meet up with John and Natalie in the casino?”

He looked down at her, his eyes focused on her cleavage. “Put your arms around my neck.”

She complied without argument. “Do you want to go to the casino tonight?”

Her movement brought her breasts closer to his face. He lowered his lips to her neck.

She pulled her head back. “Don"t, Nick.”

He dragged his tongue along her neck. “Stick to the script, Laney.”

“I am,” she whispered. “Please don"t do that.”

He inhaled her scent as he trailed kisses along her jaw line toward her lips.

“We"re supposed to be happily married. Married couples kiss, Laney.”

“Do we have to do this now?”

“Yes.” He captured her lips, lightly kissing her at first then drawing his kiss deeper. His hands stroked the top curvature of her round bottom.

Laney opened her mouth to his insistent tongue. Her hands ruffled through his hair as he lifted her off her feet and held her tight. Laney moaned into his mouth. Digging her fingers into his hair, she pulled his head back.

“Nick, stop.” She looked over his shoulder to see if anyone was watching them.

“I"m not going to let you shame me on the dance floor.” She unhooked her arms from around his neck. “Let"s go back to the table.” He shook his head and guided her to the side of the dance floor, away from their party. “Not yet.” He pulled her to him.

Laney tried to push away but he had at least a hundred-pound advantage on her.

“Let me go.”

“Wait, damn it,” he snapped. “I"m hard. I need to calm down.”

“Oh.” She felt herself blushing. “How long do you think--until you"ll be okay?”

“It depends.”

She nibbled on her lower lip, deciding it was best to change the conversation.

“What would you like to do after dinner?”

“Isn"t it obvious?”

“Perhaps,” she continued, completely ignoring his comment, “we could Convince the group ….”

“Laney, we need to talk.”

“No, we don"t.”

“Yes, we do.” He grabbed her hand and placed it on his cock. “How long are you going to ignore that I have a hard-on?”

Laney tried to pull her hand away, but he wouldn"t allow it. Instead, he tightened his hold and pulled her closer. “This is going to keep happening unless we do something about it,” he said roughly.

“Exactly what do you expect us to do?” She gasped when he wiggled his eyebrows flirtatiously. “I don"t think so.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“I"m not sleeping with you, Nick.”

“You"ve already done that. What you failed to do is cooperate in other activities.”

“I"m not doing that either.”

“Why? Am I too white for you? Do you need some big black guy to get you off?”

Laney yanked her hand out of his hold. “Don"t play that card with me, Nick.

Let"s not pretend that you"ve dated a black woman before. In fact, you wouldn"t even be here with me if it weren"t for Vivian being black. I"m just part of your scheme to get over on the Zelmans, remember? And right now they aren"t here, so step away from me.”

“There is more going on here and you know it, Laney.”

“Maybe for you but not for me. I"m not going to let you use me like that.

All I want is the money you promised me and my promotion.

Whatever else you have in mind is absolutely out of the question.”

“Fine.” His rage could barely be contained. “Then you won"t mind if I find a more obliging companion tonight.”

“Have it your way.” Her eyes brimmed with tears. “After dinner you can go hunt down some stupid bimbo. You can even have free range of the suite. Just get rid of her by midnight. I"ll be ready for bed by then.”

She used her finger to flick away angry tears. “How could you upset me on our anniversary night?”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“I need to go to the bathroom.”

Nick grabbed her arm. “Stick to the script, Laney. Don"t lose it in front of the Zelmans.”

She slapped his hand away and stomped off to the restroom. Nick returned to their table, his hard-on long gone. He arrived just in time to bear witness to William and Vivian concluding another playful argument.

Cooper and Heidi were engaged in a humorous conversation with the couple at the next table. Nick noticed Cooper cast a curious look his way, probably wondering where Laney was.

It only pissed him off further.

Laney returned while William was telling an amusing story about his first year of marriage. Laney stepped into her role with no hint of earlier distress. Her cheeks glowed as she laughed with the Zelmans. She was upbeat and fun loving to everyone at the table except Nick. He sat back quietly, smiling when someone made a joke and pretending to listen when someone was speaking. Inwardly, he was fuming. He had almost been convinced she felt some element of attraction for him, but apparently he was wrong.

