Good Kids


Pig Question

The next day was Monday. After a meeting of the Russian Club Vecherinka Banquet Celebration Planning Committee, I walked outside and passed Khadijah, who was leaning against a tree with a black paperback in her lap. I slumped against the bark, beside her. The title of her book was written in white, stencil-style capitals: The Anarchist’s Handbook.

“Do you want to blow people up and be lesbian, like Emma Goldman?” I asked. Last year, I had read half of Ragtime, by E. L. Doctorow. I knew what anarchists did.

“Pig question,” she said.

I must have looked confused. She referred me to page four. “A pig question,” she read aloud, “is a question that might be asked with ill intent by someone from outside the movement who pretends to be interested in joining the movement.”

“Are you attempting to overthrow the government?”

“Pig question.”

“Are you willing to kill for your cause?”

“Pig question.”

“Are you a lesbian?”

“Almost a pig question. No.”

I noticed something. “Is that nail polish?”

The question was rhetorical. Khadijah Silverglate-Dunn, in defiance of the subcultural rules observed by girls who carried apple green pens and got A’s, had painted her fingernails black. She wore a pair of the imposter Doc Martens sold at Payless, jeans, and a thick gray sweatshirt. Her hair was down and uncombed. Khadijah, I now understood, was wearing an anarchist outfit.

“Yeah,” she said. “It’s nail polish.” She reached into her purse and withdrew a large stone, flat and smooth. An A inside a circle was drawn on it in Sharpie, the horizontal shaft stretching beyond the ring. It was a symbol I’d seen on the prows of skateboards, and on a Dumpster behind the Wattsbury College Cinema Theater.

“I’m going to throw it through the window of that Bank of Boston on South Pleasant,” she said, “once it gets dark tomorrow night.”

I couldn’t tell whether this was something that Khadijah would actually do. Khadijah and I were kids who didn’t throw things. But given that my father and her mother were not who they seemed, maybe Khadijah and I were not who we seemed either. Maybe if I threw something, too, I would become more my true self than I was now. There was also this: If Khadijah and I threw rocks at a bank and were caught, the Dads would be distressed, and it would be a punishment for what they had done. Or if they weren’t distressed, then they would be revealed to be bad parents, unparent-like parents. There were not many ways to find out who one’s parents really were, but this was one of them. And if we could find out who the Dads were, throwing that rock, we could know better who we, their children, were. Besides, maybe throwing rocks at banks was a virtuous act, if Khadijah, a top student, thought it was.

“It would be safer if I came with you,” I said. “You can throw it, and I can be lookout.”

She weighed the stone in her hand. “Good plan,” she said.

? ? ?

Six-thirty the next evening, we met again at Classé Café. We shared a single cup of coffee and a single monster cookie (M&M’s, chocolate chips, larger than the plate on which it was served). I wanted our fingers to touch as we ate it down to the center, but Khadijah left me the core. She withdrew the stone, with its black insignia, from her bag, placed it on the table, and made a “let’s go” gesture with her eyes, a dart to the side.

We were both in loose clothing, for freedom of movement. She wore a Smith College sweatshirt and I wore a sweatshirt with a flaming yin-and-yang sign. The important difference was in our shorts: Hers were khakis, from JCPenney or L.L.Bean. Mine were from the Army-Navy store by the Dead Mall, and had elaborate pockets.

“I bet your mom went to Smith, right?” I said.

“Yeah, why?”

I shook my head to show it was nothing. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

“Absolutely.” She crossed her arms over the sweatshirt as we left the café and walked down the sidewalk toward the bank.

“Let me carry the stone,” I whispered. “I have deeper pockets. It’ll be hidden, but with easy access.” I held open the flap of a cargo pocket, revealing an abyss.

She looked doubtful but finally shrugged. “I guess that’s useful.” She took the flap of my pocket between her fingers and dropped in the stone.

