Forever Us (Forever, #3)

“I’m so incredibly happy. Tell me you’re happy, baby?”

“I’m so happy. Maybe this one will be a boy.” She smiled as she rubbed her tummy.

“It is a boy. Aunt Sadie said so, remember?”

We laughed and hugged each other tight. I got up and held out my hand. Ellery placed her hand in mine as I took her into the house and straight up to our bedroom to celebrate the news.


The next eight months passed by so quickly. It seemed like it was only yesterday that Ellery told me she was pregnant. She was scheduled for a C-Section tomorrow morning. We found out through the ultrasound that we were having a baby boy. I was elated at the news that we would have a boy to carry on the Black name and hopefully, someday, take over Black Enterprises. Julia was growing fast and becoming, what Mason liked to call her, a diva. But she was still my little princess and she had me wrapped around her little finger.

After I put Julia to bed, I walked into our bedroom, where Ellery was sitting sketching on her sketchpad. The Chicago building was finally up and running and the Art Gallery was doing very well. I took off my shirt and pants, put on my pajama bottoms, grabbed my laptop, and sat on the bed next to Ellery. I leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. She turned to me and smiled.

“I need to talk to you.”

“About what, baby?” I asked as I opened up my laptop.

“I know we talked about a couple of boys’ names, but I’ve already decided on one for this child.”

“Is that so? You decided on a name without consulting me?”

“Yes. Does that really surprise you?” She smiled.

“No, it doesn’t. What did you come up with?”

“I want to name our son Collin, after your twin brother.”

As I put my hand on her large belly, I smiled at her. “I would love to call my son Collin. Thank you, sweetheart,” I said as I kissed her.

“Good, I’m glad you’re on board with it. I really wasn’t sure how’d you feel about it.”

“Collin would be honored to have his nephew named after him.”

Ellery smiled and went back to her sketch pad. I answered some emails and read some articles.

“By the way, how’s Ben doing?” she asked.

“Ben’s doing good. He’s settled in his office, and he’s buried up to his neck in legal bullshit.”

“I think it’s great that you hired him, and I know Cassidy is happy.”

“He’s a great lawyer. He’s marrying my sister, and he’ll be at all the family functions. How could I not hire him?” I winked.

“Just think, this time tomorrow, we’ll have our second child. I never thought I’d have one child, let alone two,” Ellery said.

“Me neither, baby. I never saw kids in my future, until I met you.” I smiled as I looked over at her. She looked so tired. I pushed her hair behind her ear and ran the back of my hand across her cheek. “Why don’t you put your sketch pad away and get some sleep. You look tired.”

“I am tired. It’s been a long day,” she said as she closed her sketch pad and set it on the nightstand. She leaned over and gave me a kiss on the lips. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” I smiled.

It hadn’t even been five minutes and Ellery was sound asleep. I was thirsty, so I got out of bed and headed downstairs for a bottle of water. On my way back up, I stopped into the spare bedroom that we had turned into a nursery. I flipped the light switch and looked around. The painted ocean blue walls with colorful fish, coral, and seaweed made you feel like you were standing in the bottom of the ocean. The turtles Ellery had painted on the wall were amazing, as were the stars up above on the ceiling. She spent three months painting the room and she just finished putting the final touches on it yesterday. I smiled at the thought that come tomorrow, I’d have a son, and we’d finally be a family of four.

Chapter 39


Six years later…

We took the kids out to dinner before heading over to FAO Schwarz. Christmas was in three weeks and the kids were excited to see Santa Claus. We sat in the restaurant, waiting for our food. Julia was sitting next to Connor, and Collin was sitting next to me. Both kids were coloring a picture. Julia kept looking at the group of women who were at the next table. They kept looking over at Connor. I noticed her looking at them, but I didn’t say anything. The waitress walked over and set our food down in front of us.

“Julia, eat your chicken fingers,” Connor said.

“I will, Daddy, don’t worry,” she responded as she kept looking at the table next to us.

I knew those women were staring at my husband and, after all these years, I still had a problem with it. But I’d toned it down, and I didn’t embarrass Connor as much. Out of the clear blue, Julia looked at Connor.

“Daddy, those women keep staring at you and that’s rude.”

I almost choked on my salad as I started to laugh. Connor looked at me with wide eyes.

“I know, Julia. Don’t worry about it. Just finish your dinner,” he said.