He"d always been able to draw the attention of the opposite sex without much effort but Laney was proving to be difficult. It was infuriating. He was no longer surprised by his attraction to her. She was a gorgeous woman, her slender yet natural curves intoxicating to watch. The golden glow of her skin was irresistibly touchable. His body reacted to her in the simplest way yet she was completely cold to him. Every advance toward her had been coolly rejected. Perhaps it was the challenge that drove him mad. At any rate, he was absolutely pissed off with the situation and desperately needed to get laid. Screw her and her frosty demeanor.

“Well, it"s past our bedtime.” William Zelman stood and stretched.

“We wish you both congratulations.” He clapped Nick on the back while Vivian hugged Laney.

And then they were gone. As soon as the Zelmans were out of sight, Laney slid out of her seat and exited the dinner hall without a second look.

Nick didn"t pay the Wrights any mind. He stood and headed in the opposition direction. Let Cooper think whatever he wanted. Laney was a headache he could do without tonight. It didn"t take long to catch the attention of a woman. Nick had learned years ago that beautiful women hated to be ignored. It was the ultimate insult to their vanity.

Within minutes of leaning against the bar, women were throwing themselves at him. He selected the prettiest of them and engaged in heavy flirtation. She went on and on about being on some retreat with her best friend--or was it her sister? He paid little attention to what she was saying, only interested in the fact that she was openly offering herself to his exploring hands. They went back to her room where, before long, she was naked and on her knees giving him a blowjob. She had a fantastic mouth.

However, to his frustration, he couldn"t stay hard long enough to have sex.

After several tries to get aroused, Nick gave up and excused himself. She had wanted to keep trying, but he was becoming bored. He had no idea what was wrong with him. The woman had been pretty, all long legs and busty tits, but he couldn"t keep it up.

Annoyed, he returned to the bar. He welcomed the flirtation of more attractive women. However, none of them sparked any great level of desire.

After a while, he migrated to one of the nightclubs. The music was decent and the females present were cute, but again he didn"t see anyone worth sleeping with. After his first incident he had to make sure he chose a spectacular individual, capable of making and keeping him horny. He couldn"t risk embarrassing himself again. He moved on to another club, but again didn"t discover anyone special.

Aggravated and sexually frustrated, he made his way to the casino area. The sound of Laney"s musical laughter immediately caught his attention. He spotted her at the craps table standing next to the shooter with John, Natalie and their friends standing nearby, laughing loudly. The shooter leaned over to Laney and held the dice up to her lips. Laney blew on the dice, offering her luck. The man winked at her and threw the dice down the table. The players watched the dice land and then everyone clapped and shouted victory.

Laney was beaming from ear to ear. Nick rolled his eyes. He couldn"t be in the same room with Laney while he was searching the room for sex.

He decided to go to the lounge next door. The music in here was slower, sexier, the dimly lit room a nice place to find a one-night stand.

Nick spotted an attractive woman across the room. They fell into easy conversation. She had some silly name like Candy. Nick welcomed her fondling him. They did some light kissing before she agreed to accompany him back to his room. As they were leaving, Nick spotted Laney. She was leaving the casino with Cooper. His arm was around her shoulders, and he was whispering something into her ear. Nick snapped.

All but forgetting the woman at his side, he charged at Cooper. Laney yelped when he pushed Cooper up against the wall. Cooper was too shocked to respond.

“Have you lost your mind?” Laney hit him on the back. “Let go of him,


Nick glared at Cooper. “Don"t ever touch her.”

Cooper regained his composure and pushed Nick off of him. Nick was about to lunge at him again, but Laney jumped between them, placing a firm hand against each chest.

“Don"t, guys!” She tried to push them further away from each other but neither would budge. “Please don"t do this. Let"s all calm down.”

They were creating a crowd of onlookers. Nick and Cooper glowered at each other. Nick clamped his hand around Laney"s wrist. “You"re coming with me.”

Cooper grabbed her arm. “You"re not going anywhere with him.”

Nick saw red. He stepped toward Cooper. “I told you not to touch her.”

Laney turned to Nick. “Okay, I"ll go.” She turned to Cooper. “It"s all right, I"ll be fine. Really.” Her expression was pleading for him to not provoke Nick. She pulled Nick toward the exit.

They didn"t speak until they were safely in the privacy of their room.

Then Nick blew up. “Exactly what did you plan on doing with Cooper?”

“Not what you planned on doing with that woman you were with.”

“Were you going to let him f*ck you?”

“That"s none of your business.”

“Like hell it isn"t! You"re not going to sleep with Cooper, Laney.”

“And what about you? You"re the one who made it very clear that you intended on screwing somebody tonight.”

“Only because you"ve locked your legs against me.”