We crossed downtown to the common and sat on the cold grass waiting for the sky to go black. Across the street, a spray of birds dispersed over Bank of Boston. The bank was an old brick house, unobtrusively converted. High, arched windows offered honey-light views of an empty marble room, a stable of fuzzy-walled cubicles. It was pristine, untouched by the passage of goods, clean because it was touched only by money. It was, I had to admit, asking to be smashed.

“F*ck it,” said Khadijah. She stood.

It was a shade too early in the dusk to be throwing things. A shade too bright. Black birds stood sharp against the graying blue.

“Give me the stone,” she said. She stared at me as if the hesitation on my face was a symptom of an interesting pathology.

I could feel the onrush of danger as a physical ache now. But I knew I couldn’t hold off Khadijah forever. I took the stone as slowly as I could from my cargo pocket and placed it on her palm. Her fingers closed.

“I’m sure for an anarchist from New York,” she said, “this shit would just be nothing.” She crossed the street, walking toward the bank.

I shadowed her. I swiveled my head to the left and right, and didn’t see anyone coming from either direction. She stood with her nose close to the glass, like a child before an animatronic window display at Yankee Candle. She cranked back her arm.

At this moment I came to terms with what was happening, and grunted for her to stop. But it was too late. The stone jumped from her hand and hit the window hard at close range. It fell to the sidewalk and rolled. The glass was uncracked.

A suggestion of motion in the bushes solidified into shapes: more birds, rising from within the leaves. Khadijah bent to chase the stone, but it bumped the toe of my boot and I picked it up.

“You can’t throw it again,” I said. “We have to leave.” I ran, the stone clutched in my right hand, and after a moment’s hesitation she followed.

“An alarm thing must be going off somewhere,” I panted as the dusk blurred around us. “Let’s go to the Thing in the Woods.”

As the dark became absolute, we tore through the common, the cobblestones of Market Square, the Wattsbury College football field, the soccer field of Wattsbury High, to the clearing where the groundskeeper’s wheel stood in its ring of mashed filters. We sat for a moment side by side on the wheel. Ten seconds passed. In unison, strangers to exercise, we slid off, exhausted, and lay flat on the grass.

Then, the revolution: She climbed on top of me.

“Thank you for not letting me throw it again,” she said.

Her breath was dark, warm on my neck. I could smell the murk of her sweat through her sweatshirt and on her wrist, which she pressed against my forehead. She took a fist of my terrible, diseased-looking hair in her hand. She hooked her other hand into mine and spoke toward the grass.

“I like being constantly checked out by you,” she said.

“I know I’m gross,” I said quickly. “I understand if you don’t want to hook up with me.”

“The only gross thing about you is you think you’re gross.”

I laughed at this kindness.

“I’m being serious,” she said. “Look at my face.”

“How do you feel about me?” I asked, looking at the sky. I didn’t stop to wonder whether she would be honest; the question was a prayer for a clue to my life. “Do you like me?”

She pressed a finger to her mouth and stared at me hard. “With you and me, there are no pig questions.” She reestablished her grip on my hand and lowered her face toward mine. Our eyes were as close as they’d been under the table in Gaia. She was right, I was not the person I had thought I was. I knew, suddenly, that I was someone else, with more elements. It surprised me that the touching of hands could do that: reveal to you a new piece of who you were. I dropped the stone in the grass and placed my free palm on her cheek.

That’s when the cops showed. Flashlight beams crossed over the rusted wheel like spotlights over Hollywood, and patrolmen rode bicycles out of the darkness. Khadijah rolled off me and sat upright. She waved to the two men.

“Here,” she said, and held out the stone.

They did not go hard on us. They walked us and their bicycles down the street, to the new station on North Pleasant, a postmodern, turreted castle of brick and limestone. The Bank of Boston branch president, Brian Stapleton, was waiting in the lobby. He wiped his wire-rim spectacles against the belt of his trench coat. They sat us before him in a second-story conference room and told us they were letting him make the call regarding consequences.

Once we were settled, Brian Stapleton squinted at us. “That Khadijah? Khadijah Silverglate-Dunn?” he asked the officers. They nodded. “My son Scotty still talks about the platypus this girl made for Darwin Day, in sixth grade at the Common School.”

He turned to Khadijah, abashed. “Did you really throw a stone at the window?” He cleaned his glasses again, as if to dispel an optical illusion. “Or was it this gentleman?” He pointed in my direction. There might have been comfort, for Brian, in my troubled hair, my flaming yin-yang.

“It was me,” said Khadijah. “He was just along for the ride.”

“I carried the stone,” I said. I intended to tell the story, but Brian Stapleton only wanted to know my parents’ names. He asked Khadijah for her phone number. After he dialed on the conference room phone, he handed her the receiver.

Khadijah told Nancy what we’d done, but anarchism was never mentioned. “Why, Mom?” she said, toward the end of the conversation. “You’re asking why I did it? That’s a socioeconomic question, Mom. Yes, it is the reason I don’t eat meat anymore.”

Fifteen minutes later, Nancy walked in. She pulled a gray shawl tight around her shoulders and placed one hand on the table, to steady herself as she confronted her daughter. Khadijah’s father was nowhere in sight. This did not surprise me; Nancy had always struck me as a first-into-the-fray type. What surprised me was the entrance of my own father, close behind.

“Who told you about this?” I demanded.

“You little aristocrat.” He put his hands on his head. Nancy glared at Khadijah as he spoke, to extend the purview of his judgment to her daughter. “Do you realize,” he continued, “how bourgeois it is to force a hardworking man”—he pointed to Brian Stapleton, who did not react to this appellation one way or the other—“to come here at dinnertime to find out who threw a rock at his place of business? To make somebody else pay for an expensive pane of glass?”

Nancy paid rapt attention to this speech. “It was my child who was the ringleader, Linus. The ringleader of this petty rebellion.”

Khadijah had remained quiet as my father spoke. Now she pushed back her chair and stood. I could see the spirit of a grown-up possess her; the look in her eyes was identical to Nancy’s, originally Nancy’s, presumably. This did not blunt its capacity as a weapon.

“Petty rebellion?” snapped Khadijah. “Petty rebellion?”

Nancy was calm. “Sit down,” she said.

Khadijah ignored her. Looking at Nancy’s face—there was real fear just dawning in it now—I thought of Victor Frankenstein, Henry Higgins, blitzed by their own creations.

“Speaking of petty rebellion,” said Khadijah, her eyes oscillating between Nancy and my father. She spoke very slowly now. “Gee, I wonder why you guys just happened to be hanging out when I called.” She looked at me pointedly before she turned back to the parents. “Speaking of petty rebellion,” she continued, “you two are obviously sleeping together.”

“That’s ridiculous,” said Nancy. “We work at the same college. They called me out of the meeting and told me you were in the custody of the police.”

“I found your time line,” said Khadijah.

“I found your ring,” I blurted at my father. When I said ring I made quotation marks with my hands.

Things went silent for what seemed like quite a long time. Brian tucked his head into his overcoat like a turtle, slapped his business card on the table, and left the room. “I’m fine,” he called behind him, as he turned in to the hallway, whisking his scarf from his chair. “You’ll get a call from our insurers. Thanks, everyone.” The bicycle patrolmen looked at each other and followed him out.

Nancy and my father stood with their hands on their chins. It’s really happening, I thought. Dad’s intent was to use a cock ring on Khadijah’s mom.

My father dropped into a chair. He let his head thump on the table, once, twice, three times. It was not the same as if Khadijah had presented his dick to my mother on a sword, but it was close.

With my father publicly humiliated, my world—consisting at the moment of the conference room—was new. His beard was not a revolutionary beard anymore. The revolution now belonged to somebody else. Khadijah sat, her eyes demure, picking at her cuticles as she had the day in Gaia Foods. She had cracked things.

So this was love. Here was our rite of spring.

Benjamin Nugent's books