“It"s my right. You have no authority to dictate who I"m intimate with.”

Nick advanced on her. “The only person you"re going to be intimate with on this ship is me.” Cupping her face, he crushed her lips with his own.

She pushed at him but as the kiss deepened her fight weakened. He gathered her in his arms, his hands caressing the smooth skin of her back.

Determined, his tongue swept into her mouth, making a slow exploration, enjoying the sweet taste of her. He was aroused, and try as she might not to, he could tell she was joining him. Sucking on the tender skin of her neck, his hands searched for the zipper of her dress.

She halfheartedly pushed him away when the fastener was undone.

The shimmering peach fabric floated to floor around her feet. Nick stood back to look at her and his breath caught in his throat. She had beautiful breasts, heavy in weight yet amazingly perky, her nipples large, dark, and erect. His heated stare flowed down her flat stomach, past the elegant flare of her hips to the junction of her legs. She was wearing a white lace thong.

She was everything he had hoped she would be, absolutely stunning. Under his intense stare, she looked nervous and covered her breasts with her hands. Nick grabbed her hands and slowly pulled them away. “You"re breathtaking, Laney.”

He kissed her lightly on the mouth. “I"m quickly turning into an addict for you.” He lowered his head to her breast. Cupping it, he raised the orb to his mouth, his lips wrapping around her nipple. His tongue toyed with the erect nub, while he fondled her other breast. She held on to his broad shoulders. Her head fell back as he sucked on her nipple until she moaned with pleasure. Moving to the other, he gave it the same treatment.

Her moans alone made him harder than any of those women earlier tonight had.

Nick abruptly threw her over his shoulder and carried her to the bed.

Laying her down gently, he quickly undressed, his jacket and shirt tossed to the floor. Unzipping his pants, he let them drop to the floor. Laney"s eyes grew the size of saucers when he reached for the waistband of his briefs. He pulled them off, giving Laney her first look at him fully aroused. He was long, thick, and throbbing. Watching her with deep interest, he pushed her legs apart. The thin fabric of her thong the only thing obstructing his view of her sex, he hooked his finger into the fabric and pulled it away.

“Nick,” she whispered in a shaky voice. “I don"t know if we should.”

His finger slid into her p-ssy. “Its okay, Laney.” He pulled his finger out and licked it clean. “You taste wonderful.” Seeing the trembling look in her eyes, he meant to sooth her. “Don"t be afraid. You"ll love it. Trust me.”

Crawling between her legs, he lay on top of her, sucking in a breath at the joyous feeling of her breasts touching his chest. He traced slow hot kisses along her neck. With his cock in hand he eased the tip against the entrance of her p-ssy.

“Nick, stop.”

“Shh, this is going to feel amazing.”

“No, Nick, stop.” She rolled out from under him and crossed her legs.

“I"m sorry. I just can"t.”

Nick blinked. His desire was so great that he considered pulling her back under him and sinking balls-deep inside her with or without her permission. When she turned her back to him, his anger took charge.

“What the hell is going on here?”

She didn"t turn around. “Nick, I"m sorry. It"s just that I can"t put myself out there so easily for you.”

“You think this is easy for me?”

“How many women did you screw tonight?”

“You can"t be serious.”

“I saw you leave the bar with a woman earlier this evening and just now when we saw each other you were with a completely different woman.

And you would turn around and have unprotected sex with me? Did you sleep with Heidi too?”


“Oh, forget it!”

“I didn"t sleep with anyone, Laney.”

“That wasn"t your plan earlier tonight.”

“And what about you and Cooper? He was ready to fight me to keep you at his side. Guys don"t do that unless they intend to get laid.”

“He was only walking me back to the room. He was being polite.”

“Yeah, I bet he was and he was probably going to politely f*ck you on the couch. Would you have put up this fight with him?”

Her eyes flamed. “My morals aren"t as loose as yours, Nick.”

“Loose morals? Let"s talk about the leopard bikini that hides nothing.

While we"re at it, let"s talk about the golfing shorts.”

“You"re impossible!” She jumped off the bed and headed for the bathroom. He captured her arm to stop her.

“I"ll let you run away this time, Laney, but know this, you and I are going to f*ck very soon, so you had better prepare yourself.” He cupped her cunt. “I"m going to make you feel so good you"ll be begging me for more.”

She shivered at his touch. Goosebumps spread across her skin and she stepped away from him. “I"m taking a shower.” The bathroom door shut—and locked—behind her.